Red Bull Unfastened - World First for Kiteboarding

The first ever strapless kitesurfing competition.
“The first-ever strapless kitesurfing competition is taking place in Sardinia, Italy from April 9th to 13th. The best kitesurfers in the world will be competing head-to-head at Red Bull Unfastened.”

It’s on today! The worlds best strapless kitesurfers are hitting Sardinia to show off what can be done with a kite, a surfboard and NO footstraps. Dreamed up by Airton Cozzolino, the current world kitesurfing champion, this competition is more of a showcase. The world needs to see what makes kitesurfing such an amazing sport, and what better way to do it than strapless.

Back when skateboarding began to get more aerial than land based, the average punters all assumed that skaters had straps to keep the board on their feet. It was unfathomable that some kid could flick his board in the air, keep it stuck to his feet as he sailed down a 6ft set of stairs. When they found out that it was just skill and physics holding the board to their sneakers, the public were amazed, and people flocked to the sport like never before.

Watch this trailer, and imagine what you’d think if you were a member of the public. You’d think there was straps on the surfboards… But there isn’t! We’re not sailing down 6ft staircases, we’re launching 10m into the air, and not even holding onto the board!!

We’ll bring you all the footage and reports once the event is over later this week.