When art meets kiteboarding

Kiteboarder turned Artist? Or the other way 'round?

Kiteboarding is full of fantastic colours & artwork.

Kiting companies continue to innovate with limited editions, girly graphics and one brand who offered a "design your own graphic" idea.

And when done right, a little bit of artwork on a board can go a long way, as surfers have been showing off for years.

Alex Lewis-Hughes has done just that with his newly designed graphics on the Axis range in 2015. Not too hot, not too cold…

This week he’s released a little video explaining what’s gone into his designs for Billy Parker’s pro model, his own pro model and the all round ‘Bootleg’ for Axis. In true ‘Sir Rowdy’ style, there’s a bit of Aussie slang, some obscure references and most interestingly, some real deep motivation behind the individual components of his artwork. Get inside the mind of one of Australia’s most influential kiteboarders and check out the video below.

Do you think kiteboarding gear should get more arty?