What's with Australian shops this week advising Black Friday sale? Don't miss out on the Black Friday sale. Grab a Black Friday bargain. Black Friday is what, a bush fire anniversary?
No, apparently it's the day after Thanksgiving. You're officially allowed to start Christmas shopping. Think I might start a turkey farm...
And here I was guessing it was some lunar event coinciding with the last Fri in Nov..... Oh well I still like my theory!
Black Friday and the constant posts in Facebook for things to be "thankful" for. Eventually it sunk in that Thanksgiving is a big deal in the US.
It shows what a joke it is that all these internet businesses have access to huge amounts of information so they can send us customised content, but they continue to get it so wrong. I actually delete the annoying and offensive ads but they keep posting more of the same crap.
It's not only the US online advertisers doing it, Aus retailers are getting right behind it too. Is this the first time this has happened, I don't remember it going on last year? So for the punters out there, is there a bet on how long it'll be until we're sitting down to a turkey dinner as an annual event ?
70% off something I was gonna buy anyway. Works for me. Don't care what they call it.
And, anyway, if the Yanks take a day to reflect on thankfulness then that's great. 'Cos they sure as f#ck don't appear to care about it the other 364 days of the year.
Happy Harrrrrlidaaayyyyyss
How many of us now say "trailer" instead of movie preview .................... stuff like that is also pervasive so I don't hold out much hope for us
I don't care if they have sales, but I do care what they call it. Pointless whinge, I know, but someone with an imagination fired by something other than their tv screen could surely come up with something that means something to us instead of taking on yet another northern hemisphere/USA tradition. What next, 4th of July sales?
Cambodge, you're in Vic, ask an old person what black Friday means to them.
Mark, I heard a 27 year old born and bred Aussie call a group of bogans "trailer trash" the other day. Pervasive alright.
First world problem or what. HTFU.
You do realise that language/culture evolves constantly and always has done even before the interwebs. We are a multicultural society that absorbs all kinds of cultural events and customs and we are richer for it. If you went back in time to an era you fondly reminisce about you would be shocked at how pampered you have become with technology from other cultures. Imagine living without a TV remote. We have to take the good with the bad.
maybe we need spring break or the mardigra thing with the beads and the tits to counteract all the shxt ones
Kids should play outside more and blow stuff up with fireworks , nice big bungers with short fuses , that was good healthy childhood fun !
Those were the days , wonder why they stopped that ?
Vassel states do take on the customs and mannerisms of their rulers so why not?
Do military weapons and ammunition get discounted during the black Friday sale? probably not...
I'm really pissed about all this American speak infiltrating our great Aussie lingo, so much so it just makes me want to give up and get pissed.