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Eating raw meat/food.

Created by youngbull > 9 months ago, 30 Jan 2017
QLD, 825 posts
30 Jan 2017 9:51PM
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I have noticed most people including my wife never wash the utensils whilst cooking.
As soon as it cooks ( anything really ) I wash the utensils and then after that I will have a taste test.
Where most people just munch away with raw food mixed with cooked food on the wooden mixing spoon.

Even on the cooking shows they all just lick away. Kinda find it repulsive. An ex used to love eating the raw mince while cooking a spag bog... Hence ex.

Is this something people think of?
How many people do this?

NSW, 2496 posts
30 Jan 2017 11:17PM
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I think someone needs to eat some concrete.
Raw meat is great. Better bleeding and dripping off the chin and onto a salad with fine Asian herbs and spices.

QLD, 825 posts
30 Jan 2017 10:20PM
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You have issues..

QLD, 12337 posts
30 Jan 2017 10:27PM
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Beef Tartare is quite a delicacy for those with a healthy digestive system.

Raw mince (top quality, not your average supermarket rubbish), raw onion and raw egg on toast. Yum!!

When I am not having that I go for sheep's brains or mountain oysters.

QLD, 825 posts
30 Jan 2017 11:35PM
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Define top quality mince please Cisco.
Raw egg yolk yeah, but not the white I thought.

Agent nods
622 posts
30 Jan 2017 9:39PM
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You need to temper your preference with a bit of knowledge and common sense.

Raw meat/fish....harmful bacteria..etc forms on the outside, and slowly permeates in. So a fresh cut of meat even from an months old aged carcass is fine, as long as the meat from the outside is not included.

Aged meat (you can only eat aged never want to eat fresh meat - it is way too tough and needs to be at least 3-4 weeks old before you sell it.) Good aged beef/lamb, much longer, pork and chicken a lesser time scale). Processes like salting the outside of the meat kills off the nasties, by taking out the water they need to survive, so you can have a fresh leg of pork that has been salted years ago, like prosciutto eaten "raw"

High heat, frying roasting etc kills almost any harmful nasties on the outside of the meat. You risk problems eating supermarket mince because you don't know if some aged nasty stuff is now in the middle of the mince, so you should cook this to well done.

As for the licked spoon risk...back into the boiling sauce, or near too - extremely unlikely.

A cold dish well some chance...about as much as living closely to the person. If it the person was very close to you and you actually kissed - so much more chance.

If you licked and kissed whole lot more stuff on the chef ............ a lot more chance! So live dangerously!

NSW, 4521 posts
31 Jan 2017 6:29AM
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youngbull said..
Define top quality mince please Cisco.
Raw egg yolk yeah, but not the white I thought.

Youngbull, best to get your local butcher to mince it right before your eyes. Tell him what you are using it for to make sure he uses a nice fresh cut.

VIC, 1040 posts
31 Jan 2017 8:40AM
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reminds me of Mr Bean eating a raw mince at some fancy restaurant steak tartare

QLD, 12337 posts
31 Jan 2017 10:30AM
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youngbull said..
Define top quality mince please Cisco.
Raw egg yolk yeah, but not the white I thought.

Minced eye fillet??

WA, 3519 posts
31 Jan 2017 8:42AM
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My tip for tartar: never ever mince it in a mincer! Always knife mince the meat!
Specially at the butcher cause the first bit that will come out of the mincer could be from any cut!
For tartar use best cut, fillet rump etc. not mince must be lean.
In mine, I put capers, mustard, salt, pepper, garlic, onion, 1 yolk, diced pickles, little bit of Worcester sauce, little bit of ketchup, a dash of booze (whisky, wodka., brandy....). must rest it 1/2 hour in fridge, serve with crusty toasted bread buttered.
peeps our days are so worried about bad bugs they keep cleaning whatever they touch with stupid disinfectant lotion, same go with the kids. They are getting weak to bacterias and prone to infections as the immune system is not strong anymore!

QLD, 1458 posts
31 Jan 2017 11:23AM
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saltiest1 said..
I think someone needs to eat some concrete.
Raw meat is great. Better bleeding and dripping off the chin and onto a salad with fine Asian herbs and spices.

This is what they do to you when you go for you open heart surgery
Its no fun and you really don't feel like a macho man anymore. It effects you, your loved ones your job ,your income and really screws you up and oh yes lots of extremely bad pain for a long time and you are never the same person again.
So less of the extremely bad advice to people as to what they should be eating.
Ive been through it all and am now a vegan and well on the road to recovery and ditched all the pills.
I'll say no more because I could go on all day but have a good hard look at what you put on your plate and live a long and healthy life.

WA, 132 posts
1 Feb 2017 2:54PM
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There had to be a vegan pipe up sooner or later.

