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Inattentive driving - Please be carefull.

Created by E T > 9 months ago, 1 Dec 2013
QLD, 2286 posts
1 Dec 2013 6:55PM
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On my way for a paddle this morning I was diverted around a traffic accident at Sunshine Beach.
3 hours later on my return the road was still closed.
I have since heard that one person from my town has died and 3 others are in a critical condition.
A 4wd crossed the centreline head on into a van.
It was 8.30 am on a Sunday morning in a 70km/hr zone.
They are saying the driver was on the phone.

Please be carefull out there everyone and leave the phone alone whilst driving.


WA, 4642 posts
1 Dec 2013 5:43PM
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Well just so long as the driver was able to finish the phone call. Apparently that's the important thing.

I still see so many people driving along jabbering on the phone even though it is illegal and subject to immediate fines.
Not just short calls either. Long ones. Sometimes very long ones, half way down the freeway.

Buster fin
WA, 2576 posts
1 Dec 2013 6:58PM
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I don't mind the phone so much, but the texting is a killer.

WA, 549 posts
1 Dec 2013 8:44PM
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See it every day, selfish dead beats texting and on the phone while driving. Until the relevant authorities get real with the penalties , big fines and license suspension for texting, it will continue. How is it that driving at 0.05 alcohol blood level and above can get your license suspended, but the more dangerous practise of texting while driving is treated lightly.

Still , even if they bring in stiffer penalties like suspension, if you're fortunate enough to live in, and attend court in the Joondalup area, you'll have a great chance of getting E plates . They dish out extraordinary licenses like raffle tickets up this way. Much more difficult in Rockingham apparently. The source of that info !?, the RAC magazine. Its a joke , not a funny one though, J

WA, 254 posts
1 Dec 2013 9:30PM
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I am on the road everyday all day and texting is out of control, worst offenders p plate females, almost ran into the back of one the other day who failed to drive off when light went green I was at least 30 m from her light went green looked in the right hand lane to change looked back up she was still sitting there texting.

WA, 2371 posts
1 Dec 2013 9:57PM
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Every second truck (small and big) driver
has a phone in their hand...especially saw that around
Canning Vale..

WA, 255 posts
1 Dec 2013 10:29PM
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YES, bad and inattentive drivers are still more threatening than a GWS

and should be on top of the most active topic list !

how good is the fear driven media !!!!!

NSW, 4521 posts
2 Dec 2013 8:07AM
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Texting is now the cause of about 30% of road accidents!

I don't know why the police don't get serious about it. Everyone knows that if you drive around for 1/2 hour you will lose count of how many people you see doing it, so why aren't the coppers out there chipping them? Put a few more police on the streets and start handing out tickets, they'll earn their salaries soon enough, and then plenty more. The poor gen Y's will go home whinging about who is going to pay their fine (after all, they get everything else done for them), but at least they'll stop texting, eventually. It's one sort of revenue raising that I wouldn't object to.

Get your kids to watch this. The slo-mo in the second half might get through.

Warning: graphic simulated car crash injury.

NSW, 1575 posts
2 Dec 2013 8:09AM
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agree wit the p plate you females always on ph & txting & if there older there doing make up . saw one woman run up the back of another when they both got out of there cars each one had lipstick in there hand

VIC, 5000 posts
2 Dec 2013 11:13AM
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Harrow, I watched as much as I could of that vid (SES volunteer of a RCR unit), and very impressed with the filming but as soon as I saw the kids I had to stop watching - but I could imagine what the rest was like.

Very good vid, and about as close as it gets without using some CGI to show what the casualties & their injuries actually look like after a head-on accident, rarely would you recognise them. My only criticism is that (in many cases) the casualties (or body parts) are thrown from the vehicles, and would most likely be the case with an accident like that one. SMS'ing is the number 1 killer on the roads, and the stats only show where it can be proven. Many accidents aren't proven due to phones being damaged beyond repair so that the investigators can't get the last use time from them, so can't prove it.

We've made our 3 kids savvy in that if they see either one of us reach for our phones, they let us know all about it. I've been guilty on a very few occasions, but with trying to make sure that they don't fall for that habit - I've tried my best not to touch the phone in the car.

I think that most SMS accidents are tail-enders, but with head-ons it rarely results in only one person being injured/killed. If the car drifts right it's a head-on...if the car drifts left, the shock of the tires on the gravel usually result in an over-correction by the driver and ends up as a head-on. Impact from front-on accidents usually result in death or serious trauma to the brain & vital organs.

It's just not worth SMS'ing whilst driving!

NSW, 5780 posts
2 Dec 2013 11:48AM
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E T said...
[br]On my way for a paddle this morning I was diverted around a traffic accident at Sunshine Beach.
3 hours later on my return the road was still closed.
I have since heard that one person from my town has died and 3 others are in a critical condition.
A 4wd crossed the centreline head on into a van.
It was 8.30 am on a Sunday morning in a 70km/hr zone.
They are saying the driver was on the phone.

Please be carefull out there everyone and leave the phone alone whilst driving.


but ET, what if you had to phone home....?

QLD, 3424 posts
2 Dec 2013 11:25AM
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now that is just the best line ever !!!

