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I tried this on holidays...

Created by Harrow > 9 months ago, 1 Feb 2019
NSW, 4521 posts
1 Feb 2019 7:28PM
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Give it a go if you get a chance, it was freakin' awesome!

(There is a jet ski just out of frame that pumps water up the black hose.)

NSW, 6451 posts
1 Feb 2019 7:43PM
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I was like that this morning after some dodgy Indian food last night, oh, wait, the waters shooting out of your feet.

512 posts
1 Feb 2019 5:54PM
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and that would be Queenstown New Zealand? what a **** hole they turned that place into,as a kid had august holidays there over 10 years, went back 15 years ago as serious adult, took one look and turned around. never going back.

NSW, 5780 posts
1 Feb 2019 9:29PM
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Almost a month now
Some fag offered me jet ski boots a goes ies in return for kite lessons....
Like i said...
Looks good on the Instagram princess, but kiting like a mans gonna cost you money
Now, i can shows you how to do it proper like.
You gotts ta kno

There's gay. ... then there's jet ski gay

NSW, 4521 posts
1 Feb 2019 9:33PM
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Tonz said..
and that would be Queenstown New Zealand? what a **** hole they turned that place into,as a kid had august holidays there over 10 years, went back 15 years ago as serious adult, took one look and turned around. never going back.

Yeah, must have been real nice before it became so commercialised. My kids said it felt like a mix of Jindabyne, Katoomba, and the Gold Coast, which I thought was an interesting insight.

809 posts
2 Feb 2019 4:49AM
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Yeah that jet ski thing doesn't appeal, not a natural thrill.
I used to own a jet ski (motorized goat boat!) for two in and wakeboarding.

Queenstown agree is over the top now. When into speed sailing stayed there for couple of weeks 1989 and Glenorcy great spot and different arms of lake get thermals.
When it wasn't windy the local crew would hook up with there mates who ran jet boating, rafting etc at cheap rates.
As got into snowboarding by late 90's advoided the place.
Was there 3 years ago and stayed at mates place, it was so expensive and overseas people staffing.

545 posts
2 Feb 2019 6:17AM
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Do people still bungee jump? Have not heard of it for years anyway Harrow good on you for trying something new looks fun but from the responses it seems a bit like rooting the town bike, everyone wants a ride but no one wants to be seen on it.

QLD, 6124 posts
2 Feb 2019 10:24AM
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I don't think that queenstown is that bad? It's still a nice place with a nice feel.
does it feel like you can get driven into the power unit by the jets?

NSW, 4521 posts
2 Feb 2019 1:53PM
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515, I think I heard accents from almost every part of the world, except New Zealand, for the 2 days we were there. And I wasn't riding a jet ski, I was freakin' flying! Damn right it wasn't natural, it was unbelievable!!

Marsbars, plenty of bungee still there, but was disappointed I couldn't do it because I had a partially detached retina a little while ago. Yeah, why do people get so down on things? Glad I'm not so hung up on image that I would pass on trying something that was a heck of a lot of fun.

myusername, definitely potential to crash into the jet ski and hurt yourself - and you do crash, a lot at first. The thing doesn't simply fly itself, it's a real balancing act to stay up. If you start losing control and heading toward him, the driver reduces the throttle and you fall into the water before getting too close.

809 posts
2 Feb 2019 1:08PM
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Hi Harrow,

I'm sure it was unbelievable flying and an adrenaline rush but like an amusement park ride it's not something you will be doing in a regular basis.
Queenstown used to have a real buzz of most people you meet were into adrenaline sports. There still there but with "progress"

In Auckland wind has dropped but had 3 sup surf seasons over yesterday and today.

Peace out

NSW, 4521 posts
2 Feb 2019 6:06PM
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515 said..
Peace out

Ah, don't worry, that wasn't agro in my post, it was excitement. Still getting a rush whenever I think about it almost 2 weeks later. (People who know me know I'm totally incapable of agro, but I am excitable at times.)

2129 posts
2 Feb 2019 3:58PM
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Jeez, tough crowd!

Good on ya Harrow, looks like fun. Manage to pull any 360's?

NSW, 4521 posts
2 Feb 2019 9:56PM
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Chris_M said..
Jeez, tough crowd!

Good on ya Harrow, looks like fun. Manage to pull any 360's?

Admittedly, I did commit the unforgivable faux pas of mentioning the phrase 'jet ski', even though the propulsion could come from any water pump. After that there was as much chance of logic overcoming emotion in the thread as there is at a flat earth convention.

QLD, 1195 posts
3 Feb 2019 6:50AM
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Yeah, Jet ski. Down the beach yesterday kitesurfing with my son and his new girlfriend was there. Me making small talk asks her if she does any water sports. It turns out she's a jet skier. Be nice Crusoe, be nice Crusoe I'm thinking. There is a glimmer of hope as she's keen to learn wake skating.

