Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

A good sharts a dead shart.

Created by busterwa > 9 months ago, 3 Jun 2016
2614 posts
8 Jun 2016 8:56PM
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Gradient said...

MDSXR6T said..

Dawn Patrol said...
Those photos are crap. That isn't fishing for food. That's fishing for fun, to catch the biggest. Shows real big balls...It's in the same bag as trophy hunting. Real tough guys...
Still wonder how many of you pro kill guys have purchased a surfsafe or similar? Or you all too lazy to be proactive, just want the simple outdated solution?

You've got rocks in your head if you think a surf safe or anything else is going to stop a 15ft,1000kg shark in its tracks.. the proof is in the pudding and it's great that people are trialling new ideas but until they open that cage door and personally swim out, i won't believe they work on anything somewhat aggressive.

I still think let game boys catch them and release them with a live tracking tag. Game fishermen get to catch the most badass thing in the ocean, it swims off and fisheries can monitor them in real time. If there really is only 749 left then its unlikely they will all be swimming within 2 or 3km of the coast. Everyone wins

You're right, proof is in the pudding! Shark Shield has been around since the 90's and has been proven to work, no one has ever been bitten with one on. I've seen footage of a very intent GW doing a back flip when it reached a surf safe unit. I'd absolutely get in the water with a GW with a shark shield unit and would certainly use one in WA at this time of the year.

Go on then. Put your money where your mouth is.

Agent nods
622 posts
8 Jun 2016 8:58PM
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Like all things a bit of common sense is required...........

Sharks as a whole do not consider humans as food ..... if they did it would be extremely dangous to go in the water..( unlike crocodiles who do consider us as food!) times they do for some reason? But most shark attacks are minor in comparison to what a shark could do if they really wanted to eat you - they are mostly "exploratory bites"....of course a 4+ m shark takes a big bite.

Wholesale culling is 99.9999...01% sharks never go anywhere near us.

BUT....when a shark does start biting/ killing people...a targeted culling does make sense.. The number killed in this manner would be a handful.

It reminds me of a "Tiger Hunter" in India in pre war times...there where lots of tigers then...but the locals and the tigers lived OK most of the time.

The villagers put up thorny barricades at night, and most of the time they lived in harmony.....then once in a while there would be a "maneater" that would frequently take a villager. The "tiger hunter "would them come and eventually shoot the maneater.. All of the man-eaters he shot had an injury, that meant it was very hard for the tiger to catch its normal prey had then preyed on the easier target of humans. The hunter would never shoot a wild healthy tiger.

QLD, 6806 posts
8 Jun 2016 11:30PM
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nods said..
Like all things a bit of common sense is required...........

Sharks as a whole do not consider humans as food .....

Your story reminds me the picture of Europeans welcoming coming immigrants from Syria with flower and gifts. Not long ago.
Wishful thinking.
Now there is no bigger problem for whole Europe as f** migrants, burning safe heaven Conference Center in Berlin ... Same with big sharks I am afraid. Once they learned that humans taste ok there are going to eat us only more not less.

Having right investment in technology we are going to find safe electronic deterrence, later or sooner. In my opinion it could be sort of tiny robotic aquatic drones, That like tiny fleas will detect and chase that shark away from our shores.If we could spent our government money on research on this direction rather, then founding self assuring PhD experts pointless speeches that will be good direction at least.

There is opportunity for whole Australia up there. Having right funding we could resolve this problem once forever. For everybody else too.

Give the money spent on one attack submarine for research on underwater drones and shark detection technology and one of the most worrying problem for Australia is solved ( unlike imaginary invasion that our submarines may deter) .,

You don't expect rich Scandinavian or Swiss to find solution to sharks attacks ? Do you?

WA, 81 posts
9 Jun 2016 3:57AM
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kiterboy said..

Gradient said...

MDSXR6T said..

Dawn Patrol said...
Those photos are crap. That isn't fishing for food. That's fishing for fun, to catch the biggest. Shows real big balls...It's in the same bag as trophy hunting. Real tough guys...
Still wonder how many of you pro kill guys have purchased a surfsafe or similar? Or you all too lazy to be proactive, just want the simple outdated solution?

You've got rocks in your head if you think a surf safe or anything else is going to stop a 15ft,1000kg shark in its tracks.. the proof is in the pudding and it's great that people are trialling new ideas but until they open that cage door and personally swim out, i won't believe they work on anything somewhat aggressive.

