Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Green thumbs are go

Created by Seabreeze > 9 months ago, 4 May 2016
QLD, 6123 posts
5 May 2016 8:19PM
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laurie said..

waveslave said..

.. / conspiracy / lies / coverup / shop guys / advertising / ..


Too funny.

Have a read of your 2007 post when we introduced them.

Conspiracy when we add them, conspiracy when we remove them! You can't have it both ways.

Sorry to dissappoint again Pete, but just like 9 years ago there is no conspiracy.

waveslave is conspiracy pete?!

NSW, 26 posts
5 May 2016 8:28PM
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jusavina said..

laurie said..

All good.

When the thumbs were added, some got upset .. but nobody died.

They were added as an experiment to see if it helped the forum experience, and they did, but along the way there has always been an opposition to them (and a lot in favour), and many topics started by people wanting them removed for a better forum experience.

But we didn't remove them. It's been 9 years.

Now the time has come that we're going to trial without them, as the way people use them has changed. The world has changed.

Lets see how it pans out.

We're open to innovation & constructive ideas. Checkout for example.

.. and no, sorry, no naming names. People voted with the confidence that it would be confidential, and we shall honour & respect that.

However, no worries in listing the most popular members in last 2 months:

#1 = Mark _australia
#2 = cauncy
#3 = theDoctor
#4 = bjw
#5 = seanhogan
#6 = Plummet
#7 = Chris_M
#8 = Underoath
#9 = kiteboy dave
#10= Harrow

Enjoy ..

p.s. theDoctor was so close to getting a shirt .. that's gotta cut deep.

Pretty much sums up my favorite top ten posters on SeaBreeze: Keep it coming guys, Love it just the way it is!

QLD, 1463 posts
5 May 2016 8:36PM
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Can we Green thumb ourselves now?

WA, 1305 posts
5 May 2016 6:37PM
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What a -

NSW, 5780 posts
5 May 2016 8:37PM
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laurie said...

#1 = Mark _australia
#2 = cauncy
#3 = theDoctor
#4 = bjw
#5 = seanhogan
#6 = Plummet
#7 = Chris_M
#8 = Underoath
#9 = kiteboy dave

p.s. theDoctor was so close to getting a shirt .. that's gotta cut deep.

Had to show this to the missus just to prove i don't always come first. ..

She waddled off mumbling something about not coming at all.

2129 posts
5 May 2016 6:44PM
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Ha I must be a quiet achiever!

If only my parents could see me now, my school report always said I wasn't living up to my potential

WA, 1777 posts
5 May 2016 6:48PM
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Classic Dr!

If laughter is the best medicine, maybe you could outdo Dr Dolittle, and become Dr Donothing, and start up an online clinic.


WA, 1777 posts
5 May 2016 6:53PM
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Another thing I was thinking about, what about having an overall pie chart type meter on every individual's homepage, leaving the reds and greens as was, so if you're being a complete moron, (myself included ), then maybe some of us might gain a bit of personal insight?
Serious suggestion.

WA, 6650 posts
5 May 2016 8:38PM
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laurie said..

However, no worries in listing the most popular members in last 2 months:

#1 = Mark _australia
#2 = cauncy
#3 = theDoctor
#4 = bjw
#5 = seanhogan
#6 = Plummet
#7 = Chris_M
#8 = Underoath
#9 = kiteboy dave
#10= Harrow

Enjoy ..

Laurie called you all "members"

fnar fnar

WA, 467 posts
5 May 2016 9:44PM
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I concur with the statement " if you can't handle some red thumbs, get the fark off the internet.

And while I am here, when the pop up asks me if I'd like to check out this page and I hit "cancel" NOT "ok" Fark you for bringing me here anyway? Wtf.

QLD, 2433 posts
6 May 2016 3:04PM
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Keep the red/green. The majority should not have to change our behavior over a small minority.

Just put on notice the 5 accounts that spam lofty winds. It might even be easier to just revoke the red thumb option for select accounts.

To avoid new accounts spamming red thumbs.
Set a basic minimum number of posts, before one can green or red. Spammers won't bother with the effort.

That would have been the easier option, rather than making everyone change behavior.

Thoughts Laurie??

TAS, 2967 posts
6 May 2016 4:36PM
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admin said;"So from today, we're going to trial a "Green Thumb Only" experience and see how it pans out... Thoughts?"

