Just wondering what people think of the Aldi liqour section? I've been drinking their beer for a while, and now ventured into their wines. Post your reviews and opinions here.
Storm Super Dry
Storm is Aldi's signature beer brand, although they are not all made by the same brewer. The Super Dry is pretty much what you would expect. A crisp dry beer that is as cliche as you could get. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Easy to drink, and cleansing to the palate, it's a refreshing drop to have with your meal, or to cool down on a balmy evening. Probably won't satisfy the boutique micro-brewery fans, but if you just want to wet your whistle, it does the job in a no fuss manner. Country of origin is New Zealand.
Sainte Etienne Lager
Firstly, who the heck came up with that name for a French made beer? (The French don't stick the letter 'e' on the end of the word 'Saint', so it's just plain silly!) Anyway, to me this tasted like a good suitable replacement for Crown, at a fraction of the price. Do I need to repeat that the country of origin is France? Does it matter?
Storm Pale Ale
Made in Vietnam...interesting. Only just put it in the fridge. Will report back after I've emptied a few.
Claire Creek Merlot 2013
Started on the bottom shelf with this $5.99 bottle. I love a spicy Merlot with lamb, but this was not that. Was hoping for an Aldi miracle, but what could I really expect for the price? I don't like cheap reds, and that's what it was.
Blackstone Paddock Barossa Shiraz 2013
Time to head to the top shelf. Was a little tentative to shell out $20 for an Aldi brand, but as it turns out, these people are honest and trustworthy. First test, hold the glass up to the light, and could not see even a hint of the bulb showing through - nice start. This is a genuine full flavour wine. I like my Shiraz big, and this did not disappoint. Plenty of mouth feel and depth, this is quite a powerful wine hitting well above its price. Expect to shell out more than a lobster at Dan Murphy's to get anything to match. With a nice label, your friends will be more than impressed when you bring this bottle with you. (Just don't let them see the fine print on the rear.)
Storm Apple Cider
This is basically a Strongbow ripoff. Would I go back there? Nah.
Magners Apple Cider
I didn't know what Apple Cider could really taste like, until I visited Normandy last year - the one place in France where cider ranks supreme over wine! Magners is an Irish product, and it sticks to the Norman style very well. Clear, crisp and fresh tasting, with a nice amber tinge, and none of the sickly taste that I've come to expect from the Aussie offerings. Unfortunately it seems to have been a special import, and might not be available again. (No fear, it's a genuine label, and Mr Murphy stocks it - give it a try.)
Rekordelig Cider with Strawberry and Lime
Being a genuine Swedish brand, my expectations were high, as was the price. First sip was interesting, but it didn't take long to get sick of the overly sweet strawberry and lime flavouring. Did I really want to drink an expensive toffee apple? No! There's cheaper ways to buy lolly water. Might as well stick to whatever the modern equivalent of West Coast Cooler is, or else sneak a swig of your grandmother's Pink Passion Pop when she takes her afternoon nanna nap.
I bought a Rioja, from them last year for $16.95, it was the worst Rioja I have EVER tasted... never again.
Magners cider is awesome. got onto that and Bulmers in Spain last year. Havent touched a strongbow since.
Dont know anything about Aldi acohol except for the only time Ive been in there I asked my daughter (over 18) to pass me a bottle of spirits to have a look.
We then went to the checkout and the bloke behind the counter asked for my daughters ID. She looked a bit bemused and this is what followed.
"I just got her to pass it to me"
"I saw her touch the bottle"
"I know but she was just passing it to me"
"I need to see her ID"
"Why, its not for her?"
"If she touched an alcoholic product she must provide ID to prove shes over 18"
"Thats fine but Im way over 18 and its for me"
"Doesnt matter, thats our policy"
"your joking right?"
"No sir, Im not. You could be buying it for her"
"I could demand to know why you have such a pathetic policy but Im sure it would be laughable"
"That is managements policy, I dont make the rules"
"Couldnt give a rats arse. Do you want me to put it back or would that incur a 25% restocking fee?"
Out we walked never to return.
French would put "e" at the end of saint if it was for a female. Saint Patrick or sainte maria. But obviously it is wrong as Etienne is a male name!