Chapter One - The biggest kite movie ever

What caught our attention was the opening scene for their trailer. Some dude busting out a backmobe in a swimming pool! Yeah, a swimming pool… Only in Nitro City, Panama of course.
If that’s anything to go by, this thing could be huge. With talent like Ruben Lenten, Youri Zoon, Aaron Hadlow, Kevin Langaree, Keahi De Aboitiz, Jesse Richman, Sam Light and Nick Jacobsen on show, how can it not be awesome!
Promising to run for full feature length, in ultra high definition, the boys from EyeForce require €200,000 to make it happen. Twenty five percent of the funds will come from EyeForce, twenty five percent from industry sponsors. The rest, half of the budget, is going to come from the kiteboarding community though pre-orders and the usual kickstarter deals. Movies posters, screenings, clothing and of course limited edition DVD’s. It’s all there, and it all helps these guys make ‘Chapter One’, the biggest kiteboarding movie of all time. Due for release in 2016.
To see what Eyeforce productions are like, check out their channel on Vimeo, and if you want to contribute to the movie, jump on Kickstarter and pre-purchase 'Chapter One' now.