I know its a dick move but do you know how many times I've wanted to do what this guy did.
if you find that funny there's something wrong with you.
hope he's ok and has no spinal injuries, and that the guys in the car get what's coming to them.
Wha wa wa....
If you leave the house in head to toe lycra then you have to expect bad things to happen.
About as funny as someone sneaking up and grabbing one of your steering lines in 30 knots hey Gaz.....
Since when in blatant assault funny?
I cycle. And can tell you from first hand experience that broken bones are no laughing matter - particularly vertebrae.
Sorry guys I apologise if the video has offended you. I only posted it as a warning to others of the dangers of cycling in a hope to stop others taking up the sport. Then the roads will be free to be used for what they are designed for,... cars!! Bahahah!
Bikes were on the road long before there were cars were even thought about.
I've been on the receiving end of a similar move where a couple of dickheads hanging out of a car tried to pull us of our bikes whilst training (in single file), I would've been about 13,
Glad you approve of real f'ken hero's.
OMG having to sit through 2 minutes of retarded Japanese ads shouting at me to buy hair tonic kind of spoiled the LOLz...
For real schadenfreude carnage, you can't beat this full-field pile-up from the Eneco Tour in 2014.
If you get worked up about cyclists you are displaying signs of emotional immaturity.
By the same token if you are a cyclist, and I know as I've done literally 10's of thousands of kilometers, and you cycle in groups and hog the road you are going to run into drivers who are emotionally immature. That's why I stick as far over to the side of the road when I cycle.
Used to do many many miles in London and could almost always guarantee I would run into at least one emotionally immature driver every day. Because the traffic was so slow I would be overtaking literally thousands of cars and for some reason this used to trigger insanity in a small proportion of people. Fortunately I can hold my own and the car mirror replacement people had me to thank for a surge in business.
There are some many idiots on the road and here on seabreeze included as they get their buttons pushed by a cyclist or ''worse'' a driver doing some km/h's less than the speed limit as discussed before.
Another man had a tire iron into his face yesterday in Perf apparently for cutting someone off. Last week was other who got a pipe shifter into his skull from the courtesy of another pissed off driver.
Be road rage savy. NEVER get out of the car or roll down your windows and dont stop.
Drive straight to the cop shop if a short dicked man is pursuing you around on his big 4wd.
Personally I reckon riding is one of the most extreme sports out there. It puts most extreme sports to shame. I have seen; been involved with; and heard of many injuries and fatalities from riding road bikes. I even had a stint in court over a bike/car related road rage incident. Just open the paper and more often than not there is an article involving a bike rider. There have been 742 fatalities in Australia over the last 20 years. So around 40 per year. I don't know of many sports out there that has that level of statistics. Base jumping sounds safer. Puts our shark related fatalities to shame.
The issue with road cycling is that you have to "share" your sport with other people. Most other sports don't involve that level of sharing where you are relying on the concentration, empathy and skill level of others (ie. those in the cars). Add into the mix the use of mobile phones, meth, and general public backlash from people who hate "riders" and it is bloody dangerous to be out there on the road.
I used to be an avid road bike rider but have gotten sick of the danger level and abuse from cars. Plus I want to see my family every day. That said I now focus purely on"urban cycling" by riding my bike to work through the network of cycle and footpaths. It adds an additional 5 minutes on my ride to work, but that is better than not getting to work at all. Preferable, is getting out on my mountain bike. No cars to worry about coming up from behind you, plus the adrenaline levels are so much higher. Would rather take my chances on log overs, big drops and jumps than with some d!ck in a V8 Commodore who doesn't have the patience to wait a few seconds longer.