I still think let game boys catch them and release them with a live tracking tag. Game fishermen get to catch the most badass thing in the ocean, it swims off and fisheries can monitor them in real time. If there really is only 749 left then its unlikely they will all be swimming within 2 or 3km of the coast. Everyone wins

You're right, proof is in the pudding! Shark Shield has been around since the 90's and has been proven to work, no one has ever been bitten with one on. I've seen footage of a very intent GW doing a back flip when it reached a surf safe unit. I'd absolutely get in the water with a GW with a shark shield unit and would certainly use one in WA at this time of the year.

Go on then. Put your money where your mouth is.

And what will that achieve? You'll become an advocate for shark shield? you'll become a responsible ocean user that choses to learn something about sharks to avoid a negative experience?
It's pretty clear that some folks on this forum don't belong in the ocean or any other wild place for that matter. Just out of interest do you wear a seatbelt or do you not bother because they don't save lives 100% of the time? Even if shark shield was only effective 50% of the time your odds of not having a bad shark experience have just doubled!
Not sure if this link works, but it's Hawain Ocean Ramsey free diving out of the cage with a GW in South Australia last week.
Knowledge and respect is what is required to be safe in the ocean. If you can't be bothered gaining the knowledge or can't bring yourself to show the required respect then it's time to find a new playground.

3777 posts
9 Jun 2016 8:01AM
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WA, 3028 posts
9 Jun 2016 8:13AM
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^You could use your own supply of sex dolls....

QLD, 6806 posts
9 Jun 2016 10:17AM
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busterwa said..

Totally wrong. This sort of trap will attract friendly dolphins in first place .

3777 posts
9 Jun 2016 8:29AM
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Be better just to simply replace the inflatable blow up doll with a shark hugger.

WA, 81 posts
9 Jun 2016 9:16AM
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busterwa said..
Be better just to simply replace the inflatable blow up doll with a shark hugger.

I'd actually love to get you out and in the water with some sharks because I'm pretty sure you would change your tune a bit, you could even hold my eight year old daughters hand for comfort when the big scary shark makes a pass. But that won't happen so I'll keep enjoying the ocean and you keep on posting dumb pictures.

3777 posts
9 Jun 2016 9:45AM
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Dont kid yourself muppet. Hug hug hug hug
Glad its not up to you to keep the public safe cause your living in a dream world where sharks **** rainbows.
Mabe take your daughter hunting might man you up abit.

WA, 351 posts
9 Jun 2016 9:47AM
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I find it interesting that there has been discussions on SB and elsewhere about Australia and in particular WA being a "nanny state". That the government/rule makers are constantly putting rules in place to keep us safe which some people object to and believe that we should take responsibility for our own actions and Darwin will sort out the slow learners. They say we are big and tough and can look after ourselves!

Now that we have some more scary sharks in the water, many people are now rushing to demand the government sorts out the problem and make sure we are all safe, cull the Sharks and wrap everyone up in cotton wool.

What I find interesting is that it seems to be the same people who don't want a nanny state that want the government to fix the shark issue.

I think when I go in the water I consider the issue of sharks. I should consider if I should or should go in, how and when I go in the water but I don't think the solution is to cull.

QLD, 1451 posts
9 Jun 2016 11:48AM
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Macroscien said.. Same with big sharks I am afraid. Once they learned that humans taste ok there are going to eat us only more not less.

mate, humans evolved just like everything else and with that evolution we honed our skills in finding food that we require over the years this nourishment that was necesary for us to live started tasteing damn near like crack to us to the point we seek it out. those 3 things are Salt Sugar and Fat. years apon years we aquired this "taste".

now your telling me a ****ing shark who has been evolveing for god knows how many thousands of ****ing years is going to find some ****ing ciggy puffing billy stomping beer bong belching savaloy munching bogan irresistably ****ing tasty? you are what you eat and im telling you its completely ****ing insane to think a SHARK is going to find us tastier then what he has been honeing his entire bodys skill set thousands of years of hunting practices just to get there tastiest of all tasty munches because thats exactly what they have required to survive for thousands and thousands of years and then one day go OH **** this NEW **** which is nothing at all like what i need to survive and know and what ive actually developed a "taste" for (remember taste is just your evolutionary make up telling you you need to swallow as much as this as you can to survive) actually **** it im sure if youve read this far you can work it all out for yourself.

but give it a shot go add salt sugar and fat to anything youll be surprised. dont even get me started on bliss points and why all sauces are 50% sugar these days honestly its just pouring sugar on faty salty meat and it WORKS

WA, 1134 posts
9 Jun 2016 9:53AM
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The problem with your "knowledge and respect" line Gradient is that it is a one way street. The 4-metre white that speeds in for a savage bite that ends up killing someone doesn't really give them the opportunity to go, "hey shark, cool, so glad to see you. Big respect, peace"