Why are you asking for thoughts after you've already implemented the change?
Does it really matter or make any difference what anyone thinks?
How long is the trial?

It's your site, it's not a democracy, you make the rules and whether the members agree or not they can accept these rules or move on doesn't really bother me either way, I'm a member of several special interest forums that don't have the option.

2129 posts
6 May 2016 3:12PM
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Underoath said..
Keep the red/green. The majority should not have to change our behavior over a small minority.

Just put on notice the 5 accounts that spam lofty winds. It might even be easier to just revoke the red thumb option for select accounts.

To avoid new accounts spamming red thumbs.
Set a basic minimum number of posts, before one can green or red. Spammers won't bother with the effort.

That would have been the easier option, rather than making everyone change behavior.

Thoughts Laurie??

5 Accounts spam Lofty winds?

I thought everybody else was doing it, so I may as well just join the party!

Sorry Lofty, but I'll still red thumb ya if I don't agree with ya

WA, 4263 posts
6 May 2016 5:17PM
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laurie said..

When the thumbs were added, some got upset .. but nobody died.

However, no worries in listing the most popular members

#1 = Mark _australia
#2 = cauncy
#3 = theDoctor
#4 = bjw
#5 = seanhogan
#6 = Plummet
#7 = Chris_M
#8 = Underoath
#9 = kiteboy dave
#10= Harrow

Enjoy ..

Re: Top Ten

To the most popular 'members' on here ^^^^

Give yourselves a freakin group hug chuckleheads.


As for the rest of us gutter-scum,,,

how about someone publishing the Bottom Ten for our combined pleasure.

I'm certain RPM would be right in there somewhere,

probably yours-truly, Lotofwind for sure, Lofty dude, Kozzie.

Did I leave anyone out ?

Apologies if I did.

Laurie's always had this thing for popularity and beauty quests.

He's the Donald Trump of social media.

Mark _australia
WA, 22377 posts
6 May 2016 5:46PM
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waveslave said..

laurie said..

When the thumbs were added, some got upset .. but nobody died.

However, no worries in listing the most popular members

#1 = Mark _australia
#2 = cauncy
#3 = theDoctor
#4 = bjw
#5 = seanhogan
#6 = Plummet
#7 = Chris_M
#8 = Underoath
#9 = kiteboy dave
#10= Harrow

Enjoy ..

Re: Top Ten

To the most popular 'members' on here ^^^^

Give yourselves a freakin group hug chuckleheads.


As for the rest of us gutter-scum,,,

how about someone publishing the Bottom Ten for our combined pleasure.

I'm certain RPM would be right in there somewhere,

probably yours-truly, Lotofwind for sure, Lofty dude, Kozzie.

Did I leave anyone out ?

Apologies if I did.

Laurie's always had this thing for popularity and beauty quests.

He's the Donald Trump of social media.

He means the ones who got most thumbs - up or down - recently.
Don't be so precious.

368 posts
6 May 2016 5:54PM
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Underoath said..
Just put on notice the 5 accounts that spam lofty winds. It might even be easier to just revoke the red thumb option for select accounts.

ohh sounds like you are referring to me there. But I'm sure lofty uses his own 5 accounts to red thumb himself, especially when he has his own conversations with his various logins - who needs friends when you can talk (trash) to yourself.

QLD, 2433 posts
6 May 2016 8:02PM
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What's the go with RPM/ NoBS/ Underdoof?

His account has been suspended.... Bloody hell, who's going go give me **** now.

Poor bloke just needed a cuddle.

WA, 1916 posts
6 May 2016 6:30PM
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this is seabreeze gold

QLD, 994 posts
6 May 2016 8:52PM
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Part time reader and even less of a poster/poseur so that means i guess my/our opinions count for little, just like our involvement/post count relates to this thread but I feel Laurie et al you should consider that unlike general and heavy other forum sub-topics are not opinion but fact based so green and red thumbs relate to experience.

What im pointing out is I go interwebbing for information NOT opinions, green helps and red means i question the information provided even as well intentioned as it is intentioned.

I frankly prefer seabreeze over other forums usually bb3 that only have thanks and no reds

QLD, 994 posts
6 May 2016 8:57PM
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BTW Laurie you posted the top green but not ratio of green to red??

Just sayi...wondering.......?

WA, 4263 posts
6 May 2016 7:22PM
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Mark _australia said..

waveslave said..

laurie said..

