The Heaviest Surfing Event on Earth - Red Bull Cape Fear

Held at Cape Solander, the entrance to Botany Bay in Sydney, the surf here Is usually 1-2 foot, and it breaks right on the rocks. You can't surf it, and if you drove past it you'd be forgiven for thinking it's just another rock fishing location where anglers get swept off the rocks in a storm.
Oh no. This place is transformed into a snarling right hander when the storm swells roll though, but it still breaks on the reef, in two foot of water. But it's surfable. Just. It's so crazy, pro tour surfers were banned from surfing it. A select few proved it possible however, a little over a year ago when the very first Red Bull Cape Fear was held after the storm of the year. For days it blew, it rained, it stormed. Then on comp day, it glassed off, turned slightly offshore and Red Bull were ready. Streamed live, with all the professionalism that goes along with their events - It was one of the most watched surf events of the year.
It's on again, well, the waiting period is open anyway. If the right conditions brew up between now and the 31st of August. Surfings most brave, most hungry surfers will get towed in again, and the world will be watching.
Eddie who? This is: Red Bull Cape Fear.