A days surfing gone wrong

The Men Who Went to Pindo
                 By Mark Hatfull
There was movement in the ocean
 As the low intensified in the Tasman Sea
   And the word had passed around
     Six-meter seas were on their way.
So all the tried and noted Board riders
         From here and there

Had gathered on the headland through the day
   To watch this awesome site
    Of four meter waves and building
      Rapping around the point
       And corduroy as far as the EYE could see
         For the local lads love big wave riding
          But the wives and daughters
           Shutter in fright.
It was Friday arvo when I saw him
 There was James with his six feet two
   I said that board would never do
     I am out there regardless
       The rest is up to  (hue)
I called him the next morning on the mobile
And discussed the options for the day
   Point Perry was considered
    But the Island sounded more the way
      SO we packed the Rubber Ducky you know (IRB)
        To the gunnels
         And twelve O clocks was the time to be
           Half tide flowing out.
As time drew close the phone rang hot
 Can Cartmill come to?
  And there was Harry and his Malibu
  AS we packed the skier and strapped the surfboards in
       The last instructions flew
         NO ONE BAILS
            LAY OVER THE BOW
             AS WE BREAK THROUGH
As we crossed the ancient bar of maroochy
   Passed the island break of Pindo
     Anticipation on there faces
     As we break through
     The first line of swell
     Another coming to.
As we stood in no man's land
Time stand's still
Dream time for a moment
More sets are coming through
Twenty meters away
Two story high white water
 I turned the twenty-five horses
 To make the run to safer water  
 Washing around Us to
Boat half full of water
Twenty-five horses turned to five
Tide running at its peak
Had no time to bail
As I was catapulted out
Landing in the water
As I screamed out
I could see Cartmill treading water
All I heard was the rumble of the surf
And the out board sucking water
With a cough and splutter
The end of the out board motor
And then louder
Call came back even louder
We are OK just bobbing in the water.
Me and Harry tried to right her
As another wave came through
Riding her like a bronco
Upside down we just flew
Hanging on like a bastard
As we blasted through the water
I could feel the muscles stretching
James hanging on to.
Derby in the water
Petrol floating to
Rubber ducky righted
Cartmill called out
Unstrap the boards
I want Floatation to.
A Jet Ski came passed us just bobbing in the water
He did not come to save us
Just came to see the show
He must have thought it funny                                                                   
  As he accelerated away
Every dog must have his day.
Scrambled onto pindo dogging barnacles ON the way
Still clutching ducky all the way
Help me with my ducky,
Harry called out I'm beat I'm done
I'm on my way
Come on we will carry her over pindo
To the crammer water of maroochy
And we will be safe for another day
Almost half way over pindo
A lifesaver on a jet ski
Help to retrieve the debris
Passing several times
What away to earn your pay
OR just may be a volunteer on the day.
The word was twenty-eight calls to triple O
From people on the beaches
And high rises too
From Byandah to Catalina
Where ever there was a view.
Down on the maroochy over pindo way
The fish have a mobile phone some towels
Fruit and biscuits they say
I am still waiting for the phone call
From the fish to say
Next time stay away
But that will never happen
I am pleased to say.
By Mark Hatfull