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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...


Created by alexcrg > 9 months ago, 14 Mar 2018
13 posts
14 Mar 2018 3:46AM
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How do you like yours? Fried? Poached? Scrambled? Hard-boiled? Something else? Do you like cheese with them? Toast? Salt? Pepper? Both? Neither? Do you take out the yoke? Do you like a runny yoke? A cooked through yoke? What do you think about having a little crispy bit on the side of a fired egg? Do you prefer yours in a keish? How much will you eat in a day? Do you own chickens? Do you prefer the eggs from birds besides chickens? Do you not like eggs at all? Too much cholesterol eh?

Personally, for me nothing beats a plain old poached egg with salt and pepper.

VIC, 1040 posts
14 Mar 2018 8:17AM
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Fried with black pudding is the best.
But my love ones hate me when I do eggs with black pudding for brekky.

WA, 675 posts
14 Mar 2018 6:07AM
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Not over cooked, i like them a little runny. Poached, fried easy over and scrabbled french style. I always add some fresh thyme from the garden. I have 4 chooks and they rock a good egg

My daughter named the chooks. They are; Katrina, Clementine, Bingwack and Airbag. I know it's a bit out-there but it blows her hair back

NSW, 5784 posts
14 Mar 2018 9:23AM
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546 posts
14 Mar 2018 6:34AM
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All in one basket

NSW, 590 posts
14 Mar 2018 9:45AM
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I found this googy a little chewy

13 posts
14 Mar 2018 7:00AM
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Glad to see some fellow egg lovers! I do indeed have twenty-something hens (lost count a long time ago ) and 2 roosters. One of the roosters is a serama bantam, th smallest breed of chicken in the world. We like him because he can't get too mean with the hens before they start picking on him. The bantams are like how a minature pony is to a horse. Our other rooster is a sweetheart named Buddy. He hasn't picked on anybody yet, but if that changes he'll be sent to the slaughter-house faster than he can say cocka-doodle-doo. We're getting another batch of chicks this spring. I'm sure it'll lead to some more egg discussion!

13 posts
14 Mar 2018 8:16AM
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Oh, and another point I forgot to make. I thouroughly enjoy my eggs with hot sauce. Scrambled and poached, especially are great with hot sauce. But in reality, any way of cooking them goes great with the taste of your favorite hot sauce in the back of your mouth. Does anybody else enjoy eggs with hot sauce?

QLD, 6149 posts
14 Mar 2018 11:15AM
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cafe ten one twenty, edge hill cairns. fiendish eggs
poached eggs, hot chilli jam, avacado, herby salad, sourdough. with house cured speck.

NSW, 4521 posts
14 Mar 2018 12:40PM
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Seems none of the cafes can agree what temperature to cook them at. I've had 63 deg eggs, 58 degree eggs, as well as the old fashioned 100 deg boiled eggs.

Got to be runny in the middle. I like them poached on toast, and give them a combination of BBQ, tomato, Worscestershire and HP sauces. Otherwise hollandaise, spinach and bacon.

2224 posts
14 Mar 2018 10:06AM
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Don't mind an egg or two free range eggs ( proper ones from a mates farm not packet ones) are the best proper dark yolk.
i normally do an egg fry up they will very rarely be eaten by themselves but often form a major part of the weeks meals.
if I eat an egg by itself it will be between two pieces of bread with cracked pepper on it butter and real egg mayo. That is the closest I get to eating an egg solo but it is one of my favourite breakfasts out there.
i can hear the egg purists screaming out nooooo( if that is even a demographic on earth let alone a water sports forum)
poached eggs in a big brekkie are delightful but each mouthful of egg is dispersed with some bread or beans or have toast or hash browns dipped into it.

And there you go, my personal opinions on eggs, I never really thought much about it but damm it feels good to get that of my chest.

NSW, 387 posts
14 Mar 2018 1:17PM
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Select to expand quote
alexcrg said..
How do you like yours?


