Road Tripping New Zealand, an Epic by Cabrinha

The (amazing) Road North… By Cabrinha
Epic cinematography, check. Wise old man narration, check. Beautiful scenery, check. This film by Cabrinha has all the makings of a box office record breaker. But it’s free, and it’s made especially for us. Kiteboarders, because only we understand how epic a kiting road trip can be.

Summing it up, Cabrinha say it best. “With over 15,000 km of coastline to explore, New Zealand is the road tripping kite boarders dream. Our team riders James Boulding, Jamie Barrow and Keahi De Aboitiz teamed up with Anders Krüger and Dan Max to document this voyage of discovery through the North Island of Aotearoa, known locally as the land of the long white cloud.”

Filmed from all angles, including some spectacular aerial shots by Jamie Barrow (who’s also a full size helicopter pilot!), ‘The Road North’ is one of the best kiteboarding movies we’ve seen. It rivals the old F-One series, the Hadlow trilogy and all the great movies that have come out from North recently. It even tops the last movies by Cabrinha; Drifting and Saba Rock.

Of course the riding makes it happen, and you’re guaranteed of some strapless trickery from Keahi De Aboitiz, hard and fast wakestyle from Jamie Barrow, smooth freestyle from James Boulding and even a cameo from Anders Kruger who is usually behind the camera.

So even if you’re not a Cabrinha fan, click play, full screen and HD. This movie is one of the best. Check it out below.