Spot X revealed: Morocco hosts the Stand Up World Tour.
For an entire year, a mysterious location has been kept secret by the Stand Up World Tour. Promising amazing conditions, a unique location and of course spectacular scenery, ‘Spot X’ as it has been known, was this week revealed to the world.
Morocco, in Africa is known for being fickle for waves during the month of November. But when it’s on, it is ON! If the Stand Up World Tour can jag a week with no rain and at least a little ground swell, you’re in for some of the best stand up paddle surfing you’ll see this year.
The event is being held on the 8th to 14th November, and if it all works out, will then become the home of ‘Location X’ for the next three years. Why will it still be called ‘Location X’ if we know it’s in Morocco? Glad you asked, because the format for the six day competition is completely fluid. The competitors will go where they’re told, to wherever the best waves are on that particular day. Interestingly, the only waves on offer in Morocco are right handers, as ocean swells peel down the western side of the country from the north.
The history making event is either going to be one of the most amazing in Stand Up Paddling history, or brushed under the carpet as the Waterman League goes back to static events in single locations. Only a few weeks until it all starts happening, right after the event currently being held in France. We’ll bring you an update during the event with how it’s all panning out for the stand up paddle surfers.