WA, 313 posts
14 Mar 2018 10:18AM
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I love poached / scrambled eggs with hot sauce!
Tabasco, Sriracha and Cholula

13 posts
14 Mar 2018 10:37AM
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Hmmm some very tasty, unique, and delicious sounding combinations. I must try some of these. My mouth is already watering for the next breakfast to come. Now I must say, I have been trying to cut back in the desserts and have supplemented the usual post dinner unhealthy eating with two poached eggs (Yokes a little runny). They always seem to hit the spot, so if your trying to get a little more healthy I'd recommend giving this a go! Anybody regularly enjoy eggs for mealtimes besides breakfast? How many eggs will you eat a day? I average about five.

WA, 313 posts
14 Mar 2018 10:47AM
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Wow, five is up there!.
Scrambled eggs with shaved truffle is also pretty amazing. I let my 6 year old daughter try it last time I had some and now she is always asking for eggs with truffles for tea!! I wish!

QLD, 1079 posts
14 Mar 2018 1:16PM
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I like mine "over here" and not "over there"

QLD, 1195 posts
14 Mar 2018 6:13PM
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Fry up some onions and tomato, add a couple of beaten eggs, bit of salt & pepper and empty on to a couple of pieces of buttered toast. Washed down with strong black coffee.

Mark _australia
WA, 22880 posts
14 Mar 2018 6:17PM
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Usually if I am out drinking, and do alright..... in the morning I definitely prefer them unfertilised.

WA, 8407 posts
14 Mar 2018 8:26PM
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Select to expand quote
theDoctor said..

Asked a chick this
she said unfertilised

1197 posts
14 Mar 2018 8:42PM
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From funny images

1972 posts
15 Mar 2018 2:21AM
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Select to expand quote
sydchris said..

alexcrg said..
How do you like yours?


NSW, 1412 posts
15 Mar 2018 11:09PM
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Last year had scrambled eggs in the hills of Umbria with fresh truffles just dug up by truffle hunter (on left) with his dogs. Prior to that we had some stunning sheeps milk pecorino with grated truffle (that is the herd in background) and a glass of prosecco.

Then back to their farm for a home cooked meal. Best day ever in Italy!

SA, 4783 posts
15 Mar 2018 11:05PM
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What's the best way to make scrambled eggs?
I have had several attempts recently with no luck.
I like it when they are yellow with white bits and smooth creamy texture?

Buster fin
WA, 2586 posts
16 Mar 2018 5:15AM
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I'd be happy if just once, my wife didn't serve me something eggy with bits of shell still in it.

QLD, 6149 posts
16 Mar 2018 8:53AM
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NIce wineman. Did you know the guy or is this some king of tour you can go on?

NSW, 1412 posts
16 Mar 2018 12:08PM
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myusernam said..
NIce wineman. Did you know the guy or is this some king of tour you can go on?

Great people and a great experience
Day tour incl truffle hunt and loooong lunch:

Mac is a NZ'er who married local girl Francesca and they run it with the extended family - way up in the mountains.

13 posts
16 Mar 2018 9:39AM
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So many great opinions and stories all surround eggs! It truly is a marvelous food. I must say, I am quite pleasantly surprised about the responses on this thread, as I didn't expect to get many on a water sports forum. However I'm so glad to see others who love eggs just as much as I do, and to hear what stories they have to tell about this fantastic food. Keep em coming!

WA, 313 posts
16 Mar 2018 11:01AM
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Southace.... 3 eggs into bowl. About 30ml (decent slurp) of full cream milk. Heat med/low non stick saucepan. drop in a big (tablespoon) chunk of butter.
Using a plastic spatula, stir and fold every 30 seconds. Should be ready in around 2-3 mins.
Pop on some toast and season with salt and pepper. I love chopped parsley too. Try some with hot sauce if you like spicy things, you will be impressed how well scrambled eggs pairs with tabasco etc.

WA, 8407 posts
16 Mar 2018 11:18AM
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We do a baked breakfast at my cafe, it's a big hit
four beans
spiced sausage
smoked paprika
salt pepper
cook for 3 hrs in slow cooker
place in ramekin & bake eggs on top
we serve it with fresh herbed butter toasted Turkish bread

WA, 1103 posts
16 Mar 2018 12:37PM
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Where is/who is the fkg vegan who's going to tell us that eating eggs is a crime/sin/unreasonable/cruel & unfair to the chook(s)?
Come on - you know it, you're out there.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Eggs" started by alexcrg