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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Falling apart ?

Created by oldgina > 9 months ago, 22 May 2016
NSW, 55 posts
22 May 2016 9:34PM
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As a mature aged Seabreezer doing what I love to do is getting harder every year so at the risk of being called a "troll" I would simply like to know what you other people are doing to help defer the inevitable onset of ageing & the injuries that go with it ,neck ,knee ,hip & now back WTF is going on..........?

WA, 549 posts
22 May 2016 7:43PM
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Define mature age

NSW, 433 posts
22 May 2016 9:43PM
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Resistance training and yoga.
Some cardio helps as well.

NSW, 55 posts
22 May 2016 10:11PM
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James ,I thought my username may have provided a clue...? however I would say young 55 year old...

WA, 2775 posts
22 May 2016 8:26PM
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oldgina said..a mature aged Seabreezer

After a few years experience on Seabreeze, you will realise that the words "mature" and "Seabreezer" should not often be used in the same sentence

As for this immature 52 year old.........

copious amounts of panadol osteo, nagesic osteo, irbesartan and caltrate.


WA, 12441 posts
22 May 2016 8:34PM
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I've come to the conclusion that surfing has helped me stay fit into my 70s.
After watching some of the latest health programs it seems intermittent high intensity exercise is the go. Paddling very hard to catch that wave, or to get over the close out set, then more relaxed paddling to get into position, seems very close to what's recommended.
I don't do as much surfing now but plenty of windsurfing and cardio twice weekly. But now I think I'm going to book into a gym for strength training.

WA, 163 posts
22 May 2016 9:03PM
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beerdead said...
Resistance training and yoga.
Some cardio helps as well.

Agreed... Yoga to maintain mobility and endurance strength to maintain strength. Endurance training is good in that mix also.

Rest when your body needs it, warm up. Choose the right kit for the right job so your body isn't compensating for the difference.

WA, 8773 posts
22 May 2016 9:44PM
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The technical term is Oldmaneritis

Don't stop, just do smarter

Remember Old age and cunning will outdo youth and enthusiasm (in theory)

QLD, 1195 posts
23 May 2016 6:29AM
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Unfortunately, if you think 55 is old, then you have already lost the psychological battle to stay young.

VIC, 5047 posts
23 May 2016 7:59AM
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Use it or lose it. I'm older than you and I feel like I'm just getting started. There's a 78 year old on another thread looking for more playmates.

WA, 541 posts
23 May 2016 7:42AM
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Wear a bucket hat and get a surfboard or a smooth bottom circular profile twin tip or if your really on your way into the grave a foilboard.

Become very peristant that your useing all these not because your old and cant throw down a mobe but because ITS BETTER keep that warm little idea burning bright as itll make the gel flow and ease your arthritic joints.

Also eat some jelly and butter

WA, 12441 posts
23 May 2016 10:01AM
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oldgina said..
>>> ,neck ,knee ,hip & now back WTF is going on..........?

To get to the point, sounds like you've had a few joint problems?
I found a really good phsyio about 15 years ago when my joints started playing up. He explained that you have to stay supple, if things start getting stiff it can cause things to get out of place, tendons, ligaments etc don't quite behave as intended. so stretching exercises help with that. Also some muscles help support joints, more exercises to keep these muscles in shape also help. I now go to our local "over 50s fitness group" run by physios, we go through exercises designed to do the above plus some cardio and balance work.
Finding a good physio to recommend the right exercises may just be what you need.

NSW, 55 posts
23 May 2016 4:02PM
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Thanks for the advice Seabreezers, I'll try the yoga thingy 1st, hopefully that will help keep me on the shortboard riding slabs for at least a few more years....maybe even get to check out some candy while I'm there ?

WA, 541 posts
23 May 2016 3:41PM
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oldgina said...
Thanks for the advice Seabreezers, I'll try the yoga thingy 1st, hopefully that will help keep me on the shortboard riding slabs for at least a few more years....maybe even get to check out some candy while I'm there ?

Yoga is mostly one trim taut chickie instructor and a dozen coffin dodgers like yourself :-)

Pat O
QLD, 29 posts
23 May 2016 8:08PM
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Don't run, don't jog. Pool work helps me. I started back into sailboards 12 months ago at 60 years of age with bad knees and a dodgy back from a multiple fracture at age 48. I do 2 x pool sessions a week (25 meter pool - 50 laps freestyle, 10 laps breaststroke, hate breaststroke and some core exercises learned at hydrotherapy) and try get in I x sail per week.
Low impact is the go for ageing folk. The joints cop enough during the sailing session if the wind is up.
Pat O

WA, 5921 posts
23 May 2016 9:24PM
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I took up racing bicycles at 51. only D grade but 2.5 years later almost won a 75km handicap race. sprint finishat 55kph. Im loving the races of about 50-60kms manage a 15km ride each day before breakfast and go to work feeling limbered up both physically and mentally. I suspect the mental bit is more important that people realize

1595 posts
24 May 2016 3:08AM
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You must join a gym and lift weights.

NSW, 9205 posts
24 May 2016 9:16AM
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High Intensity Interval Training

It makes you younger. It affects mitochondrial function or something.

I also have a portrait of myself that I hide in the attic.