QLD, 1451 posts
9 Jun 2016 11:56AM
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busterwa said..
Dont kid yourself muppet. Hug hug hug hug
Glad its not up to you to keep the public safe cause your living in a dream world where sharks **** rainbows.
Mabe take your daughter hunting might man you up abit.

i gotto know this! does a shark f u c k rainbows? or s h i t rainbows? :D damn rainbow fu ckers hahaahah

WA, 1019 posts
9 Jun 2016 10:08AM
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Gradient said...
I'd actually love to get you out and in the water with some sharks because I'm pretty sure you would change your tune a bit, you could even hold my eight year old daughters hand for comfort when the big scary shark makes a pass. But that won't happen so I'll keep enjoying the ocean and you keep on posting dumb pictures.

I get that living on a sailboat in the Carribean makes you an expert on all things marine but plenty of us have had encounters with sharks in and on the water and the rest of us know that the majority of sharks are fairly harmless and the attack V encounter ratio is very low. Especially under 6ft. There is simply no way you'd let your 8yo daughter swim unprotected (or even with a shark shield) with a big tiger, white or oceanic white tip so don't talk nonsense.

Even if i crowd funded an oppertunity for you and JB to take a trip to the Neptunes, there is no ****ing chance in hell that you would step out of that cage.

Facts are facts. There are probably 25 people in the world who have close "relationships" and regular encounters with WILD predators (polar bears, white sharks, grizzly bears and hippos) and it's sure as hell no one from Seabreeze.

2224 posts
9 Jun 2016 10:43AM
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Gradient said..

busterwa said..
Be better just to simply replace the inflatable blow up doll with a shark hugger.

I'd actually love to get you out and in the water with some sharks because I'm pretty sure you would change your tune a bit, you could even hold my eight year old daughters hand for comfort when the big scary shark makes a pass. But that won't happen so I'll keep enjoying the ocean and you keep on posting dumb pictures.

Gradient your in the Caribbean not one great white in site in crystal clear waters with 20+ metres of visibility, by your own words you have never encountered a great white dived with one or dealt with one. But your knowledge of all other sharks apparently translates to great whites.

I worked on cray boats for over 10 years from deckie/diver through to skipper, we had to retrieve pots which were snagged or stuck often in murky water with less than 2 feet of visibility, depths from 10 metres to 30+ always alone and the boat I first did my time on single crew on deck.

Every day of the 7 month season it would be required to dive on one or two as a minimum snagged pots, so at least 210 dives solo in a season but realistically up around 600+. There would also be additional time in the water checking anchors, checking moorings, boat maintenance and if time permitted a bit of spear fishing or surfing the offshore reefs...

During this time many many sharks were encountered however none of the sharks had behaviour patterns as the great white, I have seen from the water in excess of 20 Great whites whilst diving and performing my duties as diver, the small sharks would hear the crays rub there feelers together as you were pulling the pots out of caves or untangling ropes. Small sharks (under 3 metres) would generally be traded off with the bait from the bait baskets which would allow you to leave and buy you time.
Many Many times you could not see your hand in front of your face, so the opportunity to look a shark in the eye was never their.

Great white sharks would generally not let you see them, if they did let you than generally they were not that interested, however when their intent was clear I spent whole tanks of air hiding between rocks and reef, we used to pull the cray rope to sink the floats, this would signal to winch the pot up as you hung onto it. This was to help get to the surface, not get eaten and provide some cover, you would get blood ears and cases of the bends but it was better than being eaten by a 2 tonne bag of teeth.

My unsubstantiated claims come from years and years of diving seeing these creatures and dealing with them on a daily basis for years and years of my life.

For everyone on here saying that these are accidental attacks and that the sharks don't like the taste of people please remember in at least half of the recent attacks the people were not just bitten, they were eaten completely eaten, bite after accidental bite after accidental head shake after accidental bite.

Comparing any other shark to the great white is the equivalent of comparing a wolf with a poodle, a bobcat with a lion, a pigeon with an eagle etc etc etc.

You may let your kids swim with sharks, yeah I took my kids to Maldives and they swam with tigers and reefies all in 20 metre visibility in warm water, would I let them jump in with a 5 metre great white? Of course not, but than again I am not an idiot

Tequila !
WA, 930 posts
9 Jun 2016 10:51AM
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The Nanny state mentality here banned shark fishing. Not the other way around.

I don't want a government banning me from been allowed to swim on the beaches if I want (same apply to the ridiculous push bike helmet policy), however that same government impose restrictions in a centuries old activity which was the fishing some of these beasts out who are lurking too close anyway.

