Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...


Created by Mark _australia > 9 months ago, 12 Feb 2012
Mark _australia
WA, 22377 posts
12 Feb 2012 9:27PM
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2012 the movie starts soon on Ch9

Does anyone remember the day the world is supposed to end this year? If the end is close, then I will watch it rather than record it to watch later

any helpful Youdumbtube video's anyone can post?

I don't wanna Google it in case the Govt / Illuminati / etc is monitoring our knowledge on the subject to put all those who are 'in the know' into concentration camps.

QLD, 12326 posts
13 Feb 2012 12:18AM
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The current world order is supposed to end on 21122012.

Stick that number in your numerology program and see what you come up with.

Mark _australia
WA, 22377 posts
12 Feb 2012 10:53PM
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Maybe it is a progressive apocalyse moving east to west with the sunrise. At least the USA will have more warning.
Hey maybe that is why they save the world in all these disaster films?
Seppo's aren't up themselves after all...

6657 posts
12 Feb 2012 10:57PM
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yet according to the mayans - it's 27 May 2012.

QLD, 12326 posts
13 Feb 2012 1:31AM
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Who gives a rat's. All I really care about is that I have had a good day today, having a good sleep tonight and that I wake up tomorrow morning.

Anything beyond that is pure speculation.

WA, 2371 posts
13 Feb 2012 12:29AM
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cisco said...

Who gives a rat's. All I really care about is that I have had a good day today, having a good sleep tonight and that I wake up tomorrow morning.

Anything beyond that is pure speculation.

Ear Ear !

WA, 15849 posts
13 Feb 2012 8:28AM
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GypsyDrifter said...

cisco said...

Who gives a rat's. All I really care about is that I have had a good day today, having a good sleep tonight and that I wake up tomorrow morning.

Anything beyond that is pure speculation.

Ear Ear !


NSW, 9202 posts
13 Feb 2012 12:02PM
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BulldogPup said...

yet according to the mayans - it's 27 May 2012.

My calendar ends December 31. Nothing after that.

SA, 3589 posts
13 Feb 2012 11:41AM
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cisco said...

The current world order is supposed to end on 21122012.

Stick that number in your numerology program and see what you come up with.

At least i wont have to buy any X-mas presents this year

QLD, 4083 posts
13 Feb 2012 12:37PM
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BulldogPup said...

yet according to the mayans - it's 27 May 2012.

I thought it was the Mayans who came up with December 21? The Winter (Summer) solstice...

NSW, 807 posts
13 Feb 2012 1:51PM
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GreenPat said...

BulldogPup said...

yet according to the mayans - it's 27 May 2012.

I thought it was the Mayans who came up with December 21? The Winter (Summer) solstice...

Yes. The pup has forgotten to allow for nutation of the earth, the effects of continental drift and the inherent inaccuracy in Mayan timekeeping due to the fact they didn't have atomic clocks. Or even wristwatches. When you correct for all those then you get December 21st.

Of course, it's also commonly forgotten that the Mayans loved to party hard for 10 days at the end of each years. Since they were blind drunk for that time, they usually couldn't remember what happened next day so they'd usually just leave it off their calendar. Once that's corrected for then 2012 will end on December 31st - probably with fireworks. DOOM!

Hey! Hang on....

QLD, 4083 posts
13 Feb 2012 4:51PM
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The Mayans also thought that human sacrifice brought rain, and then threw those bodies in their fresh groundwater supply. I don't put too much faith in them for some reason...

NSW, 6451 posts
13 Feb 2012 6:02PM
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And this is how you want to spend the last days of your life, on an interweb forum.

WA, 4642 posts
13 Feb 2012 3:06PM
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GreenPat said...

The Mayans also thought that human sacrifice brought rain, and then threw those bodies in their fresh groundwater supply. I don't put too much faith in them for some reason...

That's a bit harsh. After all, it always did rain,.. eventually.

380 posts
13 Feb 2012 3:14PM
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Everyday above ground is a bonus
everyday on the water is even better

NSW, 4188 posts
13 Feb 2012 7:05PM
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Mark _australia said...


Maybe it is a progressive apocalyse moving east to west with the sunrise. At least the USA will have more warning.
Hey maybe that is why they save the world in all these disaster films?
Seppo's aren't up themselves after all...


Excellent question - I demand answers from all those predicting the end of the world.

Also, is will the apocalypse be geographically based or strictly according to the time zone bands?

NSW, 6451 posts
13 Feb 2012 7:24PM
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^^^^^^If you live in NSW near the Qld boarder, with daylight savings, you could go to it twice.Like NYE

Mark _australia
WA, 22377 posts
13 Feb 2012 6:10PM
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lotofwind said...

^^^^^^If you live in NSW near the Qld boarder, with daylight savings, you could go to it twice.Like NYE

Oh sh!t never thought about daylight saving
Maybe the east coast will be spared as the apocalypse won't know when to start but Perth will cop it.........

QLD, 1534 posts
13 Feb 2012 8:14PM
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I thought WA was the end of the world.

QLD, 14393 posts
13 Feb 2012 8:16PM
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the time keepers of eternity know no such thing as GMT, EST or WST

Mark _australia
WA, 22377 posts
13 Feb 2012 6:26PM
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Gestalt said...

the time keepers of eternity

Sounds like a band on Triple J

WA, 15849 posts
13 Feb 2012 6:30PM
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bobajob said...

I thought WA was the end of the world.

Yea, the only thing you guys have going for you sick surf hot chicks and warm water

................hate you guys

QLD, 1534 posts
13 Feb 2012 8:30PM
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Mark _australia said...

Gestalt said...

the time keepers of eternity

Sounds like a band on Triple J

Sounds like my missus!

QLD, 14393 posts
13 Feb 2012 8:53PM
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bobajob said...

Mark _australia said...

Gestalt said...

the time keepers of eternity

Sounds like a band on Triple J

Sounds like my missus!

6657 posts
13 Feb 2012 9:23PM
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GreenPat said...

BulldogPup said...

yet according to the mayans - it's 27 May 2012.

I thought it was the Mayans who came up with December 21? The Winter (Summer) solstice...

The mayonaisses reckon the end of "human self rule" (yeah what the feck is that!) begins or ends by / on 27 May 2012 .... pump in end of the world 2012 and read for yourselves.
some tripe about the seven trumpets of the seven seals that's been going on since 2008 ....
Disclaimer: You need several beers just to decipher the stuff in there , bloody hell we're all doooooooooooooooooomed doooooooooooooooomed!

Mark _australia
WA, 22377 posts
13 Feb 2012 9:37PM
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bobajob said...

Mark _australia said...

Gestalt said...

the time keepers of eternity

Sounds like a band on Triple J

Sounds like my missus!

No, that is the eternity of time tick, tock, tick tock.
You only get 20yrs for murder as they say

WA, 3118 posts
13 Feb 2012 10:28PM
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"The mayonaisses reckon the end of "human self rule" (yeah what the feck is that!) "

It means the Aliens are coming to rule over us.

I for one would like to welcome our new alien overlords..........


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"2012" started by Mark _australia