Play this game on your next kite session: K.I.T.E.

The rules are outlined below, along with a hilarious video of three girls in Brazil playing the game. It gets a little heated, but there's some great kiteboarding tricks in there and a running score. Don't let their handlepasses deter you from playing though! KITE can be played by any skill level of rider as long as each of the participants share a bag of tricks around the same size. You can play with 2 to 4 riders, any more than that, and it gets a little technical (and you won't ride as much).
The Game of KITE.
Players: 2-4 Skill Level: Any Time to play: About an hourDescription: Riders take turns to 'set' a trick, which other riders must match, or better. If they crash, or cannot complete the trick, they are given a letter in the word 'KITE'. First to spell the word, loses!
The Rules: -The first rider to 'set' a trick is decided by scissors, paper, rock. Or whoever pumps up first! -A third party judge can be appointed, who decides what tricks rank better than other tricks. -Butt-Checking a landing is not automatic disqualification. Kiteboarders are allowed one more attempt to make a clean landing. -One additional attempt is allowed prior to a kiters disqualification (if they are about to be awarded the 'E' in KITE.) -Run limits may be imposed, for example each trick attempt must be made within 2 runs out-and-back. -Tricks cannot be performed more than once.
Tips: -Don't bust out your best trick first, because you can't do it again. Save it for when you can taste victory! -Tricks can be as simple as a hand-drag, or as complex as handlepasses. -Move your game of KITE downwind of the main pack a little, to ensure nobody obstructs the riders!
For a great example of the game of KITE. Check out these three chicks in Brazil!