Extreme Body Dragging, or should we say 'Kite Body Surfing?'

Extreme kiteboarding, with no board required...
Remember the days of learning to kiteboard where all you could see was water, all you could taste was salt and every wave felt like a slap in the face?

Body dragging sucks, but this guy has gone back to relive those days, and loves it. Danny Diaz calls himself a kite bodysurfer. No board, he’s keeping it pure with just some fins on his feet, his harness, his chicken loop, his lines, his pulleys and his kites. Ok that’s not really as pure as we expected either, but you have to admit, this guy has some mad skills, and nobody would argue that he’s the most extreme body-dragger in the world.

In actual fact, all jokes aside (and surely, this has to be a joke). Kite body surfing as a sport could have legs, because Mr Diaz is actually surfing some waves with his technique, some would even credit the man with a half decent lip-smack.

Lip-smacks and aerials aren’t enough to satisfy such an extreme kiter though, he’s after sponsorship, and he says the next trick on the list is a kite bodysurfing megaloop. Yep, you heard it, we’d love to see it.

Does he have the guts? Check out the video and decide for yourself.