Kite Jam draws kiteboarders from around Australia

Kite Jam, making a bit splash this year!
It’s been hailed as the ‘new Mambo’ event for kiteboarders, but can the Gold Coast offer the charm (and the BBQ) of the long running Merimbula Classic?

We’ll know by December, because the Kite Jam on the Gold Coast is bringing some of Australia’s best kiteboarders to town for four days of competition. Run very similar to the Merimbula classic, with no heats and ‘Expression Sessions’ for the riders to show off their skills, Kite Jam offers a twist in that all competitors can form part of a team of four. This team gets judged on their overall performance and then the best team each day wins $500! It sounds like a very good concept, and one that will definitely encourage a bit of rivalry between not only the states, but teams from different beaches too. (But maybe the organizers should have made it $400 for the team of 4… Kiters don’t seem to be that good at maths!)

There will also be a self serve BBQ, Bikini kite marshals, nights out with free beer and a SUP comp for those who are that way inclined. There’s wave divisions, freestyle division and word is there might even be a race organized through the surf one day. Sounding good yet?

The Kite Jam is on between the 14th and 17th November on the Gold Coast, QLD. It’s only $60 to enter and you don’t even need to be a member of AKSA, the event organizers have paid for their own insurance to cover the event. That's the week before the Merimbula Classic by the way, leaving you plenty of time to get in your van, drive down the coast for two days and set up camp in the land of cold water and windsurfers.  

Register online here at the Kite Jam website, you can register on the day but it’s strongly discouraged!