Watch this tripped out surf movie!

Heeeeeeey man! That's a nice little cover up you're surifng in down there...
If you've ever wondered what it would be like to sit on the beach and watch surfing while heavily under the influence of some pretty hardcore drugs. This might be it.

Drawn and produced by the masterful hand of Mr Nanda Ormond; Rhythm Australiana Vol.2 is a short series of clips to support a clothing line by Rhythm and Swell. It's mundane surfing, nothing spectacular, but with crazy drawn animals playing in the waves and being surfed on - it's more art than awesome.

"From the wildly creative head-space of our very good pal - Mr Nanda Ormond - comes this metamorphosis of Australian flora & fauna animated to great surfing from Rhythm advocates Asher Pacey, Neal Purchase Jnr and Jordan Spee"

Surfing crocodiles, playful whales, a fish who smooches a surfer out of a barrel. It's all in here, and you should watch it.