Slingshot promises the 'next big thing' - IRS Bridle.

Just a bridle? No, this is the IRS bridle by Slingshot. 
It’s been a few years since the last ‘big thing’ in kiteboarding, which was arguably the shift to three strut kites. Now, Slingshot promises to revolutionize the equipment we use with the Intuitive Response System (IRS).

Have you ever seen a mountain bike without suspension? Chances are, not in the last 10 years. This invention in bike technology conveniently relates to the new IRS system on Slingshots 2015 RPM bridle, which does away with pulleys and uses some kind of elastic material to distribute pressure between bridle points.

Slingshot say:
“The new IRS Bridle is a bungee system that not only eliminates pulleys, but also eliminates the lag time that results from the pulley having to travel fore and aft along the bridle line. Riders will notice a huge improvement in the kite’s stability with immediate and smooth feedback.”

Already talk of the new design is spreading around social media, with many riders impressed with the new feel. With such promising initial reports, other brands are surely already discussing the technology for their own kites. Could this be a case of a passing fad, or will it change the way we kitesurf in the future?

To find out, you’ll have to ride one of the new 2015 RPM’s. Have a chat to your local Slingshot Dealer next week (when they’re in stores) to get your hands on one.