Freestyle steals the show at KiteStock

You name it, from straight up boosts to full on handlepasses and a whole heap of strapless freestyle on surfboards, the riders competing in this years Kitestock event were throwing it down. In amongst the freestyle action there were guys and girls trying their best on the little beachies too, but with the wave staying below 2 foot all weekend the freestylers were the ones to watch.
A real standout from the event was all the surfboard freestyle going on, a discipline fast becoming mainstream in kiteboarding where riders perform skate inspired tricks on their surfboards. With no footstraps it’s difficult to keep the board on your feet through the chop at Dongara, let along while you’re twirling around in the air, so the skill level required is extremely high. In between waves most of the kiteboarders riding surfboards were trying it, with a select few really doing it well!
Having perfect wind for 8m kites helped maked the event another success, of course they don’t call it WA’s premier kiteboarding event for nothing! In addition to the wind, the after party is the stuff legends are made of, and not just because this years theme was super heroes – we’d be willing to wager some riders are still recovering!
Already riders are making plans for next years KiteStock, promising that 2016 will be bigger than ever. Have you been to Dongara yet? If not, get over there next year for one of Australia’s best kiting events! KiteStock!