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Broken leg and ankle

Created by Aus06 > 9 months ago, 29 Jun 2014
SA, 235 posts
29 Jun 2014 9:31PM
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I had a slow speed off on the motorbike a few weeks ago in a remote region. I activated my locator beacon and then sat it out waiting for help and hoping that the signal had been received. Quite a few hours later I was airlifted to Hospital. I've broken my tibia, fibula and ankle, and now have an IM nail through the centre of my tibia from knee to ankle with some screws holding it in place.

I've now been on crutches for 7 weeks and it doesn't look like I'll be off them for a while yet. Combined with DVT and some stitch wounds that won't heal, it a real ol' pain in the ass.

Anyone had this before? Any input into recovery times? I'm keen to get back on the motorbike, but also very keen to windsurf again...

QLD, 663 posts
29 Jun 2014 10:22PM
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Sorry to hear that mate. No advice I can provide unfortunately, but was wondering what or which locator beacon you used?

Do you use it when windsurfing as well?

Thanks mate and best of luck with the rehab!

Test pilot 1
WA, 1430 posts
29 Jun 2014 8:28PM
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That DVT be a real pain in the leg, specially if'n ya have ta inject yoursef wif dat ratsac Warfrin every day in the spare tyre(gut)

SA, 235 posts
29 Jun 2014 9:59PM
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Spot Tracker - gen 2 I think. Great little unit and nice to know it works. Haven't used it windsurfing, but probably could with a decent waterproof housing.

QLD, 6493 posts
29 Jun 2014 10:35PM
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Sorry to hear that... heal up fast!

Dirt bike riding I take it?

SA, 235 posts
29 Jun 2014 10:13PM
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APC Rally. 7000km. Didn't get far...

QLD, 6493 posts
29 Jun 2014 11:00PM
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Organized event? I take it, it wasn't a day-trip

QLD, 4873 posts
29 Jun 2014 11:54PM
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Argh Chris that sounds like an horrific injury. Hope it all comes good and you're back on the board (forgetabout the bike) in no time.

WA, 4642 posts
29 Jun 2014 11:33PM
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From the xray, there's some significant gaps in the area of the break.
If it was all close fitting then it would heal up in 8 weeks or so, but with those gaps it will probably be more like 4 months.
I wouldn't rush back into bashing around on the bike.
Ankles take a serious belting on trail bikes.

But then I'm not a doctor. Maybe you doctor might say a good belting on a trail bike down a rough track is just what it needs,.. but somehow I doubt that.

NSW, 818 posts
30 Jun 2014 6:22AM
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Serious fall to break an ankle While wearing heavy motor bike boots.
bones take time and don't push it early just because your not feeling any pain.
'Solosite' for healing wounds, us old blokes need all the help we can get.

NSW, 2495 posts
30 Jun 2014 9:39AM
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Mate of mine did that to both ankles at once landing his canopy nth of brisvegas. Was back walking in about 5 months and jumping in 8. Nasty.

Dr Duck
SA, 450 posts
30 Jun 2014 9:35AM
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Bad news Chris! Wishing you a speedy recovery and hope to see you on the water soon.

1972 posts
30 Jun 2014 9:27AM
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Been there, my take-away was that water is softer than dirt.
I sold my bike and used the money for better WS stuff, and haven't looked back,,,,,,,,, until now.
No regrets.

VIC, 17456 posts
30 Jun 2014 12:32PM
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I broke mine the same.. Both bones broken exactly like yours.

I did mine landing a big jump windsurfing.. It's fine now.

I think I was out for about 6months..

Once it's healed they will cut you open again to take the metal out.. and that cut needs to heal.

When you get crutches don't get the under arm ones.. Get the forearm ones.

or better still.. get one of these.. Zak from Zaks surf shop has one with twin disc brakes..


SA, 235 posts
30 Jun 2014 3:26PM
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Thanks all.

Interesting David. Why elbow crutches not underarm? Not sure I could go the 'knee walker' - aside from looking very vulnerable, the knee screws would not take the bent knee and pressure too well. Cheers, Chris.

WA, 2520 posts
30 Jun 2014 2:40PM
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I had an ankle re-con and had the under-arm type crutches. Doesn't matter on your technique you will end up with badly bruised arm pits and maybe some rash... (summer time op) - unless of course you don't plan on getting around much...

WA, 4642 posts
30 Jun 2014 2:58PM
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Aus06 said...
Thanks all.

Interesting David. Why elbow crutches not underarm? Not sure I could go the 'knee walker' - aside from looking very vulnerable, the knee screws would not take the bent knee and pressure too well. Cheers, Chris.

The under arm crutches are dynamite going down stairs.
You can get in the situation of pole vaulting down 4 stairs at once because once you go over centre, you just keep going. And on one leg the result is usually a crash.
I used under arm crutches for a day or so but having nearly killed myself going down stairs I gave the crutches up altogether.

I think the forearm crutches might not have the same problem.

Except for the stairs they were ok though.

VIC, 851 posts
30 Jun 2014 4:59PM
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I have that exact titanium pin from tib+fib break. Did it playing soccer in early-2000. Was off windsurfing for a couple of years and didn't go big for another couple of years. I still have the whole pin and screws in and don't intend to remove. Fun times at US airport security checks - they must have it up on a higher sensitivity than other countries.

Good luck! Do NOT go back too soon - give it time to seriously heal properly.

VIC, 764 posts
1 Jul 2014 11:04AM
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Mate did a very similar on his "I'll spit you off when you least expect it" Husaberg.

6 months rehab, 6 months recovery, back to get the screws and pole out then another 6 months recovery. Can't run and hesitant on the bike.