Ian K
WA, 4120 posts
24 May 2016 7:56AM
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evlPanda said..
High Intensity Interval Training

It makes you younger. It affects mitochondrial function or something.

I also have a portrait of myself that I hide in the attic.

yeh, I've been doing that since the Catalyst show was first aired, noticeably fitter than when I used to pace it out for an even, but solid, hour.

And don't sail in shallow water unless you're 90% sure there are no obstacles. Bit of a jarred knee today, doesn't do old knees any good.

SA, 235 posts
24 May 2016 9:56AM
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Agreed, yoga and weights is the way to go.

I train on alternate days, and only do my yoga after my weights session so my body has warmed up.

With regard to yoga, it can be difficult to know where to start. There are so many different types, and the idea of being in a class and trying no to fart is not very appealing. The chances of having some sweet little backside in front of you are very slim, and of course, class times don't always suit other commitments.

I now do the 'Tibetan 5 Rites' as my preferred yoga routine. This is what Tibetan monks have been doing for thousands of years to give them the core strength to sit and study/pray all day. And if you've ever noticed, some of these guys are very fit indeed. I sit at a computer all day, so this was a no brainer.

It is 5 moves, and you work up to doing 21 of each move consecutively. When done correctly, you will really crack a sweat, but then like all exercise, you get to enjoy that sweet endorphin release and the 'no guilt today' feeling that accompanies it.

I'm only 46, but even at this age I sometimes feel the onset of ageing and past injuries. So if I look after myself now, then I should be better in the coming years and be able to enjoy my sports and activities for longer.

Not me in the video -

VIC, 5047 posts
24 May 2016 10:41AM
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All the advice so far is good ... and kind of wrong. There's no one exercise that is going to make you fit and live forever. The only exercise that works is the one you actually do. Find something you like to do ... and do it.

In my case I kite almost every day. That works for me. If there's no wind or the weather is crap I sometimes run a little. My running course has some beach ramps so I can do a bit of the interval training thing. I do some weights when I can remember and the timing works out. When I'm up the bush I walk up the odd mountain.

If I miss a day I call it rest and recovery.

Possibly more important than all of that is to tame your brain. You'll catch yourself saying you're too tired, or you're feeling a bit sore, or don't have time, or can't be ****ed or whatever. That's perfectly fine for a day, or two at most. Most of the time you have to give yourself a kick in the bum and just do something. Do anything.

QLD, 6149 posts
24 May 2016 12:54PM
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Yoga from what i have seen is a poorer cousin to pilates.
Pilates is good

NSW, 55 posts
24 May 2016 5:29PM
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So let me get this right Aus06 ,doing Yoga & trying not to fart is good for your core strength ? wow!

WA, 8407 posts
25 May 2016 8:53PM
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I feel for you dude
Unfortunately you'll never be as fit and active as you used to, this is the most difficult , especially for me to accept, everything I did was done to 110%, compensate with alternative exercise and especially diet, knocking off some kgs and a good diet will automatically relieve pressure on the joints , target muscle groups at those points
Bad back up the core strength, buy a sup or balance exercise/ workouts, stretching, warming up and warming down, cycling for me is a great day starter, I love uphill sections,
Yeh I'm not as full on as I was, but I'm still fitter than most my age and most of the crew half my age,

1595 posts
26 May 2016 5:01AM
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myusernam said..
Yoga from what i have seen is a poorer cousin to pilates.
Pilates is good

Chuck Norris Total Gym is like a cheaper, better pilates machine.

NSW, 1576 posts
26 May 2016 7:33AM
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scientist believe that the person has already been born that will live to150 years old .
This is because of better understanding about diet & exercise plus medical technology advancements .
I also saw that they think that exercise with periods of high intensity is supposed to realise the chemical which locks onto cancer cells alerting the natural bodies defences to eradicate it .
Now Im seeing the same thing for arthritis .

NSW, 5784 posts
26 May 2016 8:19AM
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landyacht said...
I took up racing bicycles at 51. only D grade but 2.5 years later almost won a 75km handicap race. sprint finishat 55kph. Im loving the races of about 50-60kms manage a 15km ride each day before breakfast and go to work feeling limbered up both physically and mentally. I suspect the mental bit is more important that people realize

Are you boasting about almost winning a race against handicaps...?

NSW, 4521 posts
26 May 2016 9:09AM
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Buy a Chiko roll every morning on your way to work. They are delicious, and we need to keep the sales up because they are in danger of stopping production.

I recommend the chicken salt also.

QLD, 1451 posts
26 May 2016 10:59AM
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actiomax said..
I also saw that they think that exercise with periods of high intensity is supposed to realise the chemical which locks onto cancer cells alerting the natural bodies defences to eradicate it .

and here i have been just shooting it into a tissue and dumping it

NSW, 55 posts
29 May 2016 7:35PM
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Any of you Seabreezers have some experience surfing after having a hip replacement ? not looking good ......

QLD, 6149 posts
30 May 2016 1:52AM
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Hip replacements are one of the mist successful surgical procedures ever they reckon. So long as you are old enough to not need a second when the first wears out then yr probably gonna be fine.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Falling apart ?" started by oldgina