The current status quo is nanny ing the sharkos and the huggers, not general public.

AGAIN we are not saying to fish them to extinction. They didn't got extinct when fishing was unregulated and allowed anyway.

What the government NEEDS to do is to lift this ban in fishing and regulate the number of individual animals been taken out to a quota. That will exponentially reduce the risk to a number of attacks distributed along a century to similar levels we had prior 2000's.

2224 posts
9 Jun 2016 10:56AM
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MDSXR6T said..

Gradient said...
I'd actually love to get you out and in the water with some sharks because I'm pretty sure you would change your tune a bit, you could even hold my eight year old daughters hand for comfort when the big scary shark makes a pass. But that won't happen so I'll keep enjoying the ocean and you keep on posting dumb pictures.

I get that living on a sailboat in the Carribean makes you an expert on all things marine but plenty of us have had encounters with sharks in and on the water and the rest of us know that the majority of sharks are fairly harmless and the attack V encounter ratio is very low. Especially under 6ft. There is simply no way you'd let your 8yo daughter swim unprotected (or even with a shark shield) with a big tiger, white or oceanic white tip so don't talk nonsense.

Even if i crowd funded an oppertunity for you and JB to take a trip to the Neptunes, there is no ****ing chance in hell that you would step out of that cage.

Facts are facts. There are probably 25 people in the world who have close "relationships" and regular encounters with WILD predators (polar bears, white sharks, grizzly bears and hippos) and it's sure as hell no one from Seabreeze.

I will flat out throw in 1000 bucks if either of the fellas talking up shark hugging will go to south oz during a cage dive after they have dragged the tuna around for a few hours burleyed up with sharks biting the cage and are willing to step out for 5 minutes with the little shark shield beeping away......straight off the boat past the cage and into the water........1000 bucks real money cash....Pepsi challenge time fellas

WA, 81 posts
9 Jun 2016 10:57AM
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MDSXR6T said..

Gradient said...
I'd actually love to get you out and in the water with some sharks because I'm pretty sure you would change your tune a bit, you could even hold my eight year old daughters hand for comfort when the big scary shark makes a pass. But that won't happen so I'll keep enjoying the ocean and you keep on posting dumb pictures.

I get that living on a sailboat in the Carribean makes you an expert on all things marine but plenty of us have had encounters with sharks in and on the water and the rest of us know that the majority of sharks are pretty harmless. Especially under 6ft. There is simply no way you'd let your 8yo daughter swim unprotected (or even with a shark shield) with a big tiger, white or oceanic white tip so don't talk nonsense.

Facts are facts. There are probably 25 people in the world who have close "relationships" and regular encounters with WILD predators (polar bears, white sharks, grizzly bears and hippos) and it's sure as hell no one from Seabreeze.

I've never claimed to be an expert and already stated that I don't have any experience with Great Whites (yet). I do however have quite a bit of experience with Tigers, Great Hammers, Lemons, Caribbean Reefies (which grow to well over 3m), Oceanic Black Tips and Bulls. My experience with those sharks includes controlled situations where we chum the sharks in and hand feed during free diving and slightly less controlled situations during spear fishing where on occasion I've had to give up my fish. I've been learning from a diverse range of people who have decades of experience with sharks and are world leaders in their field.
My two daughters have been in the water with Tigers as well as other big sharks so I invite you to retract that statement.
I agree that Polar Bears, Grizzlys and Hippos are a different class of animal but most sharks are safe to interact with if you understand the body language and react appropriately.

WA, 1134 posts
9 Jun 2016 11:14AM
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Again, we're talking about sharks that don't give you the opportunity to read their body language and react accordingly. Whites are missing from your "different class of animal" list.

WA, 1134 posts
9 Jun 2016 11:34AM
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Check out these numpties. "Dickie is in a fish bowl..."

WA, 81 posts
9 Jun 2016 11:50AM
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ThinkaBowtit said..
Again, we're talking about sharks that don't give you the opportunity to read their body language and react accordingly. Whites are missing from your "different class of animal" list.

That's because they're somewhere in between. I have friends who regularly free dive with Whites but if they mean business then you have to leave the water. A Tiger you can fend off all day, in fact once eye contact is established the hunt is as as good as over (that even goes for turtles, once the shark knows it's been seen it rarely bothers to try and take it). The problem with sitting on a surfboard on the surface is that you cannot see what's going on below so the shark may have already made several passes and started showing some intent to investigate you further but you have no idea and can't take action.

WA, 1134 posts
9 Jun 2016 11:58AM
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That's right. So what do you suggest surfers do?

