Kiteboarding does wonders for tourism.

Hey tourists! Come and holiday in Egypt!
Kiteboarding might not yet have reached the magnitude of sports like skydiving when it comes to the tourism industry, but it’s certainly been used to spruce up several countries advertising campaigns this year.

The latest is Tourism Egypt, who have enlisted the help of Karolina Winkowska to sell their country to travelers. Cue the music, white sand and blue water, this is your typical tourism advertisement, full of pretty fish, smiles and bikini girls. What holiday-maker wouldn’t want to go to Egypt after seeing all that?

Why else would you go to Egypt? It’s not like there’s pyramids and stuff, right? Egypt is home to some of the most reliable trade winds in the world (which is all that matters to us kiteboarders!) and a mecca for European kiteboarders in their off season. It’s like us Aussies going to Fiji for a winter kiting holiday.

It’s a shame Aussie kiteboarders need to pay so much for flights to Egypt; because it really is one of the most unique and memorable kiteboarding locations in the world with flat water, wind on cue and of course lots of sand (remember, those pyramids?).

Other countries who are using the all-round appeal of a sport like kiteboarding have recently included Aruba, Tonga, Oman and our very own Western Australia. It seems as though hauling yourself around the ocean with a kite sells airfares! Whatever the appeal, kiteboarding is here to stay, and right now it’s one of the biggest ‘wow’ sports on offer.

Check out the lovely Karolina Winkowksa from Poland, as she does her bit for the Egyptian Tourism industry….