When Pipeline looks just like a beachie. It's messy!

With some solid waves this year, the sand banks are shifting around Pipeline and causing havoc in one of the most anticipated surf comps of the year on Oahu.The Volcom Pipeline Pro.
It's bumpy, it's unpredictable, it's pretty big. Surfers are handling the conditions alright, but those excelling are not your typical North Shore guys. Kids like Wyatt McHale, the 15 year old dark horse that took out some big names and advanced through to round 2.
"I got lucky." He said, stoked after getting out of the water. "I wasn't even in the priority order but I was kind of far down towards Off The Wall, and it just swung wide, and I got it, and I made the barrel, threw my hands up and made sure the judges saw me."
Watch the highlights of this gnarly session out at Pipeline, and stay tuned to see what happens in the leadup to the finals this weekend. It's going to be fun!