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Gay Marriage ............ Anyone?

Created by log man > 9 months ago, 4 Dec 2011
log man
VIC, 8289 posts
4 Dec 2011 4:53PM
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I'm pretty much like a pig in **** this week........ the Labour party conference is on and for me a good conference is like "sexpo"...... yeah, I know, sad isn't it. But anyway , Gay marriage........ are we all for it, or ???????

Mark _australia
WA, 22393 posts
4 Dec 2011 2:04PM
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Civil union with legal rights, yes.
Calling it marriage, no.

WA, 434 posts
4 Dec 2011 2:12PM
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Mark _australia said...


Civil union with legal rights, yes.
Calling it marriage, no.

here! here!

think of the children, will someone please think of the children

6657 posts
4 Dec 2011 2:16PM
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Mark _australia said...


Civil union with legal rights, yes.
Calling it marriage, no.

+1 - same.

WA, 434 posts
4 Dec 2011 2:16PM
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as one Australian realist said
"i got a bleedin a#s cartin bags of hay with my old man, imagine what a big old black d%ck would do to me"

WA, 360 posts
4 Dec 2011 2:22PM
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Suddenly the meaning of "Log Man" just became apparent

I thought it was just because you were happiest backdooring on your big ,long......oh never mind...

NSW, 123 posts
4 Dec 2011 5:23PM
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I think they should be able to marry legally, but this rises a question.
It's kinda of a big thing that christian religions (correct me if I'm wrong) are against homosexuals. (the usual leviticus idiotic quote is one of the examples) So you are a gay woman, or gay man, and you believe in God as taught by let's say Protestant Churches (or Catholics, or Baptists, doesn't matter). You want to get married with the person you love. Why would you get married under the wing of a religion that considers you and your love scum? I think that it would be more logical to follow a religion that has the same values except for that (I honestly don't know if there's any, but I could be wrong).
SO basically I think they should be able to get married, adopt kids, use assisted procreation.. everything a human being can do, every human being should be able to do, straight, gay, bisex, transgender, asexual...
But still I don't understand their reasoning, why would they want to.

161 posts
4 Dec 2011 2:27PM
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sure why not.... whatever..... maybe it is just me but when I get drawn into this debate I feel like one of a group standing around on the deck of the titanic discussing chair arrangements?
It's not like I can't see both sides points I just think marrage means stuff all these days anyway its not like its for life
(yes I honestly believe I would hve the same opinion if I was gay) as in you can call me married ,you can call me iggle piggle ! what do I care still living the same life

WA, 434 posts
4 Dec 2011 2:31PM
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Silence said...


I think they should be able to marry legally, but this rises a question.
It's kinda of a big thing that christian religions (correct me if I'm wrong) are against homosexuals. (the usual leviticus idiotic quote is one of the examples) So you are a gay woman, or gay man, and you believe in God as taught by let's say Protestant Churches (or Catholics, or Baptists, doesn't matter). You want to get married with the person you love. Why would you get married under the wing of a religion that considers you and your love scum? I think that it would be more logical to follow a religion that has the same values except for that (I honestly don't know if there's any, but I could be wrong).
SO basically I think they should be able to get married, adopt kids, use assisted procreation.. everything a human being can do, every human being should be able to do, straight, gay, bisex, transgender, asexual...
But still I don't understand their reasoning, why would they want to.

good point there.

Why marry into a relegion that doesn't like you.

Mark _australia
WA, 22393 posts
4 Dec 2011 2:32PM
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Agent000 said...

when I get drawn into this debate I feel like one of a group standing around on the deck of the titanic discussing chair arrangements?

The Govt has far bigger issues to attend to than gay marriage.
But that's what ya get when you have a Labor and Green duopoly - a country run by the clueless idealists .... the kind who protested about everything when they were at Uni.

1229 posts
4 Dec 2011 2:41PM
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Gay marriage
Two hijacked words together

NSW, 4453 posts
4 Dec 2011 5:47PM
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log man said...

I'm pretty much like a pig in **** this week........ the Labour party conference is on and for me a good conference is like "sexpo"...... yeah, I know, sad isn't it. But anyway , Gay marriage........ are we all for it, or ???????

Now that you and Soggy and legally wed, does that mean you'll be spending less time here together?

If yes, I'm all for it.

Otherwise I think it should be call gayriage, and marriage should be left to normal people.

WA, 2960 posts
4 Dec 2011 3:07PM
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This is a case of the mainstream religions imposing their beliefs onto a minority.

