The five biggest characters in kiteboarding

Kiteboarding is one of those sports which invites participants of all kinds. From topless photo shoots to the best mustache we've ever seen, we bring you a list of five whacky and downright strange kiteboarders that are dear to our hearts.

Chances are you know them already, and if you're reading this and are not a kiteboarder, please don't judge us too harshly. We aren't all like this!

1. Kevin "Top Hat" Senn

First off the ranks is a guy known mostly for his role in one of (if not THE) most watched kiteboarding video of all time. Kevin "Top Hat" Senn. You’ve seen, it, we know you have. Utter the words “Hey look! There’s a guy up there!” at any kite beach in the world, and chances are you’ll be met with a collective grin from your fellow kiters. ‘Top Hat’ hangs out on the Northern beaches of Oahu mostly, surfing with 5 and 7m kites kites and the weirdest collection of surfboards you’ve ever seen. Last seen competiting in the KSP world tour a few years ago, the guy’s still got the skills to mix it with the professionals. And yeah, he still wears the hat.


2. Sir Richard Branson
Next, a guy known more for his mega-rich status than his kiteboarding, except for ‘that’ photo that sent the worlds media into a frenzy.You know, the one of Sir Richard Branson kiting with a naked chick on his back? The man’s still got the moves apparently, this week taking Cabrinha Pro Annabel VW for a ride of a different kind at MaiTai. When someone this famous straps on a harness, you can’t help but take notice.
3. Sam Medysky
With one of the best mustaches in the WORLD, we bring you Sam Medysky. Sporting a Mo of such magnitude at this years Triple S event, how could you not include him? This guy’s at the forefront of the wakestyle scene and making headlines with some crazy stunts. He’s also an all-round nice guy too, warming our hearts with a great post on Facebook earlier this month about how stoked he was to go kiting with his dad on Fathers day. Unfortunately he’s shaved the Mo, but the legacy of such greatness remains.


4. Alexander ‘Sir Rowdy’ Lewis-Hughes
Closer to home, comes a kiteboarder who rocked a beard, before beards were cool. Some say, he was the guy that started the ridiculous ‘hipster beard’ trend that’s going on right now. All we know is, that he loves to stir the pot in the kiteboarding forums. Alexander ‘Sir Rowdy’ Lewis-Hughes. PKRA judge, Wakestyle advocate and master of the oversize flanno, Rowdy is Australia’s answer to the wakestyle scene. He’s currently rocking around on the world tour riding a wakeskate (and has been for years) with girlfriend Karolina Winkowska.

5. Susi Mai
And finally, we can’t have our list of kiteboarding characters without a girl, so we bring you the kiter-girl who’s done it all. From topless promo shots for Cabrinha, to nerding out and flying remote controlled helicopters, Miss Mai is THE promo girl for kiteboarding. Growing up in the Dominican Rebublic, she’s lived most of her professional life in the spotlight. Now, she’s doing more promo work than kiting, but still gets on the water regularly for a freeride