QLD, 4716 posts
3 Feb 2019 7:04AM
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I watched my mate get rescued by a girl on a jet ski . It was a sunny day , people everywhere in three knots , dead offshore , still in learning stage . Reaching back and forth twenty times going further out every run . Just couldn't pinch it upwind back to shore . She was a pretty , curvy young girl and there he was sitting behind her slowly dragging his windsurfer by the tip of the mast . Laugh ! We still remind him years later in case he forgot .

809 posts
3 Feb 2019 6:09AM
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Hi Harrow,
All good mate, out of interest what other cool stuff did you do in Queenstown?

On the subject of jet skis as before brought it to do tow in down Taranaki (NZ Best wave sailing spot).
I used to hate them when sailing at Takapuna (Auckland onshore wave spot) when have no idea about windsurfing and not looking where they are going.
Got it really cheap as the bottom was cracked so did a rebuild with 6mm high density foam and glass.
Had reliable motor but still have to use it when it wasn't windy in Auckland. Developed skills in the waves and yes got rolled.
Fun while had it but sold it when got into kiting.

Imax1 that's brilliant, years of giving your mate a hard time

NSW, 4521 posts
3 Feb 2019 10:11AM
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Hey 515,

Only two days at Queenstown. Kids enjoyed the luge at the top of the Gondola. Shotover jet was fun for the family, scared the wife, but not that exciting. A bit of a ripoff really as there are plenty of much cheaper boat rides around, but they have the monopoly on the canyon. Fergbergers were pretty good, so were the Ferg pies next door, and we even got some nice wraps and bagels from the Ferg cafe down the street....geez, Mrs Ferg sure has her gig sorted out.

The rest of the holiday was 4 to 6 hours of hiking each day across mountains and around glaciers, mostly near Wanaka and Aoraki. Did an impromptu lap of freestyle around the icebergs on Hooker Lake in my undies, simply because...well, how often do you get to swim with icebergs? As I started to swim out into the literally freezing water, a rather attractive young German backpacker kindly yelled out to me in front of an amused crowd, "Your penis is going to shrink". I'm probably lucky it didn't fall off entirely.

Finished up with a couple of days at Hanmer Springs soaking our very weary bodies in the sulphur pools.

Can't believe NZ is so close, yet we waited so long to go there. Such an incredibly beautiful country.

QLD, 6124 posts
3 Feb 2019 10:23AM
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wow I did the shotover 25 years ago and it was insane. Like I had to duck (or at least thought I had to)to avoid losing my head. We hit the rocks at one stage and the driver got seen by the other boat and was laughing that he had to shout if seen.
I was genuinely wowed by their skill and ****ting myself/ impressed by how dangerous (as a 20 YO) if the engine stalled or missed I reckon it would have been fatal.
(and anyone will tell you I was a nutcase behind the helm of a boat doing stuff like that in creeks etc as a wild youngster so it's not like it was a new thing to me) OHS must have caught up with them. When we were getting changed the euro chicks went full nude right in front of us which was a bonus

Went back with the family and went on the jet boat tour up at Glenorchy. Weather was awful, driving rain, but such a scenic beautiful spot. Definately recommend.
Glenorchy area awesome.

NSW, 4521 posts
3 Feb 2019 11:47AM
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myusernam said..
wow I did the shotover 25 years ago and it was insane.

I think I had an idea in my head that we would be shooting up white water rapids or something, but it ended up just being flat water. They still did spins and turns at crazy speeds only inches from the rocks, but I figured it must be safer than it looks since they do it all day every day. Maybe just my ignorance not realising knowing how dangerous it might actually be.

1221 posts
3 Feb 2019 9:38AM
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I wouldn't tell anyone I did that if I did it

QLD, 3424 posts
3 Feb 2019 11:57AM
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another option in brazil

WA, 14731 posts
3 Feb 2019 10:06AM
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Harrow said..
myusernam said..
wow I did the shotover 25 years ago and it was insane.

I think I had an idea in my head that we would be shooting up white water rapids or something, but it ended up just being flat water. They still did spins and turns at crazy speeds only inches from the rocks, but I figured it must be safer than it looks since they do it all day every day. My usual rationisation of things. It's what you do when you're on the spectrum.

I went on it back in 2000, and from memory we went over some super shallow spots where it looked like you wouldn't make it. It was flat water, but still pretty exciting.

This was in winter, so maybe the water level was different?

2129 posts
3 Feb 2019 12:02PM
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The most exciting thing about the shotover jet is often that the jetboat drivers are often fairly inexperienced, and often still drunk from the night before. True story. So it's really down to chance that you and your entire family didn't die in a burning ball of jetboat fuel! Adrenalin or what?!!

809 posts
3 Feb 2019 4:31PM
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Hi Harrow,
Sounds like great holiday, the luge is fun for kids of all ages. Done bit of hiking around there but these days would like to do the mountain biking. The otago rail trail is supposed to be really good.

