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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Gladstone LNG Plant-Latest Pics. Good or Bad??

Created by cisco > 9 months ago, 27 Jul 2012
QLD, 12353 posts
27 Jul 2012 11:31PM
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My mate Jeff who has lived in Gladstone most of his life just sent me these pics of what is happening on Curtis Island.

The industrialisation of Gladstone started in 1962 with the construction of the QAL Alumina Plant.

The further and future industrialisation of Gladstone was cemented by the Qld National Party Government in the 70s and 80s and is fairly much irrevocable.

Curtis Island is fairly mountainous with natural dry forest and of marginal value as grazing country.

Should we have Joe Hockey up there saying this is great for the Gladstone Region, Queensland and National Economies;


Should we have Sarah Hanson-Young up there saying this is environmental vandalism and should be shut down straight away??????????????????

No need for loggy or soggy to respond because we know where you are at.

6657 posts
27 Jul 2012 9:40PM
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Cisco _ i sincerely hope that it doesn't become like the sea-side of QAL in Gladstone where the red mud Industrial Plant residue only has a thin barrier between it and the sea ... that is bullzhite and environmental sabotage for mine .... shame really , but as you say it won't matter who is in power too late for that from what I've seen up there

QLD, 12353 posts
28 Jul 2012 12:06AM
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Yep. I have been around the back of QAL and that is a disgrace.

6657 posts
27 Jul 2012 10:36PM
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Good or Bad - BAD
thats a lot of de-foliation right there & those natural waterways look bloody fragile from the pictures , mangroves are vital to the tropics

WA, 1267 posts
27 Jul 2012 10:54PM
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Don't like Joe Hockey or the party which he represents.

QLD, 825 posts
28 Jul 2012 5:46AM
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Great for industry - crappy for the enviroment.
My last visit to Glady was crap - the place actually smelt. Certainly no way I would buy local fish either - I feel for the fisherman. Not to mention the glow from the port at night-like a second moon.

We all have ourselfs to blame as aussies, we stand for nothing anmore. Where a bunch of selfish want everything for free bums who deserve to be walked over.

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
28 Jul 2012 9:24AM
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Well, I,m generally for it as long as:

the developers adhere to environmental proceedures

pay workers their right pay and conditions

pay the community their right pay through taxation

be good corporate citizens and work with the community and with the fishermen

kick hockey in the nuts if he turns up for one of those coalition "we're all gonna die,we're all gonna die" press conferences

Can't think of anything else .

QLD, 1535 posts
28 Jul 2012 9:35AM
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If we didn't have places like this bringing money into the economy through investment, I might have to hang onto my kite/surfboard/sailboard etc for two seasons instead of the latest every year.

And we don't want QLD to end up like Byron with dole bludging dope smoking ferals hanging out everywhere, potholed roads, inadequate facilities because the local council is too anti investment and panders to/ made up of nimby greenies.

NSW, 9029 posts
28 Jul 2012 9:46AM
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Most of the people who complain about these sorts of developments get their money from those who do these sort of developments.

Its bad about fishers in that river or anyone who enjoys the environment there. Perhaps they can work from another port? Fishing seems to be a dying industry anyway with the government seemingly determined to zone it out of existance.

Australia is a pretty big place and plenty of it is not developed. Farming and urban growth have a bigger effect on more of Australia than industrial development.

VIC, 5000 posts
28 Jul 2012 10:59AM
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Slightly off-topic, but it's amazing that they can do that in such an isolated natural environment which relies on a very sensitive ecosystem to survive...yet if you own a small parcel of land you need a planning permit to cut 1 tree down...and jump through ridiculous hoops if you want to build a small residence on it!

NSW, 7071 posts
28 Jul 2012 11:19AM
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Sailhack said...

Slightly off-topic, but it's amazing that they can do that in such an isolated natural environment which relies on a very sensitive ecosystem to survive...yet if you own a small parcel of land you need a planning permit to cut 1 tree down...and jump through ridiculous hoops if you want to build a small residence on it!

Big business rules. Walked up Mount Larcom just recently where you can get a stunning 360 degree view of the rape. Whichever direction you look you have sheer ugliness.

This is just the start of it. The most insidious damage is the fracking which you cannot see.

Starting work on the island on Monday

VIC, 8020 posts
28 Jul 2012 1:15PM
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Good point Sailshack. Ironic hey!!

This is a Natural Gas Project - for the foreseeable future, Natural Gas will be part of our staple diet for cooking, heating, and hot water, plus a little bit of electricity generation, and industrial use.

Curtis Island is essentially an export facility. The gas gets shipped anywhere in the world, however due to our geographic locality, the vast majority of the gas ends up in greater Asia, like Japan, Korea, China, etc, etc.

If Australia didn't participate in the Gas Business, it would just mean that America, Alaska, Middle East, Africa, Russia, etc, would end up filling that "void" in the international market.

I don't think Curtis Island has any Light Crude facilities, as it is mostly the final treatment of the coal seam methane. However, other LNG (Gas) Facilities / Gas Fields usually have both Gas and Light Crude. Money money money... !!

One of the main problems is that most of use are NOT ready to cut ourselves off from the "Grids".... Electricity, Gas, Petrol... Sit at home, freezing in the dark, without a TV or computer, no car, and candle lights, reading books... !!

