Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...


Created by quikdrawMcgraw > 9 months ago, 28 Jan 2018
1221 posts
28 Jan 2018 6:00PM
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I ran into a bloke I hadn't seen in 6-7 months other day...bloke has put on 25ish kgs on the roids.
Built like a staffordshire terrier but he's definitely a tad strange.
Wearing a ridiculous body builder singlet "kellogs nutri grains".
Bleached his hair and his eyebrows.
Anyone had experience dealing with roid abusers?

NSW, 581 posts
28 Jan 2018 9:51PM
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It's Gross, my nephew has packed on 30kg from the crap. He is that wide now that his girlfriend has to hold the syringe and he walks backwards into it cause he can't do it himself. Not to mention wipes his bum from the front for the same unflexible reason.
Could go on all day about the changes , Don't know him anymore

3777 posts
28 Jan 2018 7:18PM
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I had similar thing with mate used to go to school 15 years ago . rang us up out the blue Harley broken down So thought id do the right thing give him a lift He sounded like hed been drinking etc So put trailer on go down the road pick him and his bike up and he is ****en baked like almost in a paranoia. . Like proper meth baked. got bike on trailer Turns out someone may have tampered with his bike wheel nuts .he threw his phone out the window cause he though the cops were onto him. and he sat in the front seat of my hilux and picked his motorcycle helmet apart looking for tracking devises. Driving along the feeway 110kpm at 70 causecause he wanted all the cars behind us to over take so they werent following . Ended up pulling off onto the emergency lane of freeway and Im like What are we doing Where do you want to go. After half hour of making no sense I told him if he didn't find a place im going to drop him of to hospital emergency to get some help. Ended up getting an address of him and took him to a family members house. even his family said he needs help. . told him never to contact me again Havent seen him since.
Let him go if he wants to do it its his decision I just keep my distance from people like that. After seeing that I can understand why ben cousins was cleaning car windows and climbing across rooftops.

Never understood why people want to beef up. Bit pointless really mabe image and the media.

NSW, 581 posts
28 Jan 2018 10:37PM
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On topic but off centre, this clip gives me a chuckle

Mark _australia
WA, 22392 posts
28 Jan 2018 8:29PM
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Just out of interest, how do u know its roids?

I know some fully natural bodybuilders who are pissed off about assumptions, it minimizes their achievements and I can see why they get annoyed....

QLD, 4083 posts
28 Jan 2018 11:08PM
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Used to work with a guy called Buff. Wasn't a body builder, just a Big Ugly Fat F**k.

1221 posts
29 Jan 2018 5:34AM
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Mark _australia said..
Just out of interest, how do u know its roids?

I know some fully natural bodybuilders who are pissed off about assumptions, it minimizes their achievements and I can see why they get annoyed....

When I last saw little arnie 6-7 months ago he was his natural small but fit physique of 60kgs.

Now 85 kgs he looked and talked like a different person completely, immediately I was suspicious but I am no body builder what would I know.

The limited research I did about muscle gains in the gym, 10 kgs in 12 months of healthy weight gain, if you're eating right and training hardcorr madcore lifting that **** like a madman possessed.
Remeber this little arni has swolled up 25 kg in 6-7 months!
Pure muscle, prolly 5% body fat then and now.
And he's a weird prick he bleached his hair and his eyebrows cmawn wtf is that!

Anyway if that doesnt convince you I was talking with another guy who is closer to him than I am and he outright confirmed it; they had both been on the juice.

QLD, 1458 posts
29 Jan 2018 7:58AM
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Mark _australia said..
Just out of interest, how do u know its roids?

I know some fully natural bodybuilders who are pissed off about assumptions, it minimizes their achievements and I can see why they get annoyed....

I was a Gym junkie for many years and even spent 5 years as an instructor. I can tell by just looking at these guys that they are on the juice. A big giveaway is their skin with acne down their backs. They can become very aggressive and they just look different to a natural bodybuilder with unnatural bulges and a lot of water retention. Natural body builders just don't look like their muscles and head are going to explode.
Roid users don't usually lift a lot of weight as they don't need to to bulk up, as the drugs are doing the heavy lifting.
I used to bench press 140kg and leg press 460kg. Lat pulldowns I could lift the whole stack even though I'm small in stature and I never ever looked like these guys.
I guarantee that they will have health problems down the track .

