Aussie Surfer Dies on Scar Reef, Sumbawa

It’s an annual pilgrimage for many, the trek to Indonesia and subsequent treacherous motorbike ride across to one of the many isolated islands. Offering pristine waves through our winter season, this particular spot called Scar Reef is known for being far enough out of the way to avoid the crowds. According to Peters mates who were surfing with him, swell height was around five meters breaking onto the sharp and shallow reef. The mates hired a boat to get out there, and after enjoying a few hours of surfing they noticed Peter hadn’t surfaced from his last wave. Using the boat they pulled Peters body from the water on Tuesday.
"The victim's death was caused by a wave smashing into him, which at that time was massive, up to five metres high," West Sumbawa Police Chief Teddy Hendyawan Syarif said. "Police are now working with Australian authorities to repatriate Peter Lore's body."
Remember that surfing can be dangerous. Always surf with a friend, and surf within your limits.
We’ll be paddling into the nicest wave we can find for Peter next time we’re in the line-up, we hope his last one was a beauty…