WA, 6277 posts
9 Jun 2016 12:30PM
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ThinkaBowtit said..
That's right. So what do you suggest surfers do?

Paint big eyes on the bottom of their board? Works for magpies

WA, 1089 posts
9 Jun 2016 12:48PM
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ThinkaBowtit said..
That's right. So what do you suggest surfers do?

Clear surfboards?

Apart from looking at what may eat you, it would look like you were surfing on nothing at all!

Tequila !
WA, 930 posts
9 Jun 2016 12:52PM
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In that video

After Dicke in the video, the di ck of the that day exchanged long periods of eye contact to his friendly shark, somehow dicke the shy still didn't want to receive the signals of unconditional love his new friend Sharko wanted to exchange him inside the cage.

So is there a consensus the Shark shields don't work if you don't go ''enamorada'' with your shark first?

So people are throwing 800 bucks away not knowing that? Is that written in the shield manual under section ''mode of operation'' ?

Are you guys will keep beating in this same line that we would be safe with this gadgets or by rolling Julieta's eyes to Shark Romeo? Maybe a lap dance with sharko then you are safe?

WA, 6913 posts
9 Jun 2016 1:06PM
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ThinkaBowtit said..
The problem with your "knowledge and respect" line Gradient is that it is a one way street. The 4-metre white that speeds in for a savage bite that ends up killing someone doesn't really give them the opportunity to go, "hey shark, cool, so glad to see you. Big respect, peace"

No but a electronic device has been tested and peer reviewed to work 90% of the time..

WA, 6913 posts
9 Jun 2016 1:08PM
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MDSXR6T said..

Gradient said...
I'd actually love to get you out and in the water with some sharks because I'm pretty sure you would change your tune a bit, you could even hold my eight year old daughters hand for comfort when the big scary shark makes a pass. But that won't happen so I'll keep enjoying the ocean and you keep on posting dumb pictures.

I get that living on a sailboat in the Carribean makes you an expert on all things marine but plenty of us have had encounters with sharks in and on the water and the rest of us know that the majority of sharks are fairly harmless and the attack V encounter ratio is very low. Especially under 6ft. There is simply no way you'd let your 8yo daughter swim unprotected (or even with a shark shield) with a big tiger, white or oceanic white tip so don't talk nonsense.

Even if i crowd funded an oppertunity for you and JB to take a trip to the Neptunes, there is no ****ing chance in hell that you would step out of that cage.

Facts are facts. There are probably 25 people in the world who have close "relationships" and regular encounters with WILD predators (polar bears, white sharks, grizzly bears and hippos) and it's sure as hell no one from Seabreeze.

Haha if only i felt like sharing a few more photos, sadly not mine though

WA, 6913 posts
9 Jun 2016 1:10PM
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Razzonater said..

MDSXR6T said..

Gradient said...
I'd actually love to get you out and in the water with some sharks because I'm pretty sure you would change your tune a bit, you could even hold my eight year old daughters hand for comfort when the big scary shark makes a pass. But that won't happen so I'll keep enjoying the ocean and you keep on posting dumb pictures.

I get that living on a sailboat in the Carribean makes you an expert on all things marine but plenty of us have had encounters with sharks in and on the water and the rest of us know that the majority of sharks are fairly harmless and the attack V encounter ratio is very low. Especially under 6ft. There is simply no way you'd let your 8yo daughter swim unprotected (or even with a shark shield) with a big tiger, white or oceanic white tip so don't talk nonsense.

Even if i crowd funded an oppertunity for you and JB to take a trip to the Neptunes, there is no ****ing chance in hell that you would step out of that cage.

Facts are facts. There are probably 25 people in the world who have close "relationships" and regular encounters with WILD predators (polar bears, white sharks, grizzly bears and hippos) and it's sure as hell no one from Seabreeze.

I will flat out throw in 1000 bucks if either of the fellas talking up shark hugging will go to south oz during a cage dive after they have dragged the tuna around for a few hours burleyed up with sharks biting the cage and are willing to step out for 5 minutes with the little shark shield beeping away......straight off the boat past the cage and into the water........1000 bucks real money cash....Pepsi challenge time fellas

See you have just shown that you clearly have not researched any electronic device Razz..

WA, 6913 posts
9 Jun 2016 1:14PM
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ThinkaBowtit said..
Again, we're talking about sharks that don't give you the opportunity to read their body language and react accordingly. Whites are missing from your "different class of animal" list.

You won't believe it but they can be rather easy to read. No not in a attack mode, but swimming around they are rather open book. How do you think people have been able to swim along side them

Stark temperaments and body language is rather interesting once you understand it..


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"A good sharts a dead shart." started by busterwa