WA, 14681 posts
29 Jan 2018 6:38AM
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rockmagnet said..

Mark _australia said..
Just out of interest, how do u know its roids?

I know some fully natural bodybuilders who are pissed off about assumptions, it minimizes their achievements and I can see why they get annoyed....

I was a Gym junkie for many years and even spent 5 years as an instructor. I can tell by just looking at these guys that they are on the juice. A big giveaway is their skin with acne down their backs. They can become very aggressive and they just look different to a natural bodybuilder with unnatural bulges and a lot of water retention. Natural body builders just don't look like their muscles and head are going to explode.
Roid users don't usually lift a lot of weight as they don't need to, to bulk up, as the drugs are doing the heavy lifting.
I used to bench press 140kg and leg press 460kg. Lat pulldowns I could lift the whole stack even though I'm small in stature and I never ever looked like these guys.
I guarantee that they will have health problems down the track .

I agree. If you have done some gym work yourself, you get an idea of what is natural and what isn't. The stand out point was when our lab assistant at TAFE won the (NSW?) Natural Bodybuilding comp. He was a solid guy, but nowhere near what you see these days. To win this comp you had to prove you never used steroids by undergoing regular blood tests for a long time. Going by his size (not that big), I think it showed what you can achieve naturally and what needs artificial help.

I used to go to the gym a fair bit, and even though it was before people really spent a lot of time and money on nutrition and supplements, it was hard work to bulk up. It was a hard slog and you get to the point where additional gains are minimal.

At the same time my younger cousin bulked up and went from a regular looking person to the hulk in a few months. So much so that my aunty asked my mother how she handles it with me using steroids. Obviously that's how he got his bulk and apparently it was showing in his behavior.

I can sort of understand why they are so popular. Easier gains and they let people get above the plateau that they normally sit at. They have become cheap and widely available, and it makes a guy able to look stronger more easily. For a lot of guys, this confidence seems to be what they are after. I had two cousins that used steroids and I think they both got to a stage in their life where they had a job and a family, and they just went back to regular size.

NSW, 6874 posts
29 Jan 2018 9:40AM
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rockmagnet said..

Mark _australia said..
Just out of interest, how do u know its roids?

I know some fully natural bodybuilders who are pissed off about assumptions, it minimizes their achievements and I can see why they get annoyed....

I was a Gym junkie for many years and even spent 5 years as an instructor. I can tell by just looking at these guys that they are on the juice. A big giveaway is their skin with acne down their backs. They can become very aggressive and they just look different to a natural bodybuilder with unnatural bulges and a lot of water retention. Natural body builders just don't look like their muscles and head are going to explode.
Roid users don't usually lift a lot of weight as they don't need to, to bulk up, as the drugs are doing the heavy lifting.
I used to bench press 140kg and leg press 460kg. Lat pulldowns I could lift the whole stack even though I'm small in stature and I never ever looked like these guys.
I guarantee that they will have health problems down the track .

Without a doubt they will have health problems. You could argue that they already have. Why anyone would want to look like a fruit bat is beyond me but it is obviously an egoic delusion.

I have a close friend who wanted to buff up. Didn't use steroids but got into the protein powders in a big way. Got gout at 35.

Your lymph system cannot handle that stuff and it will turn around and bite you in the bum. Or foot as the case may be. Completely unnecessary as well. Was reading an article about a vegan body builder the other day who had achieved a pretty impressive state of fruit batness so it can be done without the short cuts.

