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Forget Climate Change.....Plastic Pollution is Catastrophic.

Created by cisco > 9 months ago, 11 Dec 2019
QLD, 12326 posts
11 Dec 2019 10:23PM
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The world is choking on plastic!!! Does that need repeating or have you got it????

Captain Goodvibes was talking about this more than 30 years ago. WAKE UP!!!!!

Mr Milk
NSW, 2991 posts
11 Dec 2019 11:32PM
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We know. Some time long into the future geologists will see a stratum of plastic deposited in sedimentary rocks and associate it with the current mass extinction event, just like the iridium layer is associated with the dinosaur extinction event

QLD, 6806 posts
11 Dec 2019 10:43PM
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just a small twitch, all is needed. Switch from polycarbonate to cellulose-based easy biodegradable stuff.
For most people plastic is the same but that will disintegrate in a few years or decades for sure.

But that is only one small part referring t packaging. The most serious stuff like building material and construction will be based on longer-lasting composites, so definitely we could have future soil and ocean composed of artificial carbon/silicon structures man-made.

In 200 Years from now your garden mulch will be composed of grinder plastic bottles for sure.

holy guacamole
1393 posts
12 Dec 2019 4:05AM
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Yes. When the plastic wave washes into your weekender in a few decades you'll remember climate change, that fangled 2019 WOKE topic we're all supposed to forget....

You'll grumble to yourself "it's natural variability"!

QLD, 12326 posts
12 Dec 2019 10:27PM
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^^^^Good to see. However plastic pullution needs to stopped at the scource.

In the 50s and 60s there was no plastic food packageing. You went to your local corner store or BCC (Brisbane Cash and Carry), bought your food which may or may not have been wrapped in paper and carried it home in a string bag or your two wheeled shopping trolley. Milk came in glass bottles with a foil cap. There was no such thing as bottled water.

Somehow most of us survived without getting food poisoning.

Google "plastic in the food chain" and see what you come up with. This is just one short video.

We need to stop the oil companies producing plastic for anything except for what is absolutely essential.

NSW, 4453 posts
14 Dec 2019 1:53PM
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Finally something we can all agree on.

883 posts
14 Dec 2019 1:51PM
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Nah nah, it's all about carbon

A 16yo told me, and they know everything

Mr Milk
NSW, 2991 posts
14 Dec 2019 6:33PM
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The plastic that really pisses me off is the new thicker vacuum packaging that Woolies is putting around its meat. The old trays with a cling wrap film and a little flat sponge to soak up the blood weren't great, but the new packing looks like they haven't bothered to let the carcass bleed before they cut it and sell it. It's got so much blood in it that it tastes like liver. I suppose that it is a little higher in iron as a result, but if I want to eat offal, I'll buy it. And when I checked the weight of meat in a couple of packages, you guessed it, it came up short.
So I guess I have to start making a side trip to the butchers after the supermarket

holy guacamole
1393 posts
14 Dec 2019 4:42PM
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What puzzles me about this topic, is why the subject has to be a binary proposition of almost unrelated topics.

Surely we can address both issues without resorting to the hyperbole and an absence of facts.

NSW, 1575 posts
14 Dec 2019 11:16PM
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My theory is burning Fossil fuel is a waste of good plastic just like our cheap packaging .
Were getting to the stage with vortex separating & our understanding of chemistry is far beyond shopping bags & how we wasted the good stuff on that
plastic ,is now an acceptable engineering concept we can make it lighter stronger & faster than metal & we are moving into the 3D printing at home is cheap I honestly think the mining of the oceans could be the next gold field if you incorporate carbon extraction from the atmosphere into cheap carbon nanotubes & vortex separation does that & use recycled plastic & this stuff could be massively cheap into affordable home & housing for everything useful cheap 3D printing at home
Stronger lighter cheaper we have the technology it's just a matter political will .
Plastic pollution is catastrophic only if we ignore it but if we treat it like the resource it is we clean the planet .

1196 posts
14 Dec 2019 8:43PM
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Mr Milk said..
The plastic that really pisses me off is the new thicker vacuum packaging that Woolies is putting around its meat. The old trays with a cling wrap film and a little flat sponge to soak up the blood weren't great, but the new packing looks like they haven't bothered to let the carcass bleed before they cut it and sell it. It's got so much blood in it that it tastes like liver. I suppose that it is a little higher in iron as a result, but if I want to eat offal, I'll buy it. And when I checked the weight of meat in a couple of packages, you guessed it, it came up short.
So I guess I have to start making a side trip to the butchers after the supermarket

One of the ultimate sea breeze first world problem posts!!

heaven forbid you need to make an extra shopping stop for a food item 3/4 of the world probably can't even afford You'll be ok boomer

1196 posts
14 Dec 2019 8:46PM
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actiomax said..

