Around the world in 10 feet - World Record Attempt

Weird, small and full of Sardines...
In the sailing world there’s certainly no shortage of guys in their 70’s. But unless you’re talking about winning the bottle of rum in their local WAGS race, these guys aren’t exactly the most inspiring.

But this 75 year old from Sweden is like no other. He’s going to sail around the world in a boat he’s built by himself, the smallest every to make such a journey. It’s only 10 foot long.

Smaller than most childrens trainer dinghys, the Yrvind TEN is one of the most unique boats you’ll ever see. 10ft long and weighing 1.5 tonnes, it features twin rudders, a forward mounted centerboard and bubble dome on the deck with enough space to fit the sailors head.

Not at all phased by critics, the 75 year old Sven Yrvind says:

"People say it's impossible. Who cares? It is not the first time people have discouraged me. Yrvind TEN is ten feet long, 3 meter. I intend to circumnavigate the globe in her. The voyage is estimated to take 600 days. The route is 30000 nautical miles the average speed 2 knots. I will have 400 kilos of Muesli and Sardines and 100 kilo books.”

Yep, living off Muesli and Sardines for two years, with nothing to do but read his 100kgs of books, Sven Yrvind is one of the craziest guys we know. But none-the-less, we’re intrigued by what’s going on here.

Check out his sailing world record campaign blog for more pictures of the incredible and uniquely designed boat, how his plans are coming along and his other projects from the past.