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How to be successful?

Created by Waveless > 9 months ago, 20 May 2014
VIC, 117 posts
20 May 2014 11:26PM
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I'm lazy. I procrastinate. I have an ego thinking I'm getting by alright. Yet slowly my ego is breaking down and I am starting to see life in the lens of somewhere outside. I see myself and how I will most likely be average for the rest of my life. I don't want to be average.

I want to be successful. How does one build success?

WA, 1227 posts
20 May 2014 9:50PM
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You're having a lend of us, right? I don't see any "smiley faces".

WA, 109 posts
20 May 2014 9:51PM
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Success means different things to different people. For some its wealth, others its the perfect body or a perfect family life. I think success is happiness. A job that keeps you happy and alive, surrounded by people and hobbies you like. Success is finding true happiness. Ill get there one day.

NSW, 2496 posts
20 May 2014 11:55PM
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perhaps getting off the piss is a start? get off your bum and get out more?
perhaps you've started already with an epiphany, now start setting yourself a point you want to reach and you are half way there already.
its easier as momentum kicks in so go for it i say.

WA, 1839 posts
20 May 2014 10:23PM
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To laugh often and much;
To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children;
To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends;
To appreciate beauty, to find the best in others;
To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition;
To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived.
This is to have succeeded.

Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 - 1882)

Or maybe you're just having a midlife crisis

SA, 171 posts
20 May 2014 11:58PM
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you worthless human stop wasting oxygen

WA, 2503 posts
20 May 2014 10:32PM
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Dance beeeeeatch. It's impossible not be happy when you dance. When you're happy you are magnetic. Success is metallic. Dance beeeeeatch dance!!

WA, 1839 posts
20 May 2014 10:36PM
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smicko said...
Dance beeeeeatch. It's impossible not be happy when you dance.

Very true for me. Probably because to get me to dance I'm half a 6 pack down and giving a bottle of scotch a nudge..

VIC, 336 posts
21 May 2014 12:53AM
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Toph said...
smicko said...
Dance beeeeeatch. It's impossible not be happy when you dance.

Very true for me. Probably because to get me to dance I'm half a 6 pack down and giving a bottle of scotch a nudge..

Mate that's not how to do it. Women love a man who can dance. Now if only I had learned that earlier in life. I might have picked up more often.

First time I ever danced was the second date with my wife. She loved latin dancing and the party we were at was a latin do. I watched her dance with another guy and decided I wasn't going to let that happen anymore. These days I get women approach me to dance even though they know I'm happily married

Mark _australia
WA, 22423 posts
20 May 2014 11:05PM
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There is a very simple set of steps to being spectacularly efficient and succesful.

Send me a P.M

Test pilot 1
WA, 1430 posts
20 May 2014 11:09PM
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Mark _australia said...
There is a very simple set of steps to being spectacularly efficient and succesful.

Send me a P.M

Dance steps?

WA, 8732 posts
20 May 2014 11:25PM
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Success is you and yours being happy

all else is just static

WA, 4642 posts
20 May 2014 11:52PM
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Mark _australia said...
There is a very simple set of steps to being spectacularly efficient and succesful.

Send me a P.M

Hey don't hold back. Tell us all.

Ok then,.. just tell me,.. I promise I wont let anyone else read it.

WA, 2503 posts
20 May 2014 11:53PM
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Mark was in the vid.

NSW, 6937 posts
21 May 2014 2:03AM
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Good start, actually critical step, would be to define success, otherwise, sure as ****, you'll hit the target but won't recognise it.

VIC, 117 posts
21 May 2014 2:06AM
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Loving the view point of many. I guess I'm just down in the dumps at the moment wishing I was better than where I am at. Treated my first patient today (still at uni) and everything I learnt went out the door and I wondered what was wrong with me and whether I am cut out to be in the profession I am dreaming to be. Then everything else creeped in.

Keep at it guys, I need the motivation and wisdom from you lot to open my eyes to my ways.

Mark you may just get that PM

NSW, 818 posts
21 May 2014 5:03AM
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Oh your going to be a Doctor...hmmm,.....
Well then that would change my reply!
Being a Doctor is tuff and demanding, only those who wish to help humanity need apply.
But if you are looking for success in being a great Doctor then hang in there for only in ourselves
Can we demand such levels of achievement.

Buster fin
WA, 2577 posts
21 May 2014 6:22AM
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And although we'll learn to not be able to read what you've written, you'll have to learn ,a: betterer grammar, and b: to spell.

kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
21 May 2014 9:28AM
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What you *don't* do is go rushing to self-help books, expensive seminars with gurus or 'retired entrepreneurs' etc. All that will do is leave you feeling the same but foolish for having handed your hard-earned to some leech who makes a living harvesting that very emotion you're feeling.

No-one can tell you how to reach what you personally will consider success or fulfillment.