Spot Tracker 2 is meant to be waterproof. Great thing you had one on you.

Oh and water isn't as kind. If you come a cropper, then you have to figure out how to get back to shore without toothy things biting. Even 200 meters is a long way if you have a broken bone.

SA, 235 posts
1 Jul 2014 10:58AM
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I'm not liking these stories of long rehab! I'm in the Ortho's waiting room now. I wonder what he'll say..?

WA, 516 posts
1 Jul 2014 10:40AM
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Best of luck and I hope you heal well and fast.

NSW, 33 posts
1 Jul 2014 12:55PM
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I rented one of those knee walkers when I dislocated my foot. Used it to get around the house mostly.
It was really good to get around on and it frees up your hands to carry stuff.
Highly recommended.
Downsides are they are rough on the house architraves and I tended to go to fast on it (faster than jogging speed) and crashed over the handle bars twice.
Crutches on tiles are worse though, you will slip over guaranteed.

SA, 235 posts
1 Jul 2014 1:15PM
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A win!

After 7 weeks on crutches I have been given the all clear to load up the injured leg and throw the crutches away. I can now start physio, and have been told 6 months until I can windsurf again, but it would be 12 months if it were a contact sport. A note on the crutches - I had the under arm type and never had any issues. The physio therapists told me to support myself on my hands, not under the arms, and it worked a treat. Really good for building upper body strength too.

I'm looking forward to rebuilding myself, so I can get back on the water fit and confident.

VIC, 764 posts
1 Jul 2014 2:08PM
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Aus06 said...

A win!

After 7 weeks on crutches I have been given the all clear to load up the injured leg and throw the crutches away. I can now start physio, and have been told 6 months until I can windsurf again, but it would be 12 months if it were a contact sport. A note on the crutches - I had the under arm type and never had any issues. The physio therapists told me to support myself on my hands, not under the arms, and it worked a treat. Really good for building upper body strength too.

I'm looking forward to rebuilding myself, so I can get back on the water fit and confident.

Excellent news!!!

How did the bike pull up?

What did you hit?

WA, 35 posts
1 Jul 2014 12:14PM
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Hi Chris,

I broke both my tibia and fibula kiting back in late February 2011. I was riding a wave on a SB with straps, caught a front edge semi nose dived, board spun, kite kept going but front foot didn't come out of strap. Thus it was a spiral fracture. Sea rescue thankyou.
Anyway had the same pin put in through the bone. I was back kiting by late October, so 8 months out of the water. Unfortunately it wasn't set very straight so I now stand with my foot pointing outwards, but still walk a little strange. Go hard on your rehab and keep it up as I still tend to favour my other leg. Surfing was the major drama for me with the pin in. Had bad pain on most take offs and difficulty getting my leg out from under me quickly. Thus I had the pin removed about 8 months after getting back in the water.
I was told it was a simple quick procedure. Don't believe that! It's like a massive corkscrew bolted to your knee and the pin in your bone is the cork. Man, did it hurt when I woke up. Another month out of the water.
My recommendations would be that if you have no pain keep the pin in and keep up the strength of both your legs ongoing.
Good luck, I wouldn't wish what happened to you,on anyone.
Needless to say the straps were thrown and will never be worn again.

SA, 235 posts
1 Jul 2014 2:03PM
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Echunda - No damage at all to the bike (XT660Z Tenere) - my left leg took the hit and was crushed between a large rock and the motor at about 40-50kmh. I was loaded up for a two week trip, so the bike was heavy, and I just had a vague moment ... but that's all it takes. Pity, the hospital had to cut my riding gear off me, and I can only claim replacement boots, knee guards and pants on insurance if the bike is also damaged. Oh well.

Handyman - bad luck to you too. I've just booked my physio, and will give it 100%. I've dabbled in weight training over the years but to be honest have probably ignored my legs a lot of the time. I'm really keen to train thoroughly and hopefully get into better shape than I've been in for a long time. I've lost 7kg's in the last 7 weeks, but that's all from muscle atrophy of the immobilised leg. The Ortho told me today that you are highly likely to break your leg again in the first 12 weeks after having the pin removed, as the bone is hollow until the marrow returns. I think I'll leave it in if possible.

SA, 338 posts
2 Jul 2014 12:21AM
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that is bad news Chris.. Don't come back too soon and do lots of Rehab
Broke my ankle and leg in 88, off Glenelg in a NE Wind... not fun.
the pin stayed for 12 months but started to grate as i walked, it had to come out.
Don't come back too soon !
Catch Ya

VIC, 1300 posts
2 Jul 2014 1:12AM
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Mmmm did the similiar break to both bones lower leg circa1975, speed skateboarding late at night, crazy so much pain. Got bundled into the back of a VW beetle and off to hospital, 3 operations, screws holding it together, full then half plaster then caliper for a long time, must have been close to 9 months before ok but never the same again but still gives grief after all this time, was at the footy a few years back and a Richmond footballer collided with a Melbourne player in front of where I was sitting broke his leg similiar, I reckon I felt it, felt like vomiting, still squeamish after all this time.... They put horses down with broken legs, we are lucky....good luck with your leg, with modern medicine you'll be up in no time....

QLD, 6493 posts
2 Jul 2014 1:16AM
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Aus06 said...

Echunda - No damage at all to the bike (XT660Z Tenere) - my left leg took the hit and was crushed between a large rock and the motor at about 40-50kmh.

Huh! My mate did something very similar to his foot with at TT600 and a large rock...

WA, 4082 posts
3 Aug 2014 7:52PM
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Heal Well Chris, cringing as I read your story and what rehad entails..............


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Broken leg and ankle" started by Aus06