I live in the middle of the city in so called acrorage area.YOU may expect to have all benefits of the green nature, wild life, fresh air.But this paradise picture could be ruin by land owners burning vegetation on the daily basis.
Running ride on mower, collecting all leaves and instantly burning in dense in smoke bonfire.Now you could hang a laundry, close your windows and anyway everything smells like salmon.
I do propose following solution. Lets introduce Smoko Fee of $20 to start with payable to City Council.
So each time bonfire is lighten the land owner should register online with local council , advice time and lenght of proposed fire.
Unregistered fire could follow with $5,000 fine.
This regulation may force owner to reconsider burnig stuff and rather composting , mulching or green bins and landfill.
We may live in the most developed country, middle in the city and have air quality worse then third world dumpster.
In Sydney at least the air is quite good until the government starts burning off bush surrounding the city. So under your proposal I guess its a crime unless the State does it.
I'm all for mulching and composting. Currently I'm collecting excellent worm compost from my compost heap that is full of compost worms. After its filtered its very fine and excellent for growing vegetables in.
You would absolutely hate living in the top end during the dry always fires burning anyway you are going to trigger certain people if you don't correct your thread title and they think you want them to pay a fee to have smoko.
@macro - same experience here in Perth Hills. Most weekends we can't open windows because all neighbours feel the urge to burn sh!t constantly.
I suggest you check with your council. Most will have regulations about burning and one of those is it can't cause nuisance to neighbors.
Enforcing is another matter. I had a chat to one of neighbors when I had a chance and he was not aware it was smoking out our place and reduced his burning.
No worse than all the aerosoles with the wood heaters who insist the only burn good wood yet leave it smouldering all the time
i would have thought a little bit of smoke in the air from neigbours burning off would be a small price to pay for having a reduced fire fuel load in the area over the summer months.
my folks have a bush block and nothing causes more stress for me (or them) than the threat of fires raging through the place on a hot summers day. the only way to effectively manage this is to burn off - both small heaps (by prperty owners near the houses) and larger landscape burns (generally by the govt / vollies)
composting sounds nice but you try composting a whole forest :)
flame away
Maybe Macro can go the other way? Design a huge rocket stove and give it to his neighbour to burn up anything he wants.
When done properly the flue gets pretty hot and more of the 'smoke' burns and the hotter exhaust tends to make it rise a lot better.
I was playing with one of these in the backyard. When not up to temp there was a heap of smoke around. Once up to temp, you wouldn't have known there was a fire at all. I'm not sure how you would feed one with leaves, but that's not my problem to worry about.
Oh dear ... all of Asia burns off its paddy fields probably twice a year. At least in Japan they can blame the resultant ash all over everything on dirty filthy China Naturally, the farmers only burn off their fields when their houses are upwind...
I'm not sure that is quite correct. You get incomplete combustion at low temperature or with lack of air.
In NSW it's illegal to burn off garden waste. Surprised it's not the same up north.
OK What should be administrative charge for something like that ?
The guy next door pour a gallon of petrol into his pond to clean overgrowth vegetation. Ok job done easily, flames 10m high into sky, all frogs, plants, ducks incinerated in seconds, he survived.
Not easy to live with Barbarian near by,
Bunch of wooses.
As a kid it was my job to feed our backyard incinerator, must admit by the time I finished there wasn't much left in the area that could be classed as a fire hazard
[apart from me]
People like you macro make the world a difficult place to live. I mean, having a cry about a pot belly fire, or burning a few sticks in the back yard!??
I think you need to go windsurfing, if you even sail.