Keen swimming, when done windsurfing events on the lake it's a 4/3 wetsuit in summer.
Hamner is great spot with couple skifeild close.

Hi myusernam,
Did the Glenorchy jet boating as it was base for speed sailing in NW and great area. Did the shotover while doing work conference and no nude euro chicks for me.

Agree those jet boat drivers are crazy.


WA, 58 posts
3 Feb 2019 9:27PM
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Looks like fun,
Queenstown would be like an untouched wilderness for someone from Sydney

QLD, 7428 posts
3 Feb 2019 11:58PM
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Crusoe said..
Yeah, Jet ski. Down the beach yesterday kitesurfing with my son and his new girlfriend was there. Me making small talk asks her if she does any water sports. It turns out she's a jet skier. Be nice Crusoe, be nice Crusoe I'm thinking. There is a glimmer of hope as she's keen to learn wake skating.

Tee her up as a caddy for your next Jaws session.

NSW, 9202 posts
4 Feb 2019 9:29AM
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Harrow said..

Tonz said..
and that would be Queenstown New Zealand? what a **** hole they turned that place into,as a kid had august holidays there over 10 years, went back 15 years ago as serious adult, took one look and turned around. never going back.

Yeah, must have been real nice before it became so commercialised. My kids said it felt like a mix of Jindabyne, Katoomba, and the Gold Coast, which I thought was an interesting insight.

It's like people go there to experience everything except New Zealand itself.

...that said I really liked the jet boat rides. Mostly for the scenery, spinning around gets old fast.

2129 posts
4 Feb 2019 8:35AM
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evlPanda said..

Harrow said..

Tonz said..
and that would be Queenstown New Zealand? what a **** hole they turned that place into,as a kid had august holidays there over 10 years, went back 15 years ago as serious adult, took one look and turned around. never going back.

Yeah, must have been real nice before it became so commercialised. My kids said it felt like a mix of Jindabyne, Katoomba, and the Gold Coast, which I thought was an interesting insight.

It's like people go there to experience everything except New Zealand itself.

...that said I really liked the jet boat rides. Mostly for the scenery, spinning around gets old fast.

Nice to hear that you lot want to come over and do authentic stuff rather than the big scale commercialized tourism options. I can recommend renting a caravan or camper and touring around the regional parks with your surfboard or kites or whatever. Mostly pretty low-key unless you head to the popular spots, in which case, just go shoulder season and you'll probs score it to yourself. Lovely place and nothing poisonous to worry about! Beer is pretty cheap too

WA, 44 posts
4 Feb 2019 9:04PM
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Didn't have to go all the way to NZ, was just having a look around Armadale at Champion Lakes and got a chance to try this, looked easier than the board and was till a heap of fun.

NSW, 1144 posts
5 Feb 2019 7:19AM
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Must be so pleasant for the locals and other lakes users.

1196 posts
7 Feb 2019 12:51PM
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Chris_M said..

evlPanda said..

Harrow said..

Tonz said..
and that would be Queenstown New Zealand? what a **** hole they turned that place into,as a kid had august holidays there over 10 years, went back 15 years ago as serious adult, took one look and turned around. never going back.

Yeah, must have been real nice before it became so commercialised. My kids said it felt like a mix of Jindabyne, Katoomba, and the Gold Coast, which I thought was an interesting insight.

It's like people go there to experience everything except New Zealand itself.

...that said I really liked the jet boat rides. Mostly for the scenery, spinning around gets old fast.

Nice to hear that you lot want to come over and do authentic stuff rather than the big scale commercialized tourism options. I can recommend renting a caravan or camper and touring around the regional parks with your surfboard or kites or whatever. Mostly pretty low-key unless you head to the popular spots, in which case, just go shoulder season and you'll probs score it to yourself. Lovely place and nothing poisonous to worry about! Beer is pretty cheap too

hi Chris

i just got back from a few days in Nelson. Has wet my appetite to see more of the country... although Queenstown doesn't sound like my cup of tea at all.

When we originally researched, we were on a tight budget and all the camper vans seemed quite expensive, so just worked out an airBnB, hire bikes and hung around Nelson with some local hikes and a day trip into the able tasman (nice area). was a bit tame in that area for wind (only kiters were out on foils or struggling) and waves, but can't help that the wedding was there (and all the prepping, drinks and bbqs that go with them in the days before and after).

long story short - got any tips or recommendations for value for money van or camper rental? north or south island, i don't mind. Would love to do 3-4 weeks per island next time, be 100% mobile for wind and waves, and not be charged an arm and a leg given the price of fuel as well!!!

ps. some great local beers and brewery's around Nelson - enjoyed. the people were super friendly, and also seems a great place for mountain bikers (though that's not my thing)


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"I tried this on holidays..." started by Harrow