How to do a Strapless Air 180 - by Reider Decker

Last week a video of Reider Decker swept through the internet faster than a 40 knot front in winter, and we’ve had so much interest in it, we thought it was best to go straight to the source.

Reider Decker, the strapless freestyle god from Airush is the reason half the surfboards in the country are now sporting more heel dings than a well used shortboard from the 90’s. Kids and adults the world over are popping those fins free, kicking it around and hoping that their feet will magically land on the board again. But it doesn’t always work quite like that (as this writer found out), so we asked Reider for some advice on where to start.

He says it all begins with the Air 180, a perfect progression from the simple chop hop, and predecessor to the backroll. Here’s his guide for learning your very first strapless freestyle trick.



The Air 180 – By Reider Decker


(You will need: A kite, some wind, a surfboard, lots of wax, and basic strapless surfboard skills ike riding and turning around)

1: Keep your kite high, (only a bit off 12) and pull in on the bar as you pop the board off the water.

2: Pop off the water, with the nose of your board pointed into the wind. You only need to get a foot or 2 off the water, that is enough to have the fins break free and start spinning your body around.

3: Bend and bring your front knee up and start your rotation while keeping the board pressed into the wind. I let go of my front hand and start to sheet the bar out as i start my rotation. (For extra style you can take you front hand and grab the rail of the board.)

4: Once the board is rotated around, spot your landing, keep your back leg bent, and keep a lot of weight on it, otherwise the front fins will hit the water quickly and spin you around really fast. Landing fin-first can be a little tricky, but don’t get discouraged!

5: After landing fin first you can decide how you want to rotate out of riding fins-first. The easiest way is to let the fins grab and spin you back around frontside, the same way you just rotated. Ride away!

A more styley option to finish the trick, is to ‘Ola’ and spin around backside. See this in action at 0:36 in the

%20' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>Airush Slayer promo clip here.


The 'Ola' – By Reider Decker

For the ‘Ola’ you want to be pointed downwind riding fin first, that way you lose some tension from the kite, sheet the bar out, take some weight off of your back foot and let the fins start to grab, as this happens - you need to do a backward sweeping motion with your back foot. (doing this slowly is a lot easier) You can practice the Ola separate by riding fins first and trying it. Once you have it done bring it together with the 180 for maximum coolness.



Once you have mastered the Air 180, what’s next? Check out Reiders latest clip below for a little inspiration.

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