Aquabike Grand Prix Sardinia-Ogliastra win to Balzer

10:47 PM Sun 29 May 2011 GMT
'UIM Aquabike GP of Italy in Arbatax- Tortoli Sardinia. - Sardinia-Ogliastra Aquabike Grand Prix' Vittorio Ubertone/Idea Marketing
Sardinia-Ogliastra Aquabike Grand Prix saw riders Francois Medori, Jeremy Poret and Romain Stampers, and Italy's Stefania Balzer achieve overall victories in their respective classes. Victory in today's second heat in Runabout F1 gave Francois Medori of France the Grand Prix title over the Italian Fracasso while Jeremy Poret enjoyed his third win of the year in Ski Division F1. Stefania Balzer saw her first victory yesterday, giving the young Italian her first Grand Prix title in Ski Ladies F1, after heat two race winner, Julie Bulteau, was penalised for a jump start, dropping her to fourth place. In Freestyle, Romain ...

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