The double edged sword of Cyclone Marcia

Sweet sandy goodness... Only on the Gold Coast...
The perfect tropical cyclone would be the one that slides a hundred kilometers off the coast of Queensland, all the way south to the Gold Coast then out to sea again. But alas, they don’t work like that, and while Central Queensland mops up after being battered by Cyclone Marcia last weekend, the surfers on the Gold Coast have been loving the bigger than usual conditions.

It just so happened that the pro’s were in town too, Mick Fanning, Dane Reynolds, Mitch Parkinson, Freddy P, Owen Wright – just to name a few, and they were all in the lineup at one of the Gold Coasts famous right handers.

One thing that you’re sure to notice, is just how fast these waves are breaking. Not for the faint hearted, to surf one of these babies you need to have it together, quick on your feet and ready to run. Run fast.

Queue the sand dredging freight trains that only a cyclone could deliver. They’re right here.