State of mind
By nature we are social creatures. One by one, we are all being requested to isolate to combat the physical threat of this virus. When we don't have contact with others the result can lead to
"poorer overall cognitive performance and poorer executive functioning, faster cognitive decline, more negative and depressive cognition, heightened sensitivity to social threats, and a self-protective confirmatory bias in social cognition" (Cacioppo & Hawkley, 2009)
So what of the affects of isolation on the psyche? What might this look and sound like if or when usual brain function alters?
Stay in contact with others via social media, phone, over the fence and across the road. Stay safe & stay sane friends. E N J O Y
I opened this with G8 anticipation (aka CISCO's pedigree)...
You perfectly nailed a theme through those 4...
Here is the challenge -
These are totally polarized and on a scale of style and brain attack sanity testing way off the centre of the bell curve for the Cisco efforts.
Can you put together another 4 which are totally up the other end of the scale??
A tough gig.. But either way thanks..
Here you go AP, couldn't help myself & went a little overboard.
Songs by clear, calm homo sapiens minds. The capacity to appreciate beauty in the world around us during these tough times. Step back on this fine Sunday morning and take a deep breath, be grateful for what we have and E N J O Y