All you can really do is start making small, manageable steps to improve things.

Smoke? Quit. It's not impossibly hard, it's free (makes you money, actually), and you'll feel massively proud of yourself.
Take up a new sport or hobby with the money you saved.
Start a house deposit account and set up an autopay for 5% of your income.
Get a pet.
Fix your house up a bit.
Get fitter, dress better, groom yourself a bit, save some cash, all so you can attract a better partner.

NSW, 1088 posts
21 May 2014 9:51AM
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stop being a sheeep

VIC, 5000 posts
21 May 2014 10:04AM
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I don't think 'success' is a goal or achievement, so probably disagree with a few other posters. Success to me is about realising how lucky I am, moreso a journey through life & ongoing lifestyle. I feel that I'm successful, although I'm not wealthy, I don't have any public accolades and I don't think I'm seen as a model of success by anyone else's standard.

I'm as healthy as I want to be - I'm enjoying my life, family, friends, my work and what I do outside of work. I hope this continues and will keep on working on it to try to make sure it does.

[edit] You can be "average" and successful if it's the right sort of 'average'. First thing to do, don't think of average as a failure...but use it as a foundation to build on.

NSW, 5780 posts
21 May 2014 11:04AM
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Make your mantra

Be like theDoctor

Be like theDoctor

Be like theDoctor




QLD, 6124 posts
21 May 2014 11:23AM
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Waveless said...
[br]I'm lazy. I procrastinate. I have an ego thinking I'm getting by alright. Yet slowly my ego is breaking down and I am starting to see life in the lens of somewhere outside. I see myself and how I will most likely be average for the rest of my life. I don't want to be average.

I want to be successful. How does one build success?

I think that's a normal part of ageing. Everybody probably goes through it even if successfull.
E.g.. cariologists look at other cardiologists who have had work published and whose practices are going so much better. rock stars or movie stars looking at their peers who are so much hotter at the moment or have had more hits etc. Gotta be thankfull for what you have. Look at others that are far less fortunate, feel some empathy and realise you don't have it so bad. Chuck a sicky, go for a surf and have a cold beer and enjoy your life. If you are equating success to employment status and money, you just have to look at people who seemingly have it all to realise that they often work far too long hours, dont enjoy any recreation (too busy or exhausted) for downtime, have poor relationships with their kids etc. Still there are always people that do have it all and so much better, no matter who you are. that's life. you just have to carve out your own little bit of happiness.

NSW, 5780 posts
21 May 2014 11:51AM
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Be like theDoctor

QLD, 2060 posts
21 May 2014 11:57AM
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Waveless said...
[br]I'm lazy. I procrastinate. I have an ego thinking I'm getting by alright. Yet slowly my ego is breaking down and I am starting to see life in the lens of somewhere outside. I see myself and how I will most likely be average for the rest of my life. I don't want to be average.

I want to be successful. How does one build success?

Attitude. Always a positive "can do it" attitude. Never fails.

NSW, 5780 posts
21 May 2014 12:14PM
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Be like theDoctor

WA, 556 posts
21 May 2014 10:34AM
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Waveless said...
[br]I'm lazy. I procrastinate. I have an ego thinking I'm getting by alright. Yet slowly my ego is breaking down and I am starting to see life in the lens of somewhere outside. I see myself and how I will most likely be average for the rest of my life. I don't want to be average.

I want to be successful. How does one build success?

Don't procrastonate -JFDI (Just Fu%*ing Do It) and be consistent with no emotions.

Once you get into the habit it's easy!

NSW, 5780 posts
21 May 2014 12:45PM
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Be like theDoctor

WA, 4642 posts
21 May 2014 12:17PM
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Waveless said...
[br]I'm lazy. I procrastinate. I have an ego thinking I'm getting by alright. Yet slowly my ego is breaking down and I am starting to see life in the lens of somewhere outside. I see myself and how I will most likely be average for the rest of my life. I don't want to be average.

I want to be successful. How does one build success?

I think probably you haven't yet found the exact niche that you would be really good at.
It might be somewhere in the profession you are now in, or it might be in something you haven't even considered yet.

You can blunder though half your uni degree or half your life, achieving mediocrity at best and then stumble on something which really grabs your interest.

There is an incredible difference in results and enjoyment when you find something that you are really interested in.
But, you wont see it unless you're looking for it.
Keep your eyes and your mind open for that change.
You will know it when you see it.

QLD, 3779 posts
21 May 2014 2:22PM
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The pirate code

NSW, 4521 posts
21 May 2014 3:11PM
Thumbs Up kids are healthy and not on drugs. I go sailing every week or two in summer. I have a roof over my head and a full belly every night. I can afford to dine at the cheap local Thai restaurant when I feel like it.

Now I just need to transition to part-time employment instead of this kill joy full-time gig, and I will be a complete success.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"How to be successful?" started by Waveless