QLD, 1535 posts
28 Jul 2012 6:48PM
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Wonder how much of that missing timber in the photos is going to be burnt in my wood heater tonight. No gas at our house, so I'm not part of the problem. I'm helping to get rid of that nasty useless timber that would probably end up in land fill anyway.

VIC, 8020 posts
28 Jul 2012 8:10PM
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No gas at your place... No trouble!

Electric hot water?
Last time I looked, electric water systems are far less efficient (including CO2 output) than Gas Hot Water.

So you're not part of the problem then!

kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
28 Jul 2012 8:18PM
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Gladstone is the designated industrial sh!!thole of the QLD coast. As long as it's confined to one place I'm fine with it. And Gladstone is already a hole.

WA, 2775 posts
28 Jul 2012 6:51PM
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looks much like any minesite I have ever worked on or driven to.

I really wonder about the on-site enviro's though.
I was on the pit floor, loading a bench with Dr. Nobels finest products- and got a kick in the bum from a company enviro when a detonator wrapper blew off the shot and into another area of the pit.
Enviro was too busy complaining about my unintentional littering and its great environmental impact to realise the irony of his standing in the middle of a ruddy great piece of environmental vandalism, next to several hundred tonnes of explosives which would soon be turned into umpteen gazillion cubic metres of noxious gasses and residue, while overlooking the accidental release of around 5 tonnes of cyanide by the mill a few days previously.
On another minesite I worked on, the enviros tried telling us that the asbestos we were working in was ok, (not to worry he said - its the "safe type")


NSW, 7071 posts
29 Jul 2012 12:15PM
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sn said...

looks much like any minesite I have ever worked on or driven to.

I really wonder about the on-site enviro's though.
I was on the pit floor, loading a bench with Dr. Nobels finest products- and got a kick in the bum from a company enviro when a detonator wrapper blew off the shot and into another area of the pit.
Enviro was too busy complaining about my unintentional littering and its great environmental impact to realise the irony of his standing in the middle of a ruddy great piece of environmental vandalism, next to several hundred tonnes of explosives which would soon be turned into umpteen gazillion cubic metres of noxious gasses and residue, while overlooking the accidental release of around 5 tonnes of cyanide by the mill a few days previously.
On another minesite I worked on, the enviros tried telling us that the asbestos we were working in was ok, (not to worry he said - its the "safe type")


I get a huge kick out of that sort of stuff. Either they are just too unconscious to appreciate how ludicrous their logic is or they are so egotistically driven that they think you are too dumb to see through their crap.

Bring me a lotof internal joy!

QLD, 1535 posts
29 Jul 2012 12:44PM
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Simondo said...

No gas at your place... No trouble!

Electric hot water?
Last time I looked, electric water systems are far less efficient (including CO2 output) than Gas Hot Water.

So you're not part of the problem then!

I'm a pussy, got solar hot water. But love to hit that booster switch on a cloudy day!

VIC, 8020 posts
29 Jul 2012 5:28PM
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bobajob said...

Simondo said...

No gas at your place... No trouble!

Electric hot water?
Last time I looked, electric water systems are far less efficient (including CO2 output) than Gas Hot Water.

So you're not part of the problem then!

I'm a pussy, got solar hot water. But love to hit that booster switch on a cloudy day!

Most of the solar hot water units have either gas or elec boost.

It is also important to remember is that Light Crude Oil (Petrol) is a bonus to many gas fields. I've heard of 2 gas fields that are super rich in Light Crude Oil. So much Light Crude, that the boys joke that instead of it being a gas project with some condensate (light crude), it's actually a condensate project with a bit of gas !

You've probably all noticed that Crude Oil Prices (Barrel Price) is often quoted for heavy crude. But you often hear Light Crude Prices quoted at different times. Light Crude is actually better than Heavy Crude, in terms that it flows freely at "room temp", and it also produces a higher percentage of petrol and diesel, compared to most heavy crudes. And easier to refine!

Light crude is great stuff! (In terms of us petrol car lovers! )

So when you look at those pictures, you're also basically looking at a similar large new Petrol Refinery.

TAS, 542 posts
5 Aug 2012 9:37PM
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Select to expand quote
cisco said...

My mate Jeff who has lived in Gladstone most of his life just sent me these pics of what is happening on Curtis Island.

The industrialisation of Gladstone started in 1962 with the construction of the QAL Alumina Plant.

The further and future industrialisation of Gladstone was cemented by the Qld National Party Government in the 70s and 80s and is fairly much irrevocable.

Curtis Island is fairly mountainous with natural dry forest and of marginal value as grazing country.

Should we have Joe Hockey up there saying this is great for the Gladstone Region, Queensland and National Economies;


Should we have Sarah Hanson-Young up there saying this is environmental vandalism and should be shut down straight away??????????????????

No need for loggy or soggy to respond because we know where you are at.

get this back up the top
This is a disgrace so NO
Cant understand why the feck they destroy our beautiful enviroment to build a piece of plant on the boundary of the GBR, solely to export gas to overseas , qlders wont get any benefit with lower gas prices.You cant fish or swim here so something is screwed up in the water.
But ye Looks like they have an enviromental corridor between the earthworks and ocean maybe 10-20 metres.

The 8000 CSG gas wells planned for the region to provide product to the plant are a hot topic up here as well and giving lots of familys anxiety about side effects of the way they extract the gas from underground.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Gladstone LNG Plant-Latest Pics. Good or Bad??" started by cisco