When the thumbs were added, some got upset .. but nobody died.

However, no worries in listing the most popular members

#1 = Mark _australia
#2 = cauncy
#3 = theDoctor
#4 = bjw
#5 = seanhogan
#6 = Plummet
#7 = Chris_M
#8 = Underoath
#9 = kiteboy dave
#10= Harrow

Enjoy ..

Re: Top Ten

To the most popular 'members' on here ^^^^

Give yourselves a freakin group hug chuckleheads.


As for the rest of us gutter-scum,,,

how about someone publishing the Bottom Ten for our combined pleasure.

I'm certain RPM would be right in there somewhere,

probably yours-truly, Lotofwind for sure, Lofty dude, Kozzie.

Did I leave anyone out ?

Apologies if I did.

Laurie's always had this thing for popularity and beauty quests.

He's the Donald Trump of social media.

He means the ones who got most thumbs - up or down - recently.
Don't be so precious.


There's no way you could make this stuff up.

So if you get the most reds ,,, recently ...

you make the cut ?


NSW, 4521 posts
6 May 2016 9:24PM
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slammin said..
BTW Laurie you posted the top green but not ratio of green to red??

Just sayi...wondering.......?

I was thinking about a 'quality of posts' metric that would avoid skewing towards the most prolific posterers.

It would be determined by the following formula:

(No. of green thumbs - No. of red thumbs)/(total number of posts)

Yes, I'm unashamedly trying to climb the list.

WA, 504 posts
6 May 2016 7:47PM
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its not the same already without the reds,at least get rid of the greens,,blks

Mark _australia
WA, 22377 posts
6 May 2016 10:51PM
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waveslave said..

Mark _australia said..

He means the ones who got most thumbs - up or down - recently.
Don't be so precious.


There's no way you could make this stuff up.

So if you get the most reds ,,, recently ...

you make the cut ?


Comprehension not your strong point?

The most thumbs

Laurie listed who got the most

Who said red?

Far canal. I take my hat off to you Lozza

You started a windsports forum on a forecast page.... now 10yrs later you have red and green wars and Mr 'slave is unhappy he is not top 10, knobs on their 30th different login name in 2yrs just so they can abuse everyone, sooks galore.

Greenroom was fkn spot on.

Now. Laurie I hope the cash per click banner ads are worth all that shazzizle.
As for me I was really happy with the Popcherry ads, where have they gone? Huh?

85 posts
6 May 2016 11:06PM
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I do love a thumb
Cause it fits in a bum
It can measure rum
And a green one can keep spirits buoyed
It can also help to grow food
But now I'm told the red thumb is rude
It crass and it's crude
I'm told the red thumb is one to avoid
But if your thumb is red
Then without being said
you probably have popped a roid...

WA, 6277 posts
6 May 2016 11:13PM
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Rather than mess with the thumbs, I'd prefer a system that had "Active topics I've replied to", marked in a different colour.

Also, I'd have a "click to fast forward to unread posts" button next to all topics in the "Active topics" list. Most forums have this. Instead you have to click to the last page, scroll through posts you aren't all that interested in, to get to the new stuff.

Please Laurie???

Mark _australia
WA, 22377 posts
6 May 2016 11:47PM
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OMG dissenting mods
Please, no civil war.

I reckon just break the thumbs of the 4 or 5 trolling c0cks who try to ruin a friendly environment. Move on.

NSW, 2458 posts
7 May 2016 8:54AM
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So as im not able to red thumb, ill just not read or reply to this thread any more.

WA, 4263 posts
7 May 2016 8:38AM
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Mark _australia said..

waveslave said..

Mark _australia said..

He means the ones who got most thumbs - up or down - recently.
Don't be so precious.


There's no way you could make this stuff up.

So if you get the most reds ,,, recently ...

you make the cut ?


Comprehension not your strong point?

The most thumbs

Laurie listed who got the most

Who said red?

So the 'most' thumbs (red + green) means you're popular ??


I would have thought the most green thumbs meant you're popular or admired.

If you've collected the most thumbs (regardless of colour),

that can only mean you're prolific ... like your goodself,

a tragic forum-junkie of the highest order.


p train
VIC, 2629 posts
7 May 2016 9:00PM
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I accidentally greened thumbed a 'member'

Use to be able red thumb it to remove the error

Not anymore, gotta be carefull


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Green thumbs are go" started by Seabreeze