Sorry buddy but we need meat.

QLD, 1458 posts
1 Feb 2017 6:59PM
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LittleFella said..
There had to be a vegan pipe up sooner or later.

Sorry buddy but we need meat.

Yeah, thats what I thought. You're talking to someone who bench pressed 140Kg, ran marathons Surfed,ate meat, thought I was careful with my diet.In actual fact knew very little at all. Did it all , and yet? Whats your story ?

WA, 14734 posts
1 Feb 2017 5:34PM
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rockmagnet said..

LittleFella said..
There had to be a vegan pipe up sooner or later.

Sorry buddy but we need meat.

Yeah, thats what I thought. You're talking to someone who bench pressed 140Kg, ran marathons Surfed,ate meat, thought I was careful with my diet.In actual fact knew very little at all. Did it all , and yet? Whats your story ?

So, what caused the open-heart surgery? What it diet related or just something that would have happened anyway?

I suspect (but without any real evidence) that extreme fitness takes a toll on the body and a more regular level might be a better idea. Its only a guess though, as I don't really know.

QLD, 1458 posts
1 Feb 2017 8:59PM
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FormulaNova said..

rockmagnet said..

LittleFella said..
There had to be a vegan pipe up sooner or later.

Sorry buddy but we need meat.

Yeah, thats what I thought. You're talking to someone who bench pressed 140Kg, ran marathons Surfed,ate meat, thought I was careful with my diet.In actual fact knew very little at all. Did it all , and yet? Whats your story ?

So, what caused the open-heart surgery? What it diet related or just something that would have happened anyway?

I suspect (but without any real evidence) that extreme fitness takes a toll on the body and a more regular level might be a better idea. Its only a guess though, as I don't really know.

Big high impact wipeout onto shallow sandbank loosened plaque in arteries. Concussion followed by stroke followed by heart attack and then Zipper. You just don't know what's going on in your body and what a big surprise.
Its all good now 14 months later I'm back surfing.Happy to be kicking at 68.Hence the diet and I'm feeling better than I have in
a long time.

NSW, 3487 posts
2 Feb 2017 8:41AM
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I have no strong views on the merit, or otherwise, of a meat or vegetable based diets, where I do have some issues is using the word "raw", simply because that's not where we're at in terms of our development as a species, it's probably not in our best interests to make what could be a retrograde step and eat a higher proportion of uncooked food, because for millennia, we have adapted to eat cooked.

I'm a subscriber to the belief that "cooking made us human" (copy and paste into google for the wiki) and although the general scientific is community has still to decide if this is a viable and testable hypothesis over multi science disciplines, there's good evidence to suggest that it's plausible.

The archaeological and anthropological evidence for it is weak.

The DNA evidence relating to certain developmental traits such as smaller jaws, large brains and less complex intestines is there in some, but not all cases.

To me, the most compelling evidence, thus far, has related to the studies done in relation what happens to our bodies when we try to eat something like a very tough tuber raw. Because cooking has pre digested the meal for us, our jaws no longer need to work as hard, our internal digestive tracts need not spend so much time extracting the required nutrients our gut flora can change to accommodate simpler foods with less potential for harmful microbes, our waste systems also benefit.

When looking that this phenomenon of cooking making us human, it's important not to make the mistake of thinking that our emergence, into what is believed to be the approximate time of us starting to become human, 1.8 million years ago, was because those 2 good homo erectus mates, thag and gronk, would gather the family on the patio of their cave and throw a few mega fauna on the BBQ, there's no evidence that comes close to believing that's the case.

What they can surmise is a scenario where Thag and Grong were gathering food in a recently burnt areas and found that the tubers they were finding close to the surface had changed in both texture and taste, and any carrion that did not survive the inferno, smelt better and were easier to eat.

Evidence of when we actually started to control fire, and hence cook, is continually being upgraded as new discoveries are made.

Our cousins, the Proto Neanderthals, appear to have been using it around 300K to 400K years ago, in 2013 a site in South Africa showed evidence that our direct ancestors were using it 1 million years ago, that's 200K older than was previous thought.

If we were to take the lesser figure of 800K years for our direct ancestor controlling fire, and use a generational cycle of 20 years, that would be 40000 generations of cooking from them to us, factor in possible rates of change by natural selection, sexual selection and mutations, then it's reasonable to make the assumption that cooking food turned out to be a good idea.

WA, 313 posts
2 Feb 2017 11:31AM
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Nothing like a nice piece of rare chicken.

QLD, 1071 posts
2 Feb 2017 1:50PM
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It's all explained here..

In short - NO. We humans have evolved "out of" the primate or primative digestive systems that other meat-eaters still have (lions, bears, etc).

