There's some guys on here with a pretty good knowledge of music... Anyone help me out here I'm trying to remember this band name and it's keeping me up at night.. one of the first LP's I bought when I was working my first job as a teenager.
Aussie punk or surf punk band.
Late 80's early 90's.
I believe from melbourne, could be wrong though.
Record had red tones, hand drawn writing / collage style I think.
Record opened with sample from the early aussie show Matlock Police, someone on the radio saying "VKC are you there Shirl, over?" or something similar.
Yaeh I know. I was just self indulgently posting a few bands that I loved at the time that was seeing in my search.
Not Cosmic Psychos or Moffs.
Not as well known as any I posted.
This should have been the first record. God are up there with Nirvana.
Nope none of them. Red LP, matlock police sample.. That's all I can remember. Earlier than the meanies & less well known..
I don't remember to be honest - but I've lived fairly lightly in the past, just given away a large chunk of my stuff and gone travelling. Do that a few times and you don't have very much left. I have one large suitcase which covers 0-18 years old and that's about it.
As for that particular LP I don't even remember if it's any good - who knows I might listen for 5 minutes and think it's terrible. It's just bugging me. I've been onto my sister, who gave me the tape in the first place (before I bought the LP) and now it's bugging her too..
"the Young Charlatans" ? had Rowland s Howard in it.
found this too.....
I did like that.