NSW, 581 posts
29 Jan 2018 9:57AM
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Those Whey protein powders are WOMD. Full sulfur cropdusting no fear

1221 posts
29 Jan 2018 8:03AM
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HotBodMon said..
Those Whey protein powders are WOMD. Full sulfur cropdusting no fear

You hit the gym hotbodmon?
A la natural hot bod

1221 posts
29 Jan 2018 8:07AM
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Yeah health issue wise this bloke seemed like he wasn't cognitive at all

1595 posts
29 Jan 2018 4:12PM
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What some of you guys are describing are not the effects of steroids which is just testosterone or an analog of testosterone and won't make people paranoid or delusional. Those blokes are on meth or one of those new designer drugs like synthetic marijuana.

QLD, 6123 posts
29 Jan 2018 6:23PM
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If u go on testosterone you shut down your natural production. Your nuts shrink and become dormant. If u quit when you get older you natural production will return at a much lower level than normal and you'll feel very old. If taken for a long time you pretty much have to stay on it or feel awfull. And there are potential issues such as heart problems.

NSW, 581 posts
29 Jan 2018 7:29PM
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quikdrawMcgraw said..

HotBodMon said..
Those Whey protein powders are WOMD. Full sulfur cropdusting no fear

You hit the gym hotbodmon?
A la natural hot bod

The ocean is the best gym round , quickie !!!

NSW, 581 posts
29 Jan 2018 7:30PM
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japie said..

rockmagnet said..

Mark _australia said..
Just out of interest, how do u know its roids?

I know some fully natural bodybuilders who are pissed off about assumptions, it minimizes their achievements and I can see why they get annoyed....

I was a Gym junkie for many years and even spent 5 years as an instructor. I can tell by just looking at these guys that they are on the juice. A big giveaway is their skin with acne down their backs. They can become very aggressive and they just look different to a natural bodybuilder with unnatural bulges and a lot of water retention. Natural body builders just don't look like their muscles and head are going to explode.
Roid users don't usually lift a lot of weight as they don't need to, to bulk up, as the drugs are doing the heavy lifting.
I used to bench press 140kg and leg press 460kg. Lat pulldowns I could lift the whole stack even though I'm small in stature and I never ever looked like these guys.
I guarantee that they will have health problems down the track .

Without a doubt they will have health problems. You could argue that they already have. Why anyone would want to look like a fruit bat is beyond me but it is obviously an egoic delusion.

I have a close friend who wanted to buff up. Didn't use steroids but got into the protein powders in a big way. Got gout at 35.

Your lymph system cannot handle that stuff and it will turn around and bite you in the bum. Or foot as the case may be. Completely unnecessary as well. Was reading an article about a vegan body builder the other day who had achieved a pretty impressive state of fruit batness so it can be done without the short cuts.

Fruit batness HaHa good one , I think most bodybuilders are terrified of fruit

NSW, 581 posts
29 Jan 2018 7:32PM
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regarding health issues via small balls,
Quote Doc at IVF clinic to Nephew .." The five sperm we can actually see , aren't in a hurry to get anywhere"

3777 posts
29 Jan 2018 8:20PM
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The weight on muscle will eventually work against you and effect your cardio. Not to mention increased heart rate if your to old youll prob at risk of a early heart attack. (but not sure how roids work. . Might have massive power but gas out quick Allways though it was better to loose body fat then beef up. .

VIC, 1040 posts
30 Jan 2018 2:44PM
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quikdrawMcgraw said..
And he's a weird prick he bleached his hair and his eyebrows cmawn wtf is that!

I heard people bleach the places where the sun doesn't that's weird

1221 posts
30 Jan 2018 1:42PM
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dmitri said..

quikdrawMcgraw said..
And he's a weird prick he bleached his hair and his eyebrows cmawn wtf is that!

I heard people bleach the places where the sun doesn't that's weird

Yeah I hear anal bleaching really lightens up your dot a few shades

WA, 1089 posts
30 Jan 2018 3:04PM
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quikdrawMcgraw said..

dmitri said..

quikdrawMcgraw said..
And he's a weird prick he bleached his hair and his eyebrows cmawn wtf is that!

I heard people bleach the places where the sun doesn't that's weird

Yeah I hear anal bleaching really lightens up your dot a few shades

Just like changing your ring tone...

I'll get me coat.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Buff" started by quikdrawMcgraw