Sexy Surfer Chicks: The Real Story!

Do these girls even surf?
"When I go surfing, self consciousness finally fades into the background. I'm out there to be with friends, to lose myself in nature. Sure, sometimes I have boogers on my face, or, maybe I vindictively pee while you're chatting me up from down current."

Yeah, you're going to hear all about girly stuff. Real girly stuff, not just the stuff you see in surf magazines. Boogers are the least of your worries if you're looking for a clip with chicks in bikinis here!

Lauren Hill and her mates are tired of wondering why the classic image of a 'surfer girl' is so far removed from what actually happens at the beach. Why should the prep take longer than the surf? Does anyone really look good taking off a wetsuit in the beach shower? Everyone, and we mean everyone, has paddled out with a giant booger on their face. That's just surfing, it happens.

To illustrate, she made a video, and it drives home her point with down-to-earth and oh-so-honest reality. Have a laugh, and watch out next time you're chatting up a surfer girl while standing downstream…