I am making a game where each future invention gives you 5 points. Once you accumulate to 100, you win. Each 5 points unlocks a new invention.
Here's what I have so far
+5 James Webb Space Telescope
+10 Quantum computer
+15 Fusion reactor
+20 Fusion rocket
Does anybody have any cool, creative invention ideas for +25 to +100?
If you could, list it like I did. Thanks!!!
anri gravety .
Faster than light drive
3d molecular printing so u can print anything even new organs .
Worm hole generator
Vacuum tube train (like the bullet train, but way faaaaaaaaaaaaaaasterer)
Sonic bush fire extinguisher (yes, it can actually be done)
AI that passes the Turing test remotely
Live Robot that passes the Turing test in person (Ex Machina style)
Simple tablet or injection that cures cancer without side-effect
Brain transplant to regenerated body
Elixer of life (apparently discovered in Kazakhstan this week)
Room temperature superconductors
Batteries with 100% efficiency that don't degrade
Honest politicians
NBN that is better than your existing plan (okay, I'm getting silly now)
You do realise I now legally own part of your program if you use any of these ideas.
Self inflating kite
Cone of silence for females
Disintegration beam for arsehole p platers
Sterilization burgers at fast food joints
Vacuum tube train (like the bullet train, but way faaaaaaaaaaaaaaasterer)
Elon beat you to it en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperloop
Instant Force field detecting huge wipeout
Instant force field detecting Great white
Instant force field detecting runaway foil
Instant force field detecting bikie attack
Instant force field detecting jealous boyfriend attack
Instant force field detecting being run down by car
Instant force field detecting killer robot that has failed Turing test
Did nobody mention Time Machine yet?If I got one I could go back 500 years and start selling kites and windsurfers, Make a fortune, maybe...or even iPhones (?)
Did nobody mention Time Machine yet?If I got one I could go back 500 years and start selling kites and windsurfers, Make a fortune, maybe...or even iPhones (?)
Imagine the breaks you would have all to yourself. No crowds, no drop in's. Burnt at the stake as a witch could be a problem though.
Did nobody mention Time Machine yet?If I got one I could go back 500 years and start selling kites and windsurfers, Make a fortune, maybe...or even iPhones (?)
I got one for sale ! It is not doing much at the moment due to other more urgent commitments. You can have it at "mates' rate"
You can have it at "mates' rate"
You know, I may rather hire one from you.... for 1 minute only ...
i put my scotch fillet steak out to defrost tonight and some feral animal snavelled it. I found it a few hundered metres down the fire break. Its war.How about dat? might go charge an aldi pizza
You can have it at "mates' rate"
You know, I may rather hire one from you.... for 1 minute only ...
You sound like a rather slippery character I got your credit card details anyway
The 2 wheeled snakeboard............ then some bastard comes up with the ripstick
I could have been a millionaire
Did nobody mention Time Machine yet?If I got one I could go back 500 years and start selling kites and windsurfers, Make a fortune, maybe...or even iPhones (?)
What are you going to build them out of? How are your customers going to get them to the beach?