If two adults want to get married, what right do other people have to object. If they wanna walk down an aisle, exchange words and sign a certificate, let em do it.. I don't have a problem with it..

NSW, 4453 posts
4 Dec 2011 6:14PM
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barn said...

This is a case of the mainstream religions imposing their beliefs onto a minority.

If two adults want to get married, what right do other people have to object. If they wanna walk down an isle, exchange words and sign a certificate, let em do it.. I don't have a problem with it..

No this is a case of mainstream gays hijacking a heterosexual institution... Kind of like a skateboarder wanting to be known as a windsurfer and let in to the windsurfers club.

U want to commit to your homosexual friend, knock yourself out, but get your own word or get with the program.

NSW, 807 posts
4 Dec 2011 6:14PM
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FlySurfer said...

log man said...

I'm pretty much like a pig in **** this week........ the Labour party conference is on and for me a good conference is like "sexpo"...... yeah, I know, sad isn't it. But anyway , Gay marriage........ are we all for it, or ???????

Now that you and Soggy and legally wed, does that mean you'll be spending less time here together?

If yes, I'm all for it.

Otherwise I think it should be call gayriage, and marriage should be left to normal people.

I thought you'd be fully in favour of it Flysurfer... being a kiter and all...

QLD, 2770 posts
4 Dec 2011 5:27PM
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why exclude someone from societal rights just because of sexual preference?
i like blondes, some blokes prefer brunettes, some prefer other blokes.

as barn said, the sky's not gonna fall because same sex couples can marry

WA, 2960 posts
4 Dec 2011 3:32PM
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FlySurfer said...

No this is a case of mainstream gays hijacking a heterosexual institution... Kind of like a skateboarder wanting to be known as a windsurfer and let in to the windsurfers club.

Well I don't see the point of marriage anyway, but apparently the most important ingredients are one penis and one vagina?? Emotions and all that girly stuff is less important.. Marriage just needs one Willy and one Ham wallet.

What about marriage between a girl, and a transgender person? so like, the second person is legally both sexes?? Does that qualify as a heterosexual institution?

What about Abdul, who has an arranged marriage to his cousins 14 year old daughter. Is this a nice heterosexual institution? Does this please Flysurfer?

It's all very Monty Python.

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
4 Dec 2011 3:36PM
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I say who cares is it really important.

If gays marry it affects nothing. That graph displays it beautifully

But as was said why would the gays join together under a religion that refuses to tolerate their preferances.

Although i think god was gay - he had 12 blokes who followed him everywhere and doted on every word. Think he was black too.

1862 posts
4 Dec 2011 4:02PM
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It's an odd issue.

For years and years I grew up around Oxford St, Sydney seeing the rise of the gay movement and the Mardi Gras and the decline of the "Orange people". The persecution of homosexuals become less and less, the orange people disappeared - tough titties. Throughout the 80's I thought the gay message was, we are different, please just accept us for who we are.

Now I see their message as, we want to be just like you.

I couldn't care less if they want to get married, I'm just confused by this issue.

I would think this is more of a church thing rather than a government thing.

VIC, 411 posts
4 Dec 2011 7:05PM
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Where's the mardigras for the hetro's,
Why do the gays have to prance around half naked throwing it in our faces, and then expect us to like it,
Now, If your the type of deviout that would take care of farmer joe's (favorite) pet sheep on the way home from a late nighter, or like crossdressing I could maybe understand it but................
I dont think the pink tutu]s gonna help the cause much
Go figure
I still say get a dog, maybe two

WA, 2960 posts
4 Dec 2011 4:13PM
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poor relative said...

But as was said why would the gays join together under a religion that refuses to tolerate their preferances.

From what I understand, marriage was around before the religions that claim dominion over it today.

The Spartans got married, (they were also rampent boylovers)

Spartan men were required to marry at age 30,[39] after completing the Krypteia.[77] Plutarch reports the peculiar customs associated with the Spartan wedding night:
The custom was to capture women for marriage(...) The so-called 'bridesmaid' took charge of the captured girl. She first shaved her head to the scalp, then dressed her in a man's cloak and sandals, and laid her down alone on a mattress in the dark. The bridegroom—who was not drunk and thus not impotent, but was sober as always—first had dinner in the messes, then would slip in, undo her belt, lift her and carry her to the bed.[78]
The husband continued to visit his wife in secret for some time after the marriage. These customs, unique to the Spartans, have been interpreted in various ways. The "abduction" may have served to ward off the evil eye, and the cutting of the wife's hair was perhaps part of a rite of passage that signalled her entrance into a new life.[79]

Those crazy Spartans..

