The Triple S Begins! "World's most influential Kiting Event"

Slicks, Sliders and Surf - The Triple S
The Triple S Invitational has finally begun this week in Cape Hatteras, after light wind delayed proceedings earlier in the week.

Fear not however, the South westerlies that Hatteras Island is known for are back, and the worlds best riders are going hard on the obstacles in the Sliders competition. Earlier this week in the light wind, some of the rookies dragged the obstacles around to what they call ‘the dark side’ of the slick and had a short session, paving the way for what was to come. When the pro’s pumped up and finally began competing, the level of kiteboarding was exactly as expected and nothing short of world class.

Before we get to the invitational event however, lets talk about the Triple S Open for a second. Before the pro’s are allowed to hit the playground of obstacles, Real Watersports open it up to any kiteboarder who wants to enter. This year 18 riders were competing for a chance to join the main event, all showing off that the line between pro and amateur was finer than fine. Drew Christianson and Mary Lacroix won the event, and advanced on to compete in the invitational that’s happening right now.

Lined with spectators, the grassy areas outside Real Watersports are the place to be this week, with idea winds for 9m kites providing the perfect recipe for what can only be described as the worlds biggest playground for kiteboarders.

Major sponsors this year Best Kiteboarding have a unique little obstacle called the “Best Seat in the House”. It’s a simple wall-ride with a 45 degree slope, but on the back of it is a viewing platform; complete with carpet and a bench seat for other riders to sit, taking in the action from literally meters away. It’s a very cool little idea and expect to see more of them popping up at events. You can check out the unique kiteboarding slider design here.

Working well already is the new format for this years competition. In order to fairly judge the competition and allocate the insane amount of prize money, riders this year are heading out for a group freeride session. In the case of the Slider competition, they get one score for each obstacle and the guys and girls with the highest scores at the end of the session advance to finals. In the finals, it’s a one man (or woman) show where each rider takes a pass at the course. Hitting as much as they can and showing off their style. Judges award points, winner gets crowned. Easy as that.

Right now the Surf and Slicks competition are about to get underway, so check back next week to see who won, who wiped out hard and what happened at the after party. In the meantime, check out this video from day one.