Aaron Hadlow Joins North Kiteboarding Team

Hadlow joins Team North (but what's with that mustache?)
For those in the industry, it was one of the worst kept secrets of all time, but finally it’s official. Aaron Hadlow is part of the North Kiteboarding Team.

The rumors started in late January, where Hadlow was spotted in Cape Town testing some purple and green prototypes that looked suspiciously like North Vegas’. On the subject of which, seemed to have a very unique line setup, but more on that later. Then came the board swaps, where he began riding unmarked boards with Red Bull logos. And finally, at the Triple S Invitational earlier this month, he was spotted on fully badged up North gear. Vegas kites, Team boards. While he wouldn’t confirm it on interview, the world knew it was a done deal.

North came out and confirmed it yesterday, and along with it some interesting news on what Hadlow has in the pipeline for signature gear.

Most intriguing is the 6 line setup he’ll be using on his Vegas. Going by the leaked pictures around the internet, the Vegas does away with the conventional attachment points on the lower leading edge, and instead uses a split front line system to support the kite from 6 points. While it’s not 6 lines all the way to the bar, this is definitely a new way of supporting a kite! Also announced through Aaron Hadlows profile page, is his own signature board in the Team series. The ‘Team Series Hadlow Edition’ will draw a lot of interest, after his last line of boards was met with resounding praise, at least in terms of their ride characteristics anyway.

So exciting times for North ahead, and for you the kiteboarder too. Expect to see some great new movies released with Aaron and his team-mates like Tom Court and Sky Solbach. Plus don’t forget the new 6 line kites that could just be the new ‘big thing’ in kiteboarding. For that however, you’ll have to wait and see…