I've been pondering this question for a while. I'm in Tahiti right now, always wanted to go there - ever since I saw that soap ad decades ago. See - advertising does work.
Obviously, I went on the internet to find a place to stay, and bought tickets online - but that's about it. I like the idea of not over analysing every aspect of spending my hard earned dollars, preferring to just take things as they come and explore for myself.
Often it's the bad experiences that are the most memorable. Is it helpful to read the reviews/star ratings of places/things to do or is it more fun finding things out by chance?
My question to you muppets is: what do you think - can you over-research a destination/restaurant/activity and what you are expecting from it?
Does the internet help or hinder what you are looking for when spending your money on pleasure, or.... better: how reliant are you on reviews posted by other muppets on the internet to plan your free time?
You can never over research a destination - particularly old-world Euro destinations.
There are so many hidden gems that unless you have unlimited time and resources you just won't find them.
A tropical paradise may well need little or no research but there is so much you can miss in those "old" places.
Having said that, you definitely don't want to lock in an hour by hour, highlight by highlight itinerary that doesn't allow some spontaneous sidetracks!
I disagree with the no internet idea if you're travelling with kids or a fairly loose itinerary. Life is so much easier when you can make last minute sidetrack or train bookings online.
I've done the backpacker early and mid 90's couples trips around the world for months with little planning and no mobile or internet and then a couple of years ago a family of 4 Euro trip with the mobile devices and it is much easier and more interesting to make last minute side trips that people recommend during the trip with modern tech.
Wired is the only way to go - especially European... IMO
perhaps you should reread the thread
as the original writer was indeed credited
by my own good self
I do awaited you apology oliver
Rather than scoffing down more angry pills - you should apologise - what you did is ILLEGAL
Just admit it - you've been Pwned
And in the red corner .................
You made a right wally of yourself there Oliver. You should eat a little humble pie or you're going to come away all battered and bloody.
Please just posts one pictures oft surf in Tahiti up...
Whatever rAda rada rasa Tahiti put up surf picturea
all quiet on the oliver front
hope the weather turned nice
and you got yo fat ass on yo fat sup
into some nice fat tahiti screensavers
you worldy dawg you