QLD, 2286 posts
2 Dec 2013 1:31PM
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Well Doctor, I would wait until I landed my craft.


VIC, 4501 posts
2 Dec 2013 9:58PM
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Texting while driving is 6 times more dangerous than drink driving. That's a scary thought

WA, 254 posts
2 Dec 2013 7:53PM
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Saffer said..

Texting while driving is 6 times more dangerous than drink driving. That's a scary thought

If I were a cop I could ping at least 10 p plate girl texters per day.
And yes I would let them bribe me and let them show me their boobies to try and get off the fine and then I would book them

WA, 1382 posts
2 Dec 2013 7:59PM
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harrysurfer said...
Saffer said..

Texting while driving is 6 times more dangerous than drink driving. That's a scary thought

If I were a cop I could ping at least 10 p plate girl texters per day.
And yes I would let them bribe me and let them show me their boobies to try and get off the fine and then I would book them

( . Y . )

WA, 254 posts
2 Dec 2013 8:19PM
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i would also get them to show me their privates, and yes i would still book them.
now wa71 how to do the privates?

3777 posts
2 Dec 2013 11:05PM
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I can smoke half a packet of Winny blues while eating a large ultimate whopper meal with a can of emu export in-between my legs and still stear with my knees!
What i cant do is take my eyes of the road stare at a frigging phone and text

QLD, 3424 posts
3 Dec 2013 6:58AM
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harrysurfer said..

i would also get them to show me their privates, and yes i would still book them.
now wa71 how to do the privates?

on WA71's behalf :

({}) or (|) depending on the age and use

VIC, 336 posts
3 Dec 2013 9:24AM
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seanhogan said...
harrysurfer said..

i would also get them to show me their privates, and yes i would still book them.
now wa71 how to do the privates?

on WA71's behalf :

({}) or (|) depending on the age and use

Or if you want to be a little more subtle... ( Y )

WA, 2775 posts
3 Dec 2013 9:12AM
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busterwa said..

I can smoke half a packet of Winny blues while eating a large ultimate whopper meal with a can of emu export in-between my legs and still stear with my knees!

I can see at least 1 charge of drink driving there for the tinnie,
and possibly another of careless driving, for the whopper and smokes,
steering with the knees is either careless driving or dangerous driving, depending on the mood of Mr Plod at the time.
Flick your winnie butt's out the window and the econazi's will have your nuts............


WA, 1382 posts
3 Dec 2013 9:14AM
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Mahanumah said..

seanhogan said...
harrysurfer said..

i would also get them to show me their privates, and yes i would still book them.
now wa71 how to do the privates?

on WA71's behalf :

({}) or (|) depending on the age and use

Or if you want to be a little more subtle... ( Y )

Spot on

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
3 Dec 2013 10:19AM
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Pulled up to a guy at the lights today texting on his phone i was on the pushy. Twat
So i banged on the car window and shouted aaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr at him. Almost hit his head on the roof.

2614 posts
3 Dec 2013 10:36AM
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poor relative said..

Pulled up to a guy at the lights today texting on his phone i was on the pushy. Twat
So i banged on the car window and shouted aaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr at him. Almost hit his head on the roof.

Would you have done that if he was bigger than you?

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
3 Dec 2013 10:38AM
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I was on a pushy and could make a hasty exit

2614 posts
3 Dec 2013 10:45AM
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Haha, fair enough.

VIC, 851 posts
3 Dec 2013 2:01PM
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poor relative said..
Pulled up to a guy at the lights today texting on his phone i was on the pushy. Twat

So i banged on the car window and shouted aaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr at him. Almost hit his head on the roof.


Perhaps the driver had a pirate phobia?

WA, 360 posts
3 Dec 2013 11:59AM
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As a keen motorcyclist I am horrified by the amount of ****wits I see on the phone texting.

Read a bit of this from a motorbike rider that has started a thread on ADV rider.

My number is up...
After 2 years and 25k miles on my trusty steed karma pulled my number last sunday.

i was slowing to negotiate a left hand turn off of a 2 lane road and was struck from behind by a young teen driver traveing appxox 65mph (in a 45). My speed was approximately 15mph and slowing, hyper lights going.

Long story short, i'm now parapalegic. T12 and L1 were crushed along with the spinal cord in the middle.

I'm heading to surgery today to fuse and reconstruct the physical support mechanism i need to at least be able to sit up in a wheelchair.

I believe in the power of prayer and would considerate it a great honor to be included in any prayers over the next few days.


If more people were aware of the actual stories of people who have been maimed by people texting then there would be a lot less of it.

harry potter
VIC, 2777 posts
3 Dec 2013 4:16PM
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Its always young women on the phones............. it seems NOTHING is more important

WA, 1019 posts
3 Dec 2013 1:24PM
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Not just young people...

In "The Age" theres a story about old mate running over a lollipop lady and drove off before police and ambos arrived so i assume it was in a school zone. 6 months in jail

2614 posts
3 Dec 2013 2:18PM
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harry potter said..

Its always young women on the phones............. it seems NOTHING is more important

Aww, poor ole Peaches, such a light hearted incident;


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Inattentive driving - Please be carefull." started by E T