Kiteboard with it's own LED lighting system!

Something AWESOME.
You’ve probably seen similar tricks before, like this from a couple of guys in Iceland on a surfboard covered in LED’s.
If you haven’t, then you’re in for a treat, because there’s just something fishy about lights underwater. All that electricity and wires and stuff – they’re not supposed to be there! Actually, those days are gone, and waterproof LED lights are cheaper than your every-day light bulbs. So making your own version of this board is pretty simple!
Make your own LED Lighting System for your kiteboard.
Things you will need
-LED Light Strips. (Buy these cheap on Ebay from China)
-9v Battery, with a connector (Buy a connector like this from Jaycar or Dick Smith)
-Hot Glue – Lots of it, steal it from your wife’s scrapbooking supplies.
-2 Balloons.
-Rubber bands, or tape.
-Soldering Iron
Make it like this:
1: Clean the surface of your board with soapy water, and let it dry.
2: Glue the LED lighting strips to the rails of your kiteboard, with the wired ends closest to the grab handle, or footstrap, or binding.
3: Solder the wires on the LED Lights, to the connector for the 9v Battery, Make sure you match the positive and negative wires.
4. Put the 9v Battery, and the connector (Not connected!) inside the balloon with the wire sticking out the open end (the bit you blow into). Put that balloon inside another balloon.
5: Tie the balloon ends in a knot, then fill the knot with hot glue to make it water tight.
6: Attach the balloon and battery pack combo to your handle/footstrap/binding.
7: Connect the battery to the connector inside the balloon. Wriggle, and poke, and coax it into place.
8: Step back and marvel at your very own LED kiteboard!!!!!
- To remove the LED system, simply use a credit card to scrape the LED’s off, when your board is cool (or better still, cold).
- A 9v battery will power most 12v LED lights, except not as brightly. If you want a super powered setup, use 8x AA batteries in two separate packs of 4, like these.
- A 9v battery will not electrocute you in the ocean. Nor will a 12v battery. Nor will something like a car battery…
- Wires, batteries and connectors do not like salt water. Keep them dry.