My theory is burning Fossil fuel is a waste of good plastic just like our cheap packaging .
Were getting to the stage with vortex separating & our understanding of chemistry is far beyond shopping bags & how we wasted the good stuff on that
plastic ,is now an acceptable engineering concept we can make it lighter stronger & faster than metal & we are moving into the 3D printing at home is cheap I honestly think the mining of the oceans could be the next gold field if you incorporate carbon extraction from the atmosphere into cheap carbon nanotubes & vortex separation does that & use recycled plastic & this stuff could be massively cheap into affordable home & housing for everything useful cheap 3D printing at home
Stronger lighter cheaper we have the technology it's just a matter political will .
Plastic pollution is catastrophic only if we ignore it but if we treat it like the resource it is we clean the planet .

I agree on the main, It's not the product, it's the application.

But not familiar with the vortex separating- will look that up, cheers

NSW, 1575 posts
15 Dec 2019 12:37AM
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Massively cool This should be a noble prize for an Ozzie .
who would have thought spinning stuff at the right speed & angel could separate molecules & that's cheap technology

2129 posts
15 Dec 2019 9:28AM
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Plastic, climate change, politicians.... it's all bad

Fuqwits running the show, and things just spiralling.

Thanks capitalism!

Mr Milk
NSW, 2991 posts
15 Dec 2019 11:28PM
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I just asked Google about vortex plastic waste sorting and got lots of references to the Pacific gyre, but nothing about a recycling technique.
So, actiomax, can you tell me where to look to see what you are talking about?

WA, 399 posts
15 Dec 2019 8:34PM
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Mr Milk said..
The plastic that really pisses me off is the new thicker vacuum packaging that Woolies is putting around its meat.

what about the tape they put around meat at Coles. That thing is bullet proof! I don't think you can buy it without a security clearance. Must be military grade stuff! Mylar with kevlar, made by NASA no doubt. I challenge you to break it - you can't, the glue is also super stuff.

but WTF would you put it on meat pack is beyond me

QLD, 6806 posts
15 Dec 2019 11:06PM
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I saw interesting paleo scientist presentation.
We humans already created quite significant layer at Earth crust, that in the event of instant extinction will be very interesting to study by future intelligent creature that inhabit Earth.We must agree that studying humans leftover will be much more fascinating that putting dinosaurus bones together.Look how interesting also resuicess we left. Some other creature contributed to oil or coal deposits - but that is monotony.
Out landfills will be absolute gold mine , consisting range of interesting material for future civilisation to use.

NSW, 1575 posts
16 Dec 2019 1:11PM
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Shirt load of science podcast from doctor Karl about molecular separation using a vortex I think it's called uncooking an egg

1196 posts
16 Dec 2019 12:00PM
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I looked up vortex separation and presume from reading that it ties to carbon sequestration, and then using the carbon for nano tubes, which can be made with plastic polymers now to enhance properties of both

pretty interesting / futuristic- maybe not applicable to "clean up" phase or mind set we're currently in

heres something on the nanotube - plastic application if interested

NSW, 1575 posts
17 Dec 2019 8:37AM
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Thanks mazdon.
that was interesting.
But I think this could be used to spur on both carbon extraction & the plastic clean up.
In my mind this is the sort of thing that is tangible & can be presented to people as a positive approach use it as a building materials for quick prefabricated housing to be used in third world countries or disaster relief accommodation .
I couldn't see anyone having objections & honestly everything is doom & gloom & I think people would jump at the chance to think that 3 problems can be solved at once

NSW, 9202 posts
17 Dec 2019 12:45PM
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This is a conspiracy by corrupt scientists and the one world government to tax us on plastics. Wake up.

[insert 4 hour video]

QLD, 6806 posts
17 Dec 2019 8:21PM
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Actually problem with any sort of plastic could be resolved with water.
Very hot water indeed.When you treat any plastic with water vapour/ steam at 600 Celcius- will disintegrate completely.
Long chains will brake, depolymerization completed and you could use outcome product as new , to create plastic again. So to deal with plastic here in Australia we have enough heat, waste plastic could be found , but with water could be some problems.But seriously speaking I imagine that we could use one day our concentrated solar to heat the water, then break this plastic. Using existing technology we should be able to resolve the problem.Even nuclear waste that usually last for thousands of years could be dealt with particle accelerators to break into hemless within days only - but the energy needed scale is a bit different.

QLD, 12326 posts
17 Dec 2019 9:02PM
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I don't think anybody here is getting the message!!

Recycling, seperations and water at 600 c is all fine and dandy for cleaning up the existing mess, but if it still gets pumped into the environment at the top end, the problem will never be solved.

It needs to be stopped at the source, i.e. the oil companies that keep churning it out.

Being as how they fairly much rule the world it is a tough problem to beat.

Dawn Patrol
WA, 1991 posts
17 Dec 2019 7:12PM
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A documentary called A Plastic Ocean is a scary watch!

575 posts
21 Dec 2019 9:57AM
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TonyAbbott said..
Nah nah, it's all about carbon

A 16yo told me, and they know everything

Like the ones who have anger management??

NSW, 9202 posts
21 Dec 2019 4:22PM
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TonyAbbott said..
Nah nah, it's all about carbon

A 16yo told me, and they know everything

To be fair there are a lot of intelligent 16 year olds.

I reckon my 10 year old could replace a lot of people at my work, easily.

and yet...

"I'm not young enough to know everything." - Oscar Wilde


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Forget Climate Change.....Plastic Pollution is Catastrophic." started by cisco