SA, 956 posts
4 Dec 2011 7:23PM
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Gay unuion has to be good for those that are that way inclined..........

the world needs more of these unselfish types....[}:)] the more NON BREEDERS

in the world has to be a great thing. I like wars too... at least it keeps

the spiraling population in somewhat of a check. There are just too many human

inhabitants on the planet, who have no actual worth. too many breeders

NSW, 9029 posts
4 Dec 2011 7:55PM
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Perhaps marriage is not an issue politicians and the state should have anything to do with. Marriage traditionally has been an agreement between individuals to live their life together with certain rules agreed to between them. The community they live in accept and formalise this partnership.

So why do we have a marriage act? It is primarily there to prohibit relationships that are judged by the politicians as immoral. Perhaps it would be better for individuals and the communities they live in to decide what is right and wrong. As long as no one is hurt or abused or they are claiming payment from the government based on their marital relationship, the government should have nothing to do with how people live their lives

1862 posts
4 Dec 2011 5:06PM
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Can someone tell me the difference in being married or not as to how it affects your life?

I've been married for 20 years, and the certificate that proves it from the State of Nevada, Las Vegas, with Elvis Presley embossed in the cover means very little to me.

It was the unwritten agreement/commitment that we made together as partners, between ourselves - prior to that faux wedding- that cemented our bond.

Why would anyone need to get married?

QLD, 2770 posts
4 Dec 2011 7:16PM
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adolf said...

Can someone tell me the difference in being married or not as to how it affects your life?

I've been married for 20 years, and the certificate that proves it from the State of Nevada, Las Vegas, with Elvis Presley embossed in the cover means very little to me.

It was the unwritten agreement that we made as partners, between us that cemented our bond.

Why would anyone need to get married?

i agree with you there; my life didn't change when my wife and i tied the knot (at the local court registry). but we had a choice: it's not about marriage itself, it's about having the same options as everyone else. no one actually needs to be married

QLD, 5396 posts
4 Dec 2011 7:23PM
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who gets to keep the kids in a gay divorce

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
4 Dec 2011 7:23PM
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if they want to be together -great.

but the underlying factor is they want to be 'recognised' so they can have access to children and we are all going to pay for it.

point is if your same sex couple you can't produce children- that a natural fact of life. if your choice is same sex well, that's your 'choice'- live with it.

yes i'm aware it happens now. i personally don't think its fair to the children to be raised in a same sex relationship that they have no choice in. i get the impression its more about their desires then the children

you can't have every thing in life, but i can see this government is going to give them everything.

now hears a scenario, what about a single man that wants to have a child- why can he have one, why should he be discriminated from having access to children?

where does it stop

1862 posts
4 Dec 2011 5:27PM
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stamp said...

adolf said...

Can someone tell me the difference in being married or not as to how it affects your life?

I've been married for 20 years, and the certificate that proves it from the State of Nevada, Las Vegas, with Elvis Presley embossed in the cover means very little to me.

It was the unwritten agreement that we made as partners, between us that cemented our bond.

Why would anyone need to get married?

it's not about marriage itself, it's about having the same options as everyone else. no one actually needs to be married

My question is... what are the actual benefits?

SA, 2865 posts
4 Dec 2011 8:00PM
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Hope they don't make it compulsory!!!!!

QLD, 5396 posts
4 Dec 2011 7:43PM
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laceys lane said...

if they want to be together -great.

but the underlying factor is they want to be 'recognised' so they can have access to children and we are all going to pay for it.

point is if your same sex couple you can't produce children- that a natural fact of life. if your choice is same sex well, that's your 'choice'- live with it.

yes i'm aware it happens now. i personally don't think its fair to the children to be raised in a same sex relationship that they have no choice in. i get the impression its more about their desires then the children

you can't have every thing in life, but i can see this government is going to give them everything.

now hears a scenario, what about a single man that wants to have a child- why can he have one, why should he be discriminated from having access to children?

where does it stop

i totally agree Lacey

i hope the single fathers are better then the single mother of 6 to 4 different fathers living down the street with the ABSOLUTE Ferrel kids

Mark _australia
WA, 22393 posts
4 Dec 2011 5:47PM
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Anyway. My marriage started off gay and now it isn't.

So you can have both. In fact it seems to be the norm


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Gay Marriage ............ Anyone?" started by log man