Throw down or turn around? Professionals Collide in Dakhla
Note to self: Don't crash in front of Youri Zoon...
Check out the video below to see it all in slow-mo. But here's the gist of it... Kiter upwind (Louis) and in front crashes. Kiter downwind (Youri) and behind throws down awesome moves. Louis crashes kite into water. Youri lands on kite.
What's your verdict? The judges scored Youri Zoon a DSQ which threw him out of the competition, but some of the riders are saying that it shouldn't have happened. After all, Louis's kite was very high when Youri loaded and popped, there was every chance that he could have recovered the kite without it hitting the water.
Here's what Youri Zoon had to say, he's the one who decided to throw the trick.
"The heat went really well, till the DSQ highest scooring heat of the day i have been told. Anyway in the last 30 sec pretty much i saw louis hutter going in and going for a trick, he crashed the trick and i took of just a little down wind of him, at that time the kite was still at 12o clock on his leash.I was trowing a 317 and landed it clean at that moment Louis his kite was at the water and right in front of me no change of avoiding the kite. In this case was the down wind rider and during the trick i could have no way avoid the kite. the verdict well rules are rules!
In my opninion , people that make those rules are a bunch idiots that don,t have the experience on the water!! Do we wanna live by written rules ? im sorry but i dont! Well lets look it from the bright side now! Had a really good heat landing a BJ 5 and 317 , conditions where perfect for 11m GP. And the fact i was going for the highest score of the day does good to me!"
Check it out and decide for yourself, would you throw down? Or turn around?