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Ha ha Gina

Created by elmo > 9 months ago, 28 May 2015
WA, 8725 posts
28 May 2015 1:59PM
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Oh how sad

WA, 1832 posts
28 May 2015 2:11PM
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I just saw it too. Thought I would pop over to Seabreeze and link to the news.. Surprise, it was already there

da vecta
QLD, 2512 posts
28 May 2015 5:05PM
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That photo says it all doesn't it?

WA, 3519 posts
28 May 2015 3:30PM
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Feel sorry for Jabba errrrrrrrrrr Gina!

dan berry
WA, 2562 posts
28 May 2015 5:11PM
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Is bianca her biological daughter? They look somewhat....... Um.........different.

20 posts
28 May 2015 11:46PM
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Yep Bianca is her biological daughter.

Gina is a narcissist so she will stoop to new lows, feel sorry for Bianca who is a nice woman.

Little Jon
NSW, 2115 posts
29 May 2015 9:15AM
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Unbelievable how Australia's biggest bludger steels money from her own children, I'm surprised she didn't try to sell them off the to paedophiles.

QLD, 2327 posts
29 May 2015 9:32AM
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I have a friend who was employed by her reporting directly to her and a brother in law who had regular direct dealings with her for many years.

I heard plenty of stories about her and I gotta say she is the exact opposite of what you would want your child to grow up like.

Ive had an indirect dealing with her and can describe her as a difficult person who is self centred and has no regard for others.

Can only hope the kids were raised by nannies...

WA, 1019 posts
29 May 2015 10:45AM
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How much was iron ore worth when Lang set it all up and how much is it worth now?? Gina has helped build an empire. She might have handled it appallingly and she might be a bitch but i dare say she knows that giving her kids access to that much money is a recipe for disaster.

QLD, 6806 posts
29 May 2015 3:03PM
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MDSXR6T said..
How much was iron ore worth when Lang set it all up and how much is it worth now?? Gina has helped build an empire.

On the same basis you could be given whole Australia shore line or half a country.
Then you will pay later some from profits keep the rest.

You may say something about somebody building manufacturing plants from scratch - for example Elon Musk with Space X rockets, Telsa automobiles or the biggest on the planet battery plant.

She was given valuable resources that are already there ready to pickup.
Remind me hard work you may have been given when asked to carry heavy gold bars from Fort Knox - you can have as much us you want but you need to carry in your hands.

VIC, 4982 posts
29 May 2015 3:55PM
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I don't know anything about any of that ... but Bianca Rinehart is hot!

WA, 1019 posts
29 May 2015 2:37PM
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Macroscien said..
She was given valuable resources that are already there ready to pickup.

She still picked them up though! She probably works just as hard as you or I do and didn't want her kids to end up as self entitled and spoilt trust fund brats.

QLD, 6806 posts
29 May 2015 5:47PM
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MDSXR6T said..

Macroscien said..
She was given valuable resources that are already there ready to pickup.

She still picked them up though! She probably works just as hard as you or I do and didn't want her kids to end up as self entitled and spoilt trust fund brats.

Is she really works 1,000,0000 x as hard as you ( or me ) ?
We really don't need to worry much about her family matters. If one have 1 or two billions less or more does it really matter ?

Beside whole this story demonstrate that beside copious money how low moral standards and ethics these people present.

WA, 902 posts
29 May 2015 9:26PM
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It all keeps them battle hardened for the riggers of high end business. Some poor bUgger needs to do it other wise we become communist. They Can have there billions and there battles we can enjoy life and the simple things that is a family connected to each other and a real appreciation of life.

WA, 725 posts
29 May 2015 9:44PM
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The Aust Financial Review says 'now the real war on Gina begins'.

'Justice Brereton's judgement in the NSW Supreme Court, impressive enough as it sounds, merely marks the point where the real legal battles begin. And from here on, no more nicey nicey.'

'Mrs Rinehart has four weeks to provide all trust documents to the new trustee, and six weeks to give a sworn detailed account of all funds and property...'

'Bianca then has three weeks to apply to examine her mother under oath - the first time that Gina Rinehart has faced cross examination in this case. And Bianca has a model for how such family questioning should be conducted, from her own experience earlier this year.'

'Of course.. Thursdays's judgment, and every other step along the way, will be appealed and re appealed.'

'That suggests more court action. And emails. We're going to read a lot more emails.'

WA, 1103 posts
29 May 2015 10:04PM
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I'm not sure if this whole sordid saga has been interesting/sad/pathetic/sweet irony or something else.

It certainly has not been edifying to watch a family self destruct publically.

In saying that, if i was a family member I would be going to town on Barnaby Joyce in buckets. More so than already....

WA, 902 posts
29 May 2015 10:06PM
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NSW, 1088 posts
1 Jun 2015 2:47AM
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so can someone fill me in or did that hot lil lady ^^ just receive a hell of a lot of money for coming outta ginas gina ?


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Ha ha Gina" started by elmo