If we suddenly start eating raw meat, with all its blood and acidic juices, we could get very sick, very quickly. Some can tolerate it. Most cannot.

WA, 313 posts
2 Feb 2017 2:43PM
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I doubt many people are digging into freshly killed raw beef. I love my steak very rare and but the sear on the outer is essential!
Spend half my life cooking meat, I love it - @urban_pit_master on instagram.
If you gave me cooked oyster I would throw it back at you.

1595 posts
2 Feb 2017 3:03PM
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Only oysters raw, everything else medium well.

2129 posts
2 Feb 2017 4:54PM
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Taena saginata

Mmmmmm mmmm

VIC, 1040 posts
2 Feb 2017 8:16PM
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Fresh caught raw scallops....yummy yummy yum

Agent nods
622 posts
2 Feb 2017 5:28PM
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Chris_M said..
Taena saginata

Mmmmmm mmmm

can you be sure your organic veges...did not come in contact with organic manure potentially containing tapeworms?

At least the livestock/meat is inspected for telltale signs.

2129 posts
2 Feb 2017 6:23PM
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nods said..

Chris_M said..
Taena saginata

Mmmmmm mmmm

can you be sure your organic veges...did not come in contact with organic manure potentially containing tapeworms?

At least the livestock/meat is inspected for telltale signs.

What are you banging on about ya weirdo? Maybe the parasites have infected your brain.

Cook ya goddam meat.

Dont assume i give a crap about organic veges

Agent nods
622 posts
2 Feb 2017 7:03PM
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Chris_M said..

nods said..

Chris_M said..
Taena saginata

Mmmmmm mmmm

can you be sure your organic veges...did not come in contact with organic manure potentially containing tapeworms?

At least the livestock/meat is inspected for telltale signs.

What are you banging on about ya weirdo? Maybe the parasites have infected your brain.

Cook ya goddam meat.

Dont assume i give a crap about organic veges

Just pointing out that you can get tapeworms from other sources besides under cooked meat...If you have had a salad ? worked around cattle/sheep? owned a dog? or a cat......

At least the meat we eat goes though a inspection process before, during and after the killing process. So the risk of eating meat other than cooked the way you like it - is not great.

NSW, 6937 posts
5 Feb 2017 4:43PM
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rockmagnet said..
LittleFella said..
There had to be a vegan pipe up sooner or later.

Sorry buddy but we need meat.

Yeah, thats what I thought. You're talking to someone who bench pressed 140Kg, ran marathons Surfed,ate meat, thought I was careful with my diet.In actual fact knew very little at all. Did it all , and yet? Whats your story ?

He is one of the ignorant majority who have a propensity to communicate through the anus.

The heart is a pump that pumps blood. It also runs off the blood that it pumps. Like any pump it will have to work harder if the pipes it pumps through become clogged up which puts it under unnecessary stress. If you eat food that has a tendency to make your blood thinner and leaves no deposits on the arteries your heart will not only last one hell of a lot longer but it will allow you to do things the converse would not.

A vegan diet also allows the blood to carry a lot more oxygen.

QLD, 7428 posts
6 Feb 2017 12:56AM
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LittleFella said..
There had to be a vegan pipe up sooner or later.

Sorry buddy but we need meat.

No you don't, unless there's something unusual about your physiology.

QLD, 825 posts
6 Feb 2017 1:48AM
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Cheers Brezzers.

A few great reply's and a few odd ones.

Vegan's - I partially agrree as a few weeks a year I go on a meat free diet for a week, feels good - but get tired to quick and go back to meat. I like it and find it's my staple. Number 2's mmmmmmm yea lets not go there when meat free.

Fresh to me is 24hrs, kinda struggle with the "few months" vs fresh thing.
Tried the raw mince thing. yep number 2's got violent so screw that - even made sure with my butcher first.

I suppose it's what your used to. For me a small change at a time. lost 10kg over last 4 months from just cutting food back in general.

Hard to change food habbits. I'll stick to the 80's food style and not some Masterchef deconstructed raw devine whoo harrr dinner.

QLD, 1071 posts
6 Feb 2017 5:10PM
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Like I said above, humans, especially westernised versions have evolved OUT of eating raw meat...

Perhaps the only people that can stomach raw meat are the Eskimos...

NSW, 9202 posts
8 Feb 2017 1:25PM
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LittleFella said..
There had to be a vegan pipe up sooner or later.

Sorry buddy but we need meat.

Whenever I eat someone I prefer a vegan. Not so much because of irony, but that I like my meat grass fed.

9106 posts
8 Feb 2017 6:37PM
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IMO beef is beautiful raw with a seared outer, but not bloody.
wife and i love raw fish tuna salmon or clear flesh fish "prep" in citrus juice.

i make these babies up once every week.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Eating raw meat/food." started by youngbull