Make Merimbula Great Again - The DoMALd Event

Windsurfers and Kiteboarders are well acquainted with the hilarious and clever event posters that come out of the Merimbula Classic each and every year, drawn by Stan Squire. But those in the surfing community may not have had the pleasure, and his latest for the Merimbula Sailboard Clubs 'DoMALd' event is too good not to share.

The history of the drawings and posters is rich. It started back in 1982, when the poster was updated from a pencil drawing on a piece of paper, to a colour masterpiece featuring a bunch of guys sailing on a thong. Things went down/uphill from there, each year causing controversy, conversation and always a laugh until 2010, when many thought that the Merimbula Classic was over. You see, Mambo, a principal sponsor since the event began, pulled their support! They were behind the posters and the tee shirts and all the good things that meant people referred to the event as 'Mambo' instead of the Merimbula Classic. Still today, you'll hear people calling it 'Mambo'.

Thankfully, 2010 was the year where SUP was REALLY kicking off! Corona jumped on board, and who better to sponsor an event like Mambo, than a beer company. A year off the poster, saw entrants handed a bland t-shirt, but in 2011, Stan Squire hit back with an absolute cracker. It's Merimbula at its finest, and ever since he's been creating a masterpiece for the event.

But this poster isn't for the Merimbula Classic - it's for their annual Mal surfing event. This year is the 31st year running, and it will be held on the 6th May at Main Beach, Merimbula. Entry is $70, and gives you a t-shirt with this great poster printed on the front, access to their world famous (seriously, it is) All Day BBQ, and at least two chances to surf your way to the final.

Entries can be submitted here